Snitches are NOT our comrades. Watch your back Lacy

Snitches are NOT our comrades. Watch your back Lacy.

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irish ain't white

fuck you, that girl
has more balls then any of you alpha bitches

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Who is this and why should I care?

this lady is a total lunatic

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>Who is this and why should I care?
Dont feel bad, I goggled her and still have no fucking idea

she snitched it's fucking obvious there's no way she could get off that lightly after M5 without cutting some deal

Lacy is NOT our comrade

>OP provides great contextual information instead of just giving nothing and bumping his nothing thread repeatedly

Thanks dude. It's so much easier to discuss politics like this.

not here to discuss politics with fascist fucks like you just letting other comrades who might be here know that Lacy is a fucking snitch and she should watch her back

nobody even knows what M5 means

lol plot twist: you're all delusional losers

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so what is this about, anglo?

We love fag on fag violence. More please.

>Uses Al Franken to symbolize a loser
wait, are you calling us all kike losers?

Everyone who was there knows, and everyone knows there is NO WAY she could have been let off this lightly without ratting out some people.

those SNL skits are still funny

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this is a threat and who ever posted this should send a night in prison for it.

What a ducking can't, I bet she didn't even do whatever m5 means

To his credit, he didn't evolve into a true piece of subversive shit until he became a politician (gee, funny how that works)

literally who and literally what

>has entire establishment behind her

Reduced sentences never happen for no reason. You should probably be leaving the country pretty quick.

she is a lunatic antifa loudmouth. she also happen to be at the cville car attack scene waving her big antifa flag

it's been obvious to anyone paying attention that the FBI has infiltrated antifa and similar leftwing movements (just like, i am sure, they have infiltrated violent rightwing movements)

Get lynched commies shills

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>ducking can't
Phone posters are cancer

"comrades" kekekekeke

the mentally ill strike again

she's a snitch and any comrades close to her should be extremely careful they might already be compromised

>not here to discuss politics
Jow Forums in five words.

fascists have no right to speak

Lmao isn't that the thot who got raped by a shitskin?

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Did this bitch really roll on our comrades? I'm about to tell our local group tonight during the logistics meeting.

for any comrades still confused, LOOK AT HER DEFLECTING HERE

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how the fuck do you think she got sent home with a "small fine" fucking backstabber

I think this lefty sold out her commie friends to get a reduced sentence. I'm just making shit up though

man I miss cville threads those were fun times

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When you have charges dropped or reduced like that 9/10 times its because you flipped. Fuck Antifa, but any one worth their salt knows to take their time and move on.

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most of those people would sell you out for a bag of drugs

Maybe she realized how dishonest and immoral antifa really is.
Maybe she finally grew out of that childish world view.
Maybe if antifa wasn't just a group of underage wanna-be domestic terrorists and fallowed the law they wouldn't need to worry about being snitched on.

just a thought

well this is the same women who was dragged out of some rally for screaming that the speaker was a "fake anarchist"

you know where to send her

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she says dont snitch.
why can you express anti-snitch sentiment but not this cunt? how is what you're doing not deflecting at that rate?
maybe because she's not a 86lb shaved head junkie with tatoos, like most of antifa is, so the courts were able to talk civilly to someone, without getting blow-pop spit in their face and some shitty pre-teen "fuck you dad" attitude.

you are sniping this bitch on your completel lonesome, this is all your idea. How are YOU not the backstabber here? HUH??

I love these western communist larpers. It’s an enjoyable combination of cringe and fail.