Incel general
As man success with women is based on a few millimetres of bone.
Try to prove wrong!
U can't.
Incel general
As man success with women is based on a few millimetres of bone.
Try to prove wrong!
U can't.
>Thinking money doesn't exist
The absolute state of the German education system
>As woman success with women is based on a few millimetres of bone
Status is at least as important for woman as aesthetics in a male
both are ugly though.
>As man success with women is based on a few millimetres of bone.
This is not a conclusion a man could make. Grow up, boy.
imagine the first guy fit, well dressed, with a good haircut, with a great job and money. You think women wouldn't date him? Stop bitching and go work on yourself. You can achieve anything you want in life if you work hard, especially if you're not disabled and you live in advanced country
Thats what low testosterone does to your face. You aren't born with fixed-sized head you know.
protip: stop fapping
The incel generation will be followed by a wave of suicides.
The stakes are high in 2018 and it will only get worse.
would fuck neither
WTF is with this gay ass term INCEL? It's called loniless. It's been around since the beginning of time. Deal with it. Stop looking for a term to cope with it.
>Get plastic surgery
The German Jew strikes again.
Looks are good, but mainly social status and Money.
Plus the extra ingredient of know when to be patient, back off or ask for the secks
so all inferior genes die out? nice
DIsagree, Guy on the left would be cute if he went outside and ate more. His appearance makes it very easy to tell he lives in the basement and is on the computer all day. No one wants to mate with someone that unhealthy
How do I cope with the fact I'll die virgin?
Why would anyone want a woman that only wants them for their money? Fuck this shit.
What's wrong with him in the first picture? he looks ok. In the 2nd he looks like some chad.. I don't get this. Incel culture is created by people these days...
Chicks wouldn't fuck either of those faces but the left shot is online shit posting tier ugly.
so you are saying that women will be able to us ehim as betabuxx, nice one Ruski. I thought you Ruskis were based, apparently not.
inferior genes will always persist within the poorer class. There will a new social caste of stacies and chads i.e, the socially successfull, good looking and rich.
just pay a whore you dumbfuck
you didnt get the point, thinking your life is over cause you're not attractive is retarded and immature
well, it is not completely over, your dating life, however, is, because at best, even if we take your bluepilled advice, will make you a roastie's betabuxx cuck at best
1) I dont want to stick my dick in something that has been penetrated by thousands of men before me
2) paying for sex doesn't count
As a relatively good looking guy, I always want women to love me for who I am rather than what I possess.
Money gets you bitches. Welcome to the real world. The one thing niggers get right is that basic fact.
This is why 70 year old billionaires can have teenage pussy.
How old are you? There still may be hope. Have you tried approaching lookmatches or do you have an autism problem?
So, you're looking for a woman that would love you for you, not for your appearance. Then just a date unattractive girl that would truly love you? What's the problem?
Reminder that girls dont like boys, girls like cars and money. With a 100k bank account and a Maserati this guy could get laid every day.
20 y.o. I know, it's over for me.
>do you have an autism problem
Yes I have very severe autism