apologize americucks
Apologize americucks
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2 wasn't enough
Nips deserved it.
Read this and re-think your position.
The entire atmosphere built around the poor is engineered
to keep them sick, on welfare, voting in democrats, and dying young while reproducing the most.
Sorry some dinks got microwaved.
No I'm not.
>prospective 1 million American lives to be lost in a land invasion of Japan
>vs 300k nips with two bombs
Absolutely worth it.
No, America started it with Japan. We embargored 90% of their oil trade and were fucking up their war in China. Japan did nothing wrong. The allies were the bad guys, and the axis were the victims.
I apologize my grandfather was brainwashed. Let's team up and destroy the globalist monarchy that did it?
kys weeb faggot
anime wouldn't exist if Truman didn't fuck hiroshima and nagasaki
Sometimes I wonder what asia would be like if we just minded our own damn business for once,as I wonder what Europe would be today if we left Germany alone. We fell for the propaganda and really believed Japan and Germany wanted to conquer us. You ever wonder what a world it would be if the Japanese and Germans had won the war? We'd probably be colonizing Mars right now. Instead we're all stuck playing nurse maid to niggers and listening to fat dykes complain because straight women wont let them lick their cunts.
Japan attacked us you dumb faggot. They dragged us into their conflict.
>One thing that Nazis can directly be blamed for is the invention of the atomic bomb
>Never get blamed for it and blame America instead so it remembers its place
>apologize americucks
Truly sorry Reagan didn't do it to Moscow
>apologize americucks
Japan killed 20,000,000 civilians in China "for the luls"
They got what they deserved.
Holy shit you stupid brainlet, they didn't even attack us because of the embargo
learn your own history and stop spouting this weeb meme you fucking tard
Eat shit.
sorry we didn’t send more
>One thing that Nazis can directly be blamed for is the invention of the atomic bomb
what the fuck are you talking about
they do just fine no problem. So much space now for lady boy tea house.
i've never heard a jap bitch about the bomb
Needed one more on North Korea during the Korean War, and 1 on Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow before they could catch up.
We're going to do it to Israel this time around.