Democrats are fucked, GG EZ

Democrats are fucked, GG EZ

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not very inclusive of them

Crazy Bernie has some Vermont state law says they can’t ban him or something.

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Bernie will run as independent. No fucking way will the DNC allow him in again to mess up their plans.

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biden 2020

If you know any Bernie bros please post this to them and tell them the DNC is still not on their side

DNC banning their strongest candidate lmao
Bernie's a social democrat, which is indeed a kind of """""socialism"""", but that's basically the left wing version of civic """""nationalism""""". Basically higher taxes and more public services, but I don't get why people think this means you can't own wealth.

If he threatens that, they'll back down. Sanders running Independent would leave them with something like ~15% of the vote, guarantee Trump's reelection, and possibly end the party forever. So Sanders will never do what you predict, since he's as much Democrat Establishment as anyone.


They should have Debbie Wasserman Schultz run. I'm sure she'd do great!

Lloyd Blankfein / Chelsea Clinton 2020

Pelosi for President

All I want is for Bernie to live a long time and run as an independent in 2020.

No comment on photo... was that car a dnc present? For backing away and giving Hillary room?

No he got a vacation house for that. The car was just his I think.

the geez in the photo is not him but i don't doubt Bernard has houses and riches abd bitches everywhere.

>doubling down on retardation

You know the DNC have already picked their candidate for 2020.

Approved by Hillary, approved by Obama, this will be another hopeless corporate shill who panders to identity politics who will struggle to get the appeal of the general voter. Probably a woman again, probably black this time, really likes race baiting. The super delegates have been primed, you cannot stop the DNC.

bernie will run as a rebupligan :DD

Commies get fucked in their goat ass whilst eating zoo animals. Maybe America will prop up your entire farce of a fucking country, dog eater. What?

That pic isn't Bernie and he won't he running. He's done

Warner/Schultz 2020

or worse

Booker/Harris 2020

I love how fuckin stupid and clueless the DNC is.
It's fuckin glorious.
We'll have either ivanka or Don Jr in 2024

stfu you collectivist piece of shit. Because I don't think human being are deterministic. Because I believe humans are individuals with free will. Because I believe equality under law not equality of outcome.

And people who have no will to succeed deserve my shit on a stick. You are a dumb low life piece of shit who never opened a history book in their entire life.

This reply is more than a pitiful lowlife leaf like you deserves you fucking subhuman trash.

Don Jr. pls, I want my Jow Forums president.

If dems truly open up the playfield they are potentially fucked. Because they'll vote for whoever is the biggest gibmedat cuck, ignoring appearance. But the handsomest person wins.

In Canada the liberals for years kept losing to conservative Stephen Harper because they kept nominating effeminate duds to be party leader. It was only until they ran pretty boy Justin Trudeau that they were able to win.

Even if they don't win in 2020 they are playing it smart. The democrats are mostly centrists with some being batshit leftists. The last thing the majority of Dems want is for batshit leftists to fully take over the party with someone like Bernie becoming president.

Keith Ellison will be a candidate in 2020.

DNC has NO candidate. Bernie is the only person the average Dems like, but his actions and cucking to Hillary in 2016 left a bad taste in many of their mouths.

They have absolutely no one and the party is about bankrupt. They are beyond fucked. The only other person they could potentially run is that Kennedy, but he got btfo when he did that cringeworthy response to the State of the Union. Bernie running as an Ind. would secure a fountain of memes and a landslide Trump victory.

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Isn't this also implicitly implying you must serve the whims of the party? No individualist thought, if you disagree with the party, then keep it to yourself and do as we say. What difference does it make if you're a dem or not? Trumps a republican, but doesn't really behave like one. Clinton is a chameleon, so there's no way to know if she's truly one or not. If Bernie or someone else can win under a democratic banner and have the people vote for him what difference does it make?

>democratic party
>claims to be open minded and for the people
>literally changes rules to exclude competition with establishment

If the economy stays strong, the North Korea talks accomplish something, and we get legal weed, the Dems won't have a leg to stand on. They're currently building an entire platform on 'Fuck Trump'. Thats a losing strategy especially when things are going well

>DNC has NO candidate.
watch for Connor Lamb or Jim Webb.
Joe Kennedy III is a dud so far, but with enough money and his family legacy he might convince enough people that he's not a joke.

Are Bernouts still a thing?

Attached: bernouts.png (1080x1010, 646K)

>possibly end the party forever.

This is something that I have wondered about.

What happens if one party keeps losing and disappears?

The entire structure of the American government is designed as a two-party system.

Or is it all just bread and circus and (((they))) let the parties switch power every 4-12 years to pacify the public while in reality keeping the country on a linear path?

So i actally read the article. It doesnt fuck bernie. It fucks the people who plan to swap from republican to democrat and switch back after an election. Like that governor that switches sides every few years



dem here. no fucking way.

Subhuman turk, why are you even posting here?

well he is a fucking white male after all

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To egg retards like you on.

Why do subhuman turks think they can even post here. I will walk you like a dog alongside an imam, you roach.

Sanders isn't THAT much of an establishment guy, they had to threaten him to get him to endorse Hillary, if you watch the convention he was literally crying on stage when he gave that speech and I think the (still ongoing) FBI investigation into his wife is a little Deep State ploy to force his good behavior, it's a little odd that Obama's FBI would open an investigation into him in January 2016, right when primary season started. That said I imagine you're right, he will bow to their threats.

I know, it's shocking.

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The democrat party will never run another fucking white male.

My country only has 2.5 million people. I don't know why you make economic comparisons. Did all the Russian and Arab cum make effect your way of thinking?

>The entire structure of the American government is designed as a two-party system.

no, George Washington warned against parties altogether

Biden/Kamala will be the ticket

He kissed the ring.
He is establishment.

>Bernie will run as independent
I seriously hope he does he'll take the leftwing millenial retards with him and seriously fuck over the dems in the process

Fuck Bernie, dems need a real candidate, not a lazy Jew.

lol check out this guy

The equilibrium is carefully calibrated. If one party dies entirely, another party will coalesce - like the vacuum left by the Whigs was mostly filled by the Republicans.

Attached: whig logo.png (380x380, 5K)

>Jim Webb.
Lol im suprised he hasnt flipped over to the republicans yet

>Bernie will split the Democrat vote guaranteeing a secind term for Trump

The GOP and DNC have various factions within them. If one of these parties is put to death, the winner will disintigrate into various other parties.

dem here, no I don't vote for creepy old men how wander around offering me free shit to get my vote. After the election I did not feel remotely bad about not voting for this shit pile (regretted voting hillery though) He is a cucked trator to his own voteing base and sucked a sheaters cock rather then stand his fucking ground.

>social democrat

Berniebros berned the ((DNC)) so hard that they'll double down on making sure racist, white bigot birdies are not allowed ANYWHERE near the Party's nomination process.
>yfw they end up nominating some unrepentant male rapper who blames everything on jews and commies while he plows through the women and child molestors the DNC throw up and we get Trump vs. GigaNigga