The greatest president of all time

Remarks at a G7 conference, and he's still talking shit:

>"I didn't know where you were from but after the question I figured fake news CNN."
>"Go tell that to your fake friends at fake news CNN."
>“No tariffs, no barriers, no subsidies or we won’t trade with them. They have no choice.”
>"They smile at me because they know the gig is up. They can't believe they got away with this for so long."
>"If it's not going to change we're not going to trade with them."
We don't deserve him. Hands down, the best vote I've ever cast in my life.
Our farmers are going to get a much needed reprieve from these jackals.
God bless you, President Trump.

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if he can boost our exports and reduce our trade deficit it's gonna really help our economy so I hope he succeeds, I don't know what sort of a brain dead leftist you'd have to be to not see what he's doing as a good thing, it could result in good jobs being available for young Americans again if we have an export boom

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Why are European politicians such rats?

Onwards fellow MAGApedes! Kek wills it! Shadilay!!!

Yes, good jobs in coal mining, agriculture and steel production. Have fun!

True fact: US steel workers were earning 30 DOLLARS AN HOUR as recently as the 1990s

you're not very good at this, you know that Kraut?

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