What % of People Think This is Okay?

> pic related

I'm being serious. What percentage of people in the US think it's okay to market a show about trannies and drag queens to children? I'm sure they'll say it's not for children, it's (((under the guise of being))) for grown ups.

Trannies are what... 0.3% of the population max, and that's with at least half of them being trendy idiots who aren't actually trannies. And faggots make up 2.4% total.

And Netflix thinks this is going to make them money? Notice all this started after Soros bought a large chunk of the company, and suddenly Obama and Susan Rice are on the board too.

This is obviously propaganda to undermine society. Nothing new. But my question is will people reject it? I know social media will be botted and shilled by the left acting like this is a great progressive step forward and normal non-extremists will keep quiet.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Even if nobody watches it, they'll still have deca-billionaire backing to keep creating the illusion that people like this trash.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm gay and have nothing to do with this. Dicks are amazing and anyone who cuts them off is the opposite of me despite the CIA LGBT culture psyop

I'm okay... because I know I don't finance this shit. Fuck Netflix.

Seriously what kind of trash wants to impersonate the opposite sex? I have trouble believing this is more than a sick Jewish fad

It's click bait in show format. It'll die in six months as even the people praising it will lose interest after an episode.

6.000.000% if you know what I mean

Yeah but clickbait for who? Trannies make me gag. the thought of it is about as stupid as aliens, but I guess the delusional masses love to eat that shit up too

Wtf is that even real

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>letting your kids watch tv at all
What you do is buy them an iPod and lock that shit down with parental controls and make it require your password every time to download apps. There is no flatscreen SuperHD electric kike in my house, nor is there access to JewTube. If you don't like this shit, get rid of it.

>b-b-but muh garbage shows!
Go outside, losers.

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100% this. Gay as well. I haven't watched this yet though so I'm not gonna pre-judge it.
Unless this a cartoon aimed at children, then Im judging all the way. Drag culture is not suitable for children.

Burn the studios down

How do you know your tax dollars aren't financing it?

They never learn.
We're seeing the rise of this Weimar degeneracy.
And at the same time we're seeing the rise of an acceptance of fascism to fix it, even from people who fear the consequences of having that type of government once the marxism is gone.
We're teetering towards a societal collapse of some sort, not even economic related.
It won't be long till everywhere looks like Nancy Pelosi's California district.
We're going to get cool cyberpunk stuff, but it'll look more like a junky homeless future with prostitutes on every corner.

Recently dumped by GF over this


They really can't deny that they are attempting to indoctrinate our children. Kids gravitate towards animated television, regardless of it's target demographic. They want our youth fractured and confused. Once again, these morons have done too much too fast. They should've slowly started incorporating this degenerate nonsense, but in typical fashion, they are trying to cram it all down our throat at once. And they really wonder why Trump became the POTUS.

I don't finance this trash either, but that doesn't mean it's not out there creating societal rot that will impact us in other ways. Unless you've hit your lick and have your millions and it doesn't matter, you're still in the game. And it's affecting our children's game too.

The kind of trash that is addicted to porn and starts identifying themselves with the girl? Basically 80% of Jow Forums

Yeah, mostly trash judging from the majority of the garbage posting done here. Trannies are still just selfloathing masochistic freaks, which apparently is becoming more and more common.

I just had a friend take it to that level over this too. It's strange. The indoctrination is so deep. People are defending trannies as illogically and compulsively as they defend the holocaust.
Of course this is a friend who's already teetering on the brink and it didn't come as a surprise. I just hate seeing THIS type of garbage successfully dividing the people. Nobody in their right mind would defend this, but we have a whole lot of people NOT in their right mind.

>I'm gay and have nothing to do with this. Dicks are amazing and

I'm straight female and you have everything to do with this. You're in fact how this shit started. Don't try to play disingenuous now. Allow me to add in related pic silly rabbit, dicks are for chicks. No pussy EVER needs a pre enema douche before fucking. Gay man ass needs it all the time. Everytime. Every single time. I'm former roommate to you fags and I know where your dirty panties are.

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This. Churches should preach a revival of puritanism. Cut the head off the degenerative serpent. Stop buying jew clothing. Stop watching jew media. listening to jew music.

Probably the same fan size (and noise) as Steven Universe

That... that nose... I recognize it from those merchants!

I'm not the CIA. There's no gay congress like the jews have hahaha

Women are the retards cutting off their sons penises and you blame me? Ahhahahahah women are trash

It's the free market at work, pal!

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Also I don't commit sodomy poop is fucking revolting.

The sickest part is you can manage to get these SJW fucks to admit this is propaganda, admit that it's bad for society, admit that it destroyed previous nations...

And then in the next 5 minutes the veil drops again and they're right back to their indoctrinated defense of it. They're not even lying or (((playing games))). Their truly fucked in the head.

>White people
Why are my people such utter fucking trash? If wasn't White I'd say slaughter them already.

The West is corrupt.

Women are so fucking stupid they even let men into their bathroom. But that's the gays fault. Even though these are men going in there to jerk off about women. Stupid fucks. Yeah trannies are a gay thing. Hahahahahah idoots

Idiots* durrr


Kys disgusting faggot

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Leave your ma out of this, I'm not her, fagtard.

Dikth are amaything

The funny thing is a lost of progressives think drag queens are offensive to women and trannies so they will probably be the biggest ones to show a backlash.

>that nose

I'm not even cut amerislave, know your place and thank your stupid slut mother each time you look down

Here, have some aids :)

Oh I'm replying to a whore. Go slather some more makeup on your pig face to get dicks in your frigid cunt hahah

Why would a woman think she can insult me. You don't have a dick just pus filled bags and a fishy hole

I don't use makeup and get more offers than you do. Actual women leave the makeup to you. Pic related.

You don't want to @ me, degenerate. I will READ you. :)

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Boycott Netflix. Use your market power to make them lay off on the marxism.

You get hundreds of messages a week? People offering to be your sugar daddy? Giving you hundreds for your smelly underwear? It is pretty funny

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Fuck it is real....

Animation is geared towards all children you epic faggot. This is subversion.

I dunno but on that tweet I looked at the replies and very few thought it was a good idea

Gay guy here.

Mainstream media has never had normal pieces of normal gay people.

I do not take it in the ass. Oral and handjobs are fine but the ass is dirty and more of a porno thing, as you have to prep.

I understand why fo straight people being gay is gross. I talk normal, dress normal and i just hide im gay. Normal gay partners are rare, its mostly weirdos and others whose whole personality revolves around being gay and taking dicks up the ass.

I fucking hate trannies and hate being grouped with an lgbt group just because im gay.

I hate massive portions of the black community and muslim community as most of them will go out of their way to hate on gay people, even if we dis nothing to set them off.

Never had any issues with asians ever infact all i met didnt care or were supported. Whites have a small issue in religous areas and are my bestfriend all while I listen to them talk about disliking gays etc.

Alot of the hate is due to MSM picking major outliers of the gay community for clickbait which includes all the weird ass shit you see within the group.

Check the youtube comments of the youtube lgbt videos, normal gay people are starting to catch on that its a smear campaign in disguise. All these supportive groups for gays you see on tv are picking the most unique and mentally fucked up peolle they can, because it males them more money; regardless of how much hate it generates.

Whole issue os complicated but fuck the lgbt group and fuck corporations using mentally ill weirdos to try and pander for ad revenue all while trying to pick the most weird odd people they can find.

Notice in the lgbt youtube video the only white gay guy was a very faggy high pitched man. Mu voice is deep as hell and gay people come from all walks of life but corporations are using the weirdos as it baits the normal population into clicking this shit this giving way more cash.

Tl:dr: smearing the gay community makes more money rather than supporting it, thus its a smear

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>You don't have a dick just pus filled bags and a fishy hole

Doesn't take much to troll them does it lads. "You don't have a dick, jutht puth filled bagth and a fithy hole".

Way better than sweaty balls, smegma stink and an asshole that looks like this and needs a prefuck coffee enema, weak trick. Straight men crave pussy not you. How many drinks do you knock back a night crying about this, I wonder? Plenty. But better still let's talk about meth.

I know your kind's secrets, trick. Again, I'm former brainwashed roastie under your spell and broke free and know ALL the shit you pull. Continue a @me and we'll talk ALL that gay shit and make straight males puke and vote for your gassing. :)

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>all sequential hand-drawn art is only for children because adults are too stupid to appreciate fine art

do you know how stupid you sound?

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>black community and muslim community as most of them will go out of their way to hate on gay people, even if we dis nothing to set them off.

You mean such as stealing all their slang and not crediting them?

Huh? Sweaty balls and the smell of foreskin makes me gaga. I already said I don't do anal, my dick is 9 inches. It doesn't fit

You will never have a dick like mine or even see one, because you're an ugly fat whore with no prospects for attracting a real man.

Why do you think I'd be into sodomy? Again, that's where poop comes from. That's revolting. You're the slut with pictures of prolapsed anuses on your harddrive trying to shame a gay man who knows you to the worthless cunt you are. Just a baby oven with no real opinions of merit

>be gay
>still need a hole to get off

Not even the lad you're responding to but here's the reality. You're nothing but a sexual deviant taking your degeneracy to far and trying to turn it into a lifestyle. Real homosexuals are incredibly rare.

This sounds like I'm promoting trannies but WOMEN are the fucking retards pushing this shit and socially shaming people about it

I have a foreskin dude

You think a guy licking my frenulum won't get me off all weekend long? no hole required


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You're the exception then you fag.There's a reason STD's are rampant in the gay community. You're all a bunch of men trying to override the "pussy pass" by fucking other men and pretending they're women.

Take off your telepathic magic glasses and show the class your real face (pic related). Don't label me your cartoon imagination fantasy depiction of women. We're able to get more straight dick in a night than you and 40 grams of meth in your brain will ever wizard. The things you dream, we achieve :)

Food for thought: you see us mimicking you to get laid or you trying to mimick us? Now go kys you lonely, ugly fag thot :)

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Traps? Sign me up!

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Not really, we like hairy men queers. The mustache used to define us. Most gays are hedonists and trash, yeah. You can force them back into the closet. LGBT culture is proof gays deserve to be forced back in, but it's a CIA psyop they bought into

Straight dick? Why would I want that? Straight americans are fucking retarded trash. Jew slaves with no class or taste. I can have sex in 5 seconds. It's called grindr. I get the best quality men everywhere I go. Before I travel, I get to choose which men off a menu of hot guys I want to fuck, and then I tell him to suck my dick, and he begs me to

yeah being gay is the worst

Same here. Jow Forums is brainwashed by msm and is too low of an iq to understand that media uses very radical ans weird gays as "support" al while knowing majority of the populace including huge chunks lf the gay community is revolted.

Media makes money off views and clicks. What better way than to "support" while grossing out mostly everyone and thus people sharing the videos and articles showing how weird it is.

They make money more so off smearing the gay community than supporting it.

I also dont take it on the ass. Things on tv have brainwashed a good amoubt to think we all have lisps and lick to get our fudge packed.

Not every faggot wishes to do an enema and shit his brains out for 30-45 minutes all so they can get creampied in the ass.

Also oral and anal pose the same risk regardless, i dont have a problem with oral but anal smells, takes prep, takes clean up. Hard to believe there's normal folks out there for most of Jow Forums, but alot like to shitpost which i do too.

Also idc what words you guys call me, only people looking for attention or money care about the words

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Know how degenerate you sound?

It doesn't work at certain points. Look at CNN. They're down to numbers under your common YouTube e-celebs. But multi-billionaire backers keep them alive as well as CIA off-record funding, etc.

you just have no taste lol

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Churches were the first thing they subverted.

Why do gays play traditional sexual roles then? Why is there a bottom and a top, and why are there bears and twinks? Gay marriages and gay relationships are incredibly rare and barely last, the rampant STD epedimic is proof of a highly promiscuous lifestyle. Sounds to me like it is exactly what I said it was. Horny men taking their deviancy to far. Women put up a wall and moderate sex, men don't.

Official win, he's collapsed

Push C to contribute to his coffee enema glory hole fund or S to his no suicide tonight fund

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So glad I cancelled jewflix 3 months ago

>cmon Jow Forums just be basic bitches and always do the opposite of what the opposition does because you must disagree on every single point
hahaha fuck off sodomite

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My work here is done

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>But my question is will people reject it
The question should be: will it matter if they do?

Also, how can you not have seen the anime about a jewish cult organizing a false flag to start a world war that kills half of humanity so that they can create a UN world government that focuses all human resources on an evolutionary project that aims to take the ability to reproduce away from women and force a communism of the soul on all humanity, culminating in a kabbalistic ritual where everybody on earth is mass murdered

it's the most redpilled piece of media out of the 20th century and your faggot ass thinks it's for children hahahah stay stupid

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Stealing their slang??

I dont even listen to coon tunes.

Blame the wiggers in my race but im not apart of that, and if you wanna play the blame game then Jow Forums can find tons of things to blame on the black community

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Are you people stupid, how could a woman insult me? How could I be lying about the way gays treat me when I have a 9 inch dick? Do you know how fucking promiscuous and sex-addicted gays are? An uncut 9 inch dick in the US makes me famous. People actually know me before I talk to them.

Even in animated form cross dressers look disgusting and manly.

>the nose

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Masochism and sadism.

80% of gays are bottoms because of rampant emasculation trauma in the US

Who cares what a brood mare thinks about shit you whiny axe wound?

Slated and stated. Not fooled, thing. You know damned well what the post refers to. Not a straight lad here fooled either.

Stop fucking with other people’s kids or we’re heading for civil war. It’s not a joke that people get very angry when you force immorality on their children. And no, not everyone is secretly gay.

Fuck me, what's it called so I can obtain it for tonight?

It's a changing world

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You and the stupid she-fag both need to shut the fuck up. Nobody cares and no you don't have a 9" dick. Jesus christ, both of you are basic bitches. We reject both of your kind bragging about getting on the internet to find AIDS infested dick to take in your holes. Fuck off.

Not enough to win an election that’s for sure.

I have a fine collection of Pepe memes. My child instantly fell in love with Pepe. Anyone can see the glaring angle being propagated. Gay gay gay is not ok.

More want and care about women's axe wound than your very male bleeding bubble ass. When will your kind get the memo? Never I guess bc THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.

Stop stanning me, degenerate. No, I am not going to share my nail polish technique with you.

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Gospel of the New Century
Neon Genesis Evangelion

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I'm mocking her, but you're right. Let's talk about cartoon trannies, which the CIA puts there to humiliate you.


>Western cartoons
I warned you, Jow Forums.

You should have listened.

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A Jow Forums must watch

Guess where all that slang came from?


Guess whats produced mostly in cali?

Porn, along with movies,tv etc

Almost all that slang originates from gay porn and was driven into the community.

I know its a good day when there's supporters on Jow Forums because this is the most radical and popular place online and even then there's people who understand.

The weird gay faggots mostly all exist in cali and alot of them make money by being weirdos and most of the gay community does drugs

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(((Divide and Distract)))
Carry on..............

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Boy your presuming a lot. Besides all that your bitterness and frustration are transparent. Who would want anything from you? Your either one of those skinny chicks with the bad hairline from all the dye jobs or why of those ugly feminists who do the whole tired out old Betty Page kitsch thing or just some fat slob. Sitting on some user message board arguing with queers. HURR I GIT MOAR DIK DEN U FGGOT

If that's true who cares what some whore thinks? Who cares how much sex you get? I've never understood this bizarre whoring oversexed age we live in.

>women on Jow Forums
>holding opinions

women are why civilization is contracting

sex is the only time you forget you live in the shitty brave new world, duh

Women ar usually why civilization falls. They claim to be more mature than men when in reality they never outgrow the petulant narrow thinking or desires of their teen years. They just grow more desperate and dishonest as they grow older. After 35 and their looks hit the wall and the aging begins they just get worse. Men grew soft and weak and allowed too much jew-marxist influence into society and wanted to be seen as a good progressive "liberated" male. Now look what we got. Mouthy whores and faggots everywhere.