The Optics Question

There are some people, supposedly on our side, who obsess about optics. Calling out the Jews overtly is "not good optics", so in their minds, we should avoid that. These people were very happy about Patrick Little losing and have gloated about it on Twitter. They slander him for having the courage to do what they deem to be forbidden.

Many people on Jow Forums share this erroneous way of thinking, and it needs to stop. We can't beat the Jews unless we call them out openly, in public. We need to do all in our power to expose their crimes against humanity. If we simply dance around the real problems and only talk about symptoms instead of the causes of these symptoms, we'll get nowhere. To stop the Jewish control of our countries, people need to be aware of that control. People won't be aware of that control unless we educate them and open their eyes.

Optics cucking is pointless. Refusing to give people you try to red-pill the whole picture only causes confusion. The extreme bias and discrimination against white people in our own countries, the waves of criminal sand monkeys flowing into Europe, the irrational and suicidal decisions our politicians make... nothing of this makes sense unless you know why it's happening, who are causing it to happen and their motivations for doing so.

Nick Fuentes and Lauren Rose can shit on people like Patrick Little all they want (while they themselves call for a complete ban of abortion, nice optics there), but they themselves accomplish nothing. Their political commentary is edgy at best. It won't red-pill the masses on the most important questions. We don't have time to slowly red-pill people. It needs to happen now, before it's too late.

Attached: optics cuck.png (777x775, 837K)

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Their just afraid to call them out for what they are.

Optics is their excuse to get all those AIPAC and ADL bux that they give to anyone who supports them even if they name them but dont call them out on their BS.

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Optics don't mean shit if you're ideas are just wrong.

That's what you losers don't understand. It was never about optics. It's about you not being able to have any serious discussion about politics. You're a joke.

They are kosher approved. Fuck em.

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It's not really about optics, it's about having a proper political movement for people to put their faith in. Being Jew aware is only a small part of what a good reactionary movement is.

In order to understand who controls your country find out who you are not allowed to criticize,

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it's about going irl. can't hide behind cartoon avatars irl.

I agree with you although I do think literal optics is important. Don’t be a fat, ugly, unkempt loser while advocating our positions, it only turns people off. Lose weight, lift, shower, shave, don’t wear ill-fitting clothes. It’s not hard to look presentable


>advocating for a ban on abortion is bad optics
Are you retarded? Most normie conservatives agree with banning abortion, normie conservatives see you as autistic when you autistically screech about the jews.

That's something everyone can agree on. In the words of Jordan B Peterson, "Clean your room bucko. Lift some weights, wash your dick and then when we're looking swoll as fuck, we'll GTKRWN."

Guy in op shits on women and gays and military. So he doesn't care about optics. Pat only shit on jews. It's probably considered worse in usa to shit on women than jews in terms of optics

Please stop using this word you fucking queers you all sound so hyper self aware in an autistic way.
These are optics
Ironically you faggot a give off terrible optics. It really reveals you to be the worst type of Jow Forums user, the type that takes the shot from Jow Forums out into the real world. I bet you routinely use green text and meme talk on other site like YouTube and Twitter.

Oops forgot pic

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>Guy in op shits on women and gays and military. So he doesn't care about optics.
He doesn't shit on Jews. Why? Because he's scared of them, working for them or worshipping them (Christcuck). Either way he's a cuck.

How are the Jews behind Merkel letting in 500.000 immigrants with no background checks?

How are the Jews behind the "GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT" meme?

I'm legitimately curious if this is a meme or if there's some real proof to back this up.

Finally, when blacks say how white people are in power positions, we say "YEAH WE WORKED FOR IT" but when a jew is in a position of power he's a reptilian wizard?

>polishing a turd
Neo-Nazis like Fuentes and Rose dressed up in Americana are still neo-Nazis. You fucks aren't fooling anyone.

Fuck optics. The right can shit on Muslims with impunity, and the left can shit on Christians with impunity, yet once someone starts talking about the fucking problem, we suddenly care about "optics".

Imagine having to hang out with misfits like the bald incel manlet, the man who has to escape into video games because his wife is so ugly, and the virgin spic Ben Shapiro wannabe.

>a 5'3" virgin manlet spic with 20% amerindian DNA masquerading as a white nationalist leader

>a 5'5" virgin balding manlet spic with a forehead that extends past the top of his head that plays runescape and posts on Jow Forums

>and a virgin söyboy manchild that still plays videogames in his mom's basement at the age of 35

Not a single one of these embarrassing losers could hold a candle to Patrick Little.

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I nearly fell into the trap of hanging around a bunch of balding mid thirties gamers myself. There comes a point in your life where you have to be much more selective about your friends if you don't want to get dragged down into their spiral of self loathing and pop culture worshipping hedonistic bullshit.

>Jewish control of our countries
The idea that Jews control this country is, honestly, so outlandish you'd be laughed at by anyone sane.

It's literally the only group that you are not allowed to touch. I wonder when optics cucks will understand that.

It's very difficult to go through but jews definitely played a very large role in the current state of education in the west.

Jewish over-representation is just insane, it's nowhere near comparable to white and black representation, you'd have to be going out of your way to ignore it at this point.

You think anybody is reading this rant?

Holy fucking shit @ these guys. Can we all make a unanimous decision right now that if you're not a young Dolph Lundgren you remain anonymous when you LARP as an NSDAP official looking to restore honour and virtue to white society? Speaking of bad optics, look at these embarrassing motherfuckers. Stop offending people's sensibilities with your unfortunate visage. I know you three fags read Jow Forums, please take this as constructive criticism rather than a verbal attack on you, I'm just being pragmatic.

you spend too much time on Jow Forums my man
the average person barely even knows what a jew is.

I've seen so many of them in real life who have the same feminine way of lashing out at anybody who attempts to better themselves and acting like they really are happy with what they made of their life.

It's just really weird that optics people will say things like women shouldn't vote. It's true but that's probably worse to most Americans than talking about the jq.

You're probably right , though i don't spend much time on Jow Forums these days.

Why cant we have both types? We can have subtle infiltration by people who adhere to good well as out in the open countersemites?

Dont both types bring certain distinct positives? The muslims do it(London, upcoming canada elections), The jews do it on a grand scale, even the blacks do it with obama types and then blatant keith ellisons and even your tariq nasheeds.

Again whats wrong with having both?

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tell me about your ideas

>How are jews behind the 500000 immigrants coming in with no background checks?
They push immigration through :
>Liberal jews use their influence in the media to call for more refugees
This is just one example, there are numerous more, and
>Israel seeks to depose Assad, decreasing the stability in the region and continuing the civil war therefore more refugees come

>How are Jews behind the "GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT" meme?
This guy isn't a jew, but he essentially invented it. He was praised by the NBC, which is also dominated by jews

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>not being a /mlp/-tier sperg is cucking
People with autism are banned from the movement.

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Little, Lauren, and Fuentes are Jews. They're creating in-fighting to drum up interest. If you're caught in the drama you'll naturally pick a side but whichever you follow you're following a Jew. Stop falling for Jewish tricks.

>Everyone I don't like are jews

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>very happy about Patrick Little losing
Nah, just find it funny. He dug his own grave after all.

>run 'campaign'
>your entire platform is Yale admissions statistics and some ship from a hundred years ago
>sperg out and try to throw potential voters into hotdog stands like a sperg
Amazing candidate!

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They are mostly normalfags and conservicucks who are still rooted within this society and essentially want to preserve it (or possibly go back a few years). They have no revolutionary ambition. In that regard, they are unwilling to make that one step that would completely alienate them from mainstream society and the political status quo.
This whole optics thing is nonsense. Certainly it is unwise to completely base a campaign on things that doesn't interest the majority population. People are too busy to worry about paying their bills to care about the Jews, but to shy away from it and essentially let oneself get bullied into submission by the mainstream narrative instead of openly challenge it is unwise as well.
But as I said - the criticism from these people is not coming from a direction of different revolutionary input, it's coming from a bunch of cucks that want a place within the system rather than overthrow it.

>They have no revolutionary ambition
You are low-IQ. You don't know what power is or what it means or how to get it.

You probably think that if you filled up Washington with Jow Forumsacks, then Jow Forums would rule the country.

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Hitler didn't gain power by being a conservicuck. He despised the bourgeois elites even more than the Communists, whom he respected for taking the fight to the street.

Good luck with your street fights!

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