Take a 30 year loan out on a house that is only meant to last 30 years before it rots

>take a 30 year loan out on a house that is only meant to last 30 years before it rots

what did boomers mean by this

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I think they meant "I want my children to be permanent debt slaves to bankers" or something

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It's good for the economy goy---I mean guy.

Stick-built (((luxury apartments))) are the key cause of skyrocketing rent in cities. cheap to build and market, plenty of illiterate goy to pay their life away.

>he's still a silly libertarian
>he will never have a house to fill with white children

its that or pay rent on a similar shitbox and have nothing to show for it at then of my life

I choose to make payments on a degrading shitbox of my own

Yes! Yes! Buy a (((Starter Home))). When you rent, you are just throwing your money away.

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>will rot in 30 years

You gotta put tar paper and siding on it

>only meant to last 30 years before it rots

When does this happen?
It's usually when people get shit for free they don't care about its condition.

>not building your own home
>not buying an empty lot and living in a trailer
>not living in a boat

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I prefer a van down by the river.

>not freezing to death in canada's treacherous 13 month winters

Hello there

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>not using concrete

What's wrong with americans

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Doesn't stop the rot. Plywood houses are not built to last. Even the homes built here 100 years ago are falling apart. Meanwhile in Europe you have people living out of the same house for 400 years.

>pls open the borders, goy
>pls let in millions of invaders, goy
>ohh no, housing is too expensive now, goy
>we need to build more shitshacks, goy

>that is only meant to last 30 years
try taking care of your house retard

My father is building a house now through a contractor and it is the most pathetic thing we've ever witnessed as non-americans. He literally had to call up the attorney general and the congresswomen and all these different people because the company just flat out won't work on his house

and it's made of fucking plywood and it's been 7 months

this country isn't even first world

What the fuck do you think rots wood? Magic?
Just keep it dry and you're good to go

And there is no upkeep on those homes?

I don't think youbknow anything about houses. 30years. The absolute state of do nothing scum

What good is a stone house if you can't afford to live in one? Also brick cladding is pretty common in pre-2000 homes.

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It's illegal to fortify your house in America. If the government can't drive a tank through a wall with ease, it's illegal.

barely, that's why jews hate it

>not building your own stone house

Jow Forums is not filled with men

Is wood really that bad when it comes with two acres?

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Brick is great so long as your framing isn't some cheap unfinished lumber.

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A house should only cost like $30k - $50k; A year's wage.

If you're not going to live for 400 years, why do you need a home that will do so?

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You figured out boomers are full of shit? Bravo you genius.

Sounds good, leaf.

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Non American. Get the fuck out. I would out a bullet in you if I could. Go back to you shithole. Did daddy not pay his workers then used his kike status to get the government to make them . Yeah die in a oven

My mom and stepdad bought some land and put a modular home there. Saved a lot of money and now they live a comfy life.

>why bother leaving anything for your children, goy? just pay more for a poorly made shitstack!

you can build a house using poured concrete walls, but its expensive.

you can build a house using mason brick, but it looks like a shitbox

pic related

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A house costs whatever you have to pay someone else to build it. Build it yourself lazy nigger.

>He literally had to call up the attorney general and the congresswomen and all
tell him to call a lawyer
what the fuck is a congressman gonna do in a civil dispute?

Harper's Ferry is nice

2 acres, start building a stone cabin on the weekends

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Lots of things

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of course it won't last more than 20 years if you build your house out of cardboard

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Clearly an unfinished house. Fucking loser

My shithole? In western europe? yeah I'm about to lol, you people are fucking jew slaves

What's the problem here? The dude won't work on a house that hundreds of thousands of dollars were paid for. That's breach of contract, genius. We're entitled to sue the fucker


Pic related is a steel reinforced concrete monolithic dome house that survived a tornado.

Attached: 2b42af2af16aa37097131f78872e0a13--monolithic-dome-homes-tornado-alley.jpg (640x480, 64K)

>pay X amount in other country
>get sturdy house that will last centuries
>pay same X amount in USA
>get plywood 2x4 pine shack that lasts less than 50 years

you're a special sort of bootlicker

he's showing the inside of an american house to mock it hahaha

Every dollar saved on housing is a dollar you can invest in a business, a trust fund, or some other form of monetary growth. Why saddle your children (you will have more than one, right?) with the burden of your home when you can give them investments instead? "Your home is an investment" is a jew trick created to justify usury. asdf

im curious as to what actually fails on these mcmansions? specifics please?

Fuck off you CEMEX shill

you know that wood is supposed to rot when dead? like our bodies rot when we die

Whats a mummy?

you really are though. Thanks for your money goy. Btw rent is going up another $100/mo at the end of your lease.

t. 4-unit apartment owner

>buy a house
>30 years

>buy a piece of land + build a house
>5 years tops

why can't millenials into logic and finance?

When I lived in CO my fiance wanted to start a ranch up and when the construction company came to deal with the well...they fucking dowsed. With a dowsing rod.
This started a fight which ultimately broke us up (I'm the rancher, she was a banker from the city, if she wasn't going to listen to me about basic shit, the ranch was not going to work and I was wasting my time even being in the usa).

Her well cost around $40 000 they had to go so deep. because that's a thing that happens when you determine where the water is by magic which doesn't actually exist.

Wood doesn't dry rot retard. That's from not flashing your door properly.


was it an electronic one?


>they were laughting when i was building this
>they were calling me crazy
>who is laughting now?
>no one, because they gone.

I built one of those but used cardboard around the windows and doors, how fucked am I?

oh fuck, I replied before I read the consequences. wtf is that story dude

> b b but user I own the house

cool bro, i'm moving to texas where rent is cheap.

oh wait no, instead of being a chad renter, i'm a virgin house owner so i have to go through a lengthy process of selling my house before I have enough money to move.

oh wait no, nobody wants to buy my shitty house that's under mortgage.

Rent or buy honest question

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I want an ICF house.

Ok, also I accidentally got diapers stuck in all the pipes.

how expensive are those? they look comfy

> People living for 400 years.

It's not that simple. Buying a lot and building a house means you need to have cash on hand - lots of it. To get cash you need a job, which is almost never near empty land that you can buy for cheap. I'm in this position myself, I'd be more than happy to live in an RV with my kids and dog but it's literally impossible in my area, the CHEAPEST house I could afford that isn't in a crime-ridden neighborhood was $200k (I just bought it). To live in next door to niggers and methheads, you can pay $150 - $180k. That's in my "low cost of living" American city.

sleep in a car on your own land and build a log cabin or move to a different country that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for a plywood McMansion

serious answer

Did you just give yourself a lesson in supply and demand?
I’m so proud of you!

Boomers are the Jews little fuck bois. Scratch a boomer and underneath is a little insolent and retarded public school boy scum. They only look respectable because houses were ten bucks and Christianity was still dominant when they were young adults. Hippies were a minority.

I believe it was, yes. It had some kind of a read out. He wouldn't let me look at it.

>inb4 shills reply to you posting some bullshit 1000 sqft house that's 20 years old in Nowhere, Nebraska

>americans unironically build their houses out of sawdust

What the fuck man

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>harpers ferry

Fucking novafags stay in Fairfax and Loudoun.

nigga that's truly low cost for a living, I don't get the sarcasm

You can build a 1000 square feet monolithic dome house for around 130k in the US. They can survive tornadoes, wildfires and earthquakes.

Attached: monolithic-dome-homes-inside-design-home_77788.jpg (800x600, 76K)

Houses last longer than 30 years you retard.

Try twice that amount

That's sad reading the rest of your story, but uhh, yeah Americans are fucking retarded dude. They are with down's syndrome, en masse.

Jesus Christ that ceiling is hideous

Renting sucks because you build no equity and rent keeps going up every year. Buying sucks because you have to go deeply in debt with a shitty bank and pay property taxes and maintenance, to say nothing of the fact that the housing market goes through cycles that are literally insane and people end up losing their ass.

Buying a plot of land and building your own home is an attractive idea, but figuring out where and how to go about that seems like a daunting task.

I like wattle and daub. I assume it lasts quite long so long as it's recoated every few decades.

Does anyone else like wattle and daub? Would you like to go on a date with me?

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wood can last hundreds of years if maintained properly. OSB is a crock of shit though. Pic related is a house in my neighborhood and it's a basic-bitch house from 1860.

>Meanwhile in Europe you have people living out of the same house for 400 years.
Yea how many houses you think they build in Europe now to last that long. Only the wealthy

lol right. stonework renovations and upkeep is very expensive

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boomers had it easy. there was an abundance of cheap undeveloped land that made new homes relatively cheap compared to today.

It's the same as taking a 7 year loan out on a German car

Building a house is fucking expensive right now. Everything is stupid expensive. So either you have money to buy materials and hire a custom home builder or you build your own which means you have to have money saved to live on because building a house is extremely time consuming.

>build a 1000 square feet monolithic dome house for around 130k
>no one wants to come play with your kids because they live in that weird house down the street
>you are totally protected from tornadoes though

Ugly as fuck

I could easily squat and take over bank owned properties or nullify mortages, maybe I should go do that
Pretty easy, desu

>american taste

you're not a man, stonework renovations? you mean building an addition? yeah you get more masonry block

OSB lasts even longer, is more durable and is cheaper.

Exactly. Its half glue

I never understood mutt logic. They don't build to last. The house I'm in right now has gone through multiple major hurricanes and it's still standing. A mutt house would've disappeared after a few years.

>Not building your personal mini-castle

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OSB is like cardboard
It's glued together wood chips and lasts 60 years if lucky
I already said I have a monolithic dome with that stuff around the doors and windows that nobody cared to comment on

>Only the wealthy
Not even the wealthy. They just build bigger versions of the same shit.

Stop buying houses, done.

why did you leave europe for this 3rd world shithole?

Yes, wood can. Sturdy built wood houses with quality materials that is finished properly. Wood houses built from real raw lumber.

Some pine 2x4 plywood shit like they build nowadays for 300k at a 30 year loan is worlds apart.