Immigrant kills himself after crossing the border and getting detained

"His blood is on our hands1!!"

Attached: IMG_20180609_222405.jpg (1431x1988, 386K)

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>temporarily seperated from wife and kids
>welp, better make it permanent

Probably fake news.

What a pussy.


I totally respect this.
Imo its perfectly valid to escape pain via oblivion, it's not like there are any consequences after it's done.
Good for him. Many of you should consider the wisdom of his actions.

>kills himself
>his blood is on our hands

no it's not

Why the fuck would you kill yourself when your children need you so badly? Is this Mexican intellectualism?

easily avoided - dont cross the border
on to the next problem

>separating families
That should be against human rights
Make the rest of the family join the father.

Says the leaf, assuming he knows what's to come. Good job, bud.