Snowflake Trump also cries about Cuckdeau being "indignant", Leafs Cant Stop winning blue wave in Ontario.
Once again America BTFO
Snowflake Trump also cries about Cuckdeau being "indignant", Leafs Cant Stop winning blue wave in Ontario.
Once again America BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>Canada burns down rickety, makeshift White House built by slaves
>America rebuilds it bigger and better and goes on to dominate the entire world
LMAO this is Canada's claim to fame
Good job allowing the kikes to take over the world, America must be so proud,
keep crying why should we remove tariffs if you just slapped us with some.
Trudeau refuses to let Russia into G7, Trump on suicide watch
I did not vote for Trudeau. Everything you need to know about Justin can be summed up in this one image. Apparently women voted for him because they loved his puufy hair. I wish I were making that up, but it's true.
I don't think you can "concede" to truth in any regard.
The British Empire burned down the white house. Canada just happened to be there. It's like saying the territory of Bermuda burned down the white house, it's just silly.
Trump should have reminded him that the USA won the War of 1812.
LOL What! I didn't know I was American that really must have been some covert invasion.
Leaf shill gtfo Canada and the UK were the same country during the war and some Canadians British Loyalist did fight in the war.
Canadians have got no balls.
They cant even stand up to someone blaming them for something they didn't directly do.
Muh Politeness excuse here --->
Turdeau celebrated the burning of the White House by dancing the bhangra.
Also Hahaha Holocaust!
>invade another country
>they kick your ass out, drive across the border, capture your capital city and burn it to the ground
>we won!
nice hair tho
why are you so obsessed with us?
I just stumbled across this Japanese commercial for Trump. Is this not epic or what?
Blue Wave Ontario - Doug Ford - LMAO.
little potato envious of donald the strong
DC was pretty much a big construction site in 1812. The British burned like 5 buildings and then 200 years later can't stop bragging about burning down our capital 'city'
>invade another country
>they drive you out
>their counterattack drives you back further and further into your own territory until enemy troops are marching through your capital city
>they burn it to the ground
>well we weren't finished building it yet so that doesn't count ;_;
Especially funny because the British were kind of busy at the time with this little thing called desperately trying to stop Napoleon from completing his conquest of the entirety of Europe, so what crushed the Americans was just whatever they could spare for a little colonial sideshow
Sometimes, I wonder what the world would look like if the Burgers had to deal with a Napoleonic Europe.
One thing that's certain, they would be speaking French.
>French with a hillbilly accent
And I thought the Quebecois were intolerable