Attached: B8rxWReCMAEpc_u.jpg (600x800, 80K)
Brit/pol/ spelling edition
Landon Gray
Other urls found in this thread:
Hudson Jenkins
Charles White
>Tfw not a Britblast
Got you covered, Brad
Logan Nelson
Anyone else just feel an Earthquake?
Connor Wilson
Jeremiah Edwards
Angel Mitchell
My whole house shook, I live about 2 miles from an RAF base and thought we'd been nuked
Luis Gray
I felt the one in Wales about a month or two back
Anthony Roberts
All I can hope for is to be an honorary rightist like David Starkey. How sad.
I will not betray you, lads, I will not become an lgbt leftist!!
Angel Thomas
Christian Hernandez
Probably not the same one then.
Gabriel Collins
Twitter is saying this one is in Yorkshire
Jordan Richardson
Elijah Cooper
Yeah I live in Hull
Christopher Hill
>tfw Evertonian Scouser
Christian Howard
Thoughts on this tart in Stoke-on-Trent?
Christian Murphy
Good job OP
Blake Rodriguez
Wtf is going on in this thread? Bongs are so much worse than i thought.
Kayden Reed
1) A full kit wanker
2) The guy on the back of his shirt left the club meaning he paid £60 for a useless shirt
3)Some guy is making fun of both while his mate takes a picture
4)The guy is a scouser and therefore hilariously pathetic to begin with
Oliver Ward
I've wiped my cache since last night but if you post that sonic boom link again I can listen to it now. Staying in tonight.
Jackson Ross
>A cup
Apex kek
Joshua Stewart
full on degenerate mate you should consider a spree killing then a suicide
Connor Peterson
Brayden Gutierrez
m8 u got a permit for the porn and links?
Austin Lopez
>Tfw no Snow White gf
Camden Lee
That's typical Stokey.
He's the most pathetic little cuddle monkey tit clinger I've ever seen in my life. He looks like he's going to faint. She must really be honking.
She's in charge there. Sickening. No wonder all the chicks go out to cheat on their BF's. That's not a man.
Colton Morales
I see reports of one on other forums taking place oop north in Yorkshire, nothing here yet (outside Londonabad)
Asher Scott
wtf are you mugs doing ?
Alexander Foster
I much prefer this thread. Kys.
Nicholas Harris
are you sure she's not from tooting bec?
Julian Collins
Too kino for my straight head.
That's so Germanic. All it needs is Snowwhite taking a dump to make it the German national anthem.
Carter Lee
>police cucks getting btfo today
Feels good.
John King
What is wrong with this pic? That is how the name is spelled, right?
Cooper Cruz
Gabriel Wilson
Bentley Baker
That one isn't in the catalog due to a spelling error and has been up for four hours.
Charles White
This is the best sugar rush cutesy video ever. I love the mini-mouse chick out of this. Posting it is just an excuse to listen to it really.
Rush Hour (Jane Jew-Something)
Austin Wright
then bump it ya mug
i think they are taking the piss out of him because he is in full kit lol
Kayden Cruz
Christopher Rogers
Adam Morgan
You know you fucked Brit/pol/ this evening because you were careless? Stupid cunt.
William Rivera
Bump this
Daniel Allen
A Yank usually posts that picture with the greentext 'Tfw not a Britblast'
Lucas Hughes
>Jow Forums threads will never be this polite
Aaron Bennett
Oh Tommy Tommy!
Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson!
Andrew Robinson
Jose Reyes
love this song
Levi Kelly
It's got that Danger Zone vibe
Anyone remember this?
Lucas Phillips
>Hip-hop based drums
Leave me out
Parker Barnes
My post was a positive one, lad. Watch the link.
James Diaz
oh wow
yeah this was great
Christian Gray
Ethan Wood
Ryder Johnson
you know hip hop drums are just sampled from songs from other genres right? don't be such a silly boy
Aaron Green
Jose Murphy
> want to preserve Britain
> major bulk of people fighting back are low IQ hooligans who only care about "the footy"
> would never have anything in common with them or want to be around them
> start to question what I'm trying to preserve
> feel that a Britain I would have been content in died far before I was born
Life is suffering. Please, someone show me that I'm wrong.
Jeremiah Lopez
Good. I've been listening to feels good this week. It's been a good week - we are not just winning we are proving we can win.
Texas: Inner Smile
Juan Thompson
lancashire here, didnt feel anything
Ayden King
>b-but niggers
Luke Morales
Eugenics, friend.
Aaron Bell
The guy on the left is a fat dork though.
Logan Torres
that's the spirit
if you don't believe you can win you never will
Jason Foster
That's the ugly chick from the Go-Go's
This is sub-par Go-go's material.
Dominic Sanchez
I hope that removal of the welfare system will solve this. There are plenty of really pleasant upper-middle class (i.e. posh, stereotypical Brits) that I find very charming and amicable but they seem so rare. Whenever I'm outside of where I work I just feel like I'm surrounded by absolute pond-scum.
Kayden Robinson
I don't care about "niggers", it's just most songs with that kind of drumming are gimmicky and inherently cheaper than others without it. I can tell that was made on a DAW. Plus, the song was bland and utterly unremarkable anyway.
Zachary Baker
The final redpill is realising the people deserve what they get. They reap what they sow.
Noah Wood
>mitch murder
great name
amazing video
Easton Gomez
Sometimes. But eversince there were drumcomputers, there's no reason not to make your own beats.
Nathaniel Ross
Fairly certain that was one of my earliest pills. Did I take them in the wrong order?
Jaxon Scott
I think it will take a more proactive set of policies than just removing welfare. Not only do dysgenic people need to have less children but high quality people need to have more.
Luke Sullivan
>I hope that removal of the welfare system will solve this
there is 0 political push towards lowering welfare
Michael Reed
'My son, ask for thyself another kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee.'
David Perez
Did you take the misanthropy pill too? That's the final one.
Carter Taylor
I think you can tell instantly when something was made on a DAW as opposed to an actual musician adding their own flair to it, etc. Well, I think I can anyway.
It's very easy to make a 'beat', a 10 year old could do it. But when you make a 'beat' on a computer program, it has a certain rigidness and such perfect timing that you can just tell it was someone using a drum machine or program, etc. There is no variation and it's just a case of some guy filled a pattern to fit the song and then repeated the pattern throughout the song.
Adrian Adams
your gross generalisations are what i've come to expect from Jow Forums
this places worse than reddit
Benjamin Sanchez
Zachary Anderson
So if I have brown eyes and light brown hair, should I be having children with a brown eyed girl or boosting my kids 'purity' by impregnating a blue eyed blonde or ginger girl? I'd like the latter more desu, but would my children be healthier if my wife had similar genes to mine?
Ethan Fisher
Surely removing welfare will stop them from having children. Though on the other hand, they may keep breeding because pond scum gonna scum and when they inevitably start starving, bleeding hearts will move to give them back their welfare. Those types will always assume it's the system's fault and not people making bad decisions.
user, pls.
I was born with that already programmed. Get on my level.
Parker Phillips
maybe you'd like this more
Nathan Ross
Prove me wrong. I made no generalisations.
>Calling people Plebbit
>Listens to Snoop dogg
Take your 95 IQ and fuck off with it
Blake Johnson
> it's just most songs with that kind of drumming are gimmicky and inherently cheaper than others without it
Kayden Fisher
Jack Straw was right when he said "The English as a race are not worth saving." A rare flash of post-democratic anti-sentimentality. The truth is of course that the English "volk" are philistine, atheoretical, swinish, believe the last thing ever said to them, etc. And why should any sensible man subject himself to the wishes of these people? Elevating the people-as-monad as a god is not worth it. That these people, as a "race" or idea are not worth anything beyond their existence.
The only argument for their survival is that they produced their own exceptions. Their only use is to produce their own antithesis, so that in themselves they're worthless, but then the Englishness in Shakespeare, and the genius of the man are defined negatively by the English chaff...
the denial of logos, and a rational order to things is the real redpill. But most who truly realise just take the black or blue pill. That any quest for order or meaning in the universe begs the question really makes you think.
Levi Torres
This is a good thing
The police are pathetic and a waste of resources, they actively work against the public
Cooper Cruz
Prove me wrong. That's a fact.
Jordan Edwards
checks out.
Jason Green
Alright, but what else are you going to do to ensure dysgenic people have less children and high quality people have more? An additional part of the problem is cultural, that children are seen as a burden that get in the way of a career.
Juan Torres
that's a generalisation
do you even speak english as a first language?
posted that song hoping to imply you deserve killing
Camden Jenkins
Is this an upgrade?
David Adams
troll faggot
or better still go hang out in /ptg/
Isaac Watson
I wouldn't worry about congenital health risks in children from breeding with a blonde. You're being overly paranoid. Also I would say European is European, as long as they are not low IQ.
I agree and I did not address this. A first step would surely be to counter feminism and to promote the idea of the traditional nuclear family.
Connor Parker
Jackson Kelly
>denial of logos and rational order
Aiden Gutierrez
Yeah, but I'm not wrong so who gives a fuck? The generalisation is accurate in this case.
I don't even know what that is
You have shit taste, don't blame me.
Angel Smith
What do you do with these people. It takes a few minutes to find that despite being roughly 4% of the population they make up anywhere between 70 to 90 percent of rape gangs.
Matthew Myers
Jackson Green
>A first step would surely be to counter feminism and to promote the idea of the traditional nuclear family.
What's interesting is the nuclear family, or the idea people have about it, is fairly recent. In the past it wasn't just immediate family that looked after children but extended family as well, often grandparents. Mothers also interacted a lot more in the community while their husbands were at work. The idea of the family as an isolated unit of mother, father and children was the first division made during the course of industralisation.
Noah Myers
Redpill in terms of ripping away the veil. Some form of materialism, whether epiphenomenalism or ontological monism is inescapable. There is no "soul" and the mind can't cause changes in the physical body. There is no free will. Etc.
The full conclusions of the above are not accepted on the left or right. Some on the left will accept materialism but then deny genetic group differences in intelligence and culture. They will phrase things through the lens of nature v nurture when to be influenced implies the prior ability to be influenced, which is itself material. The various metaphysical conceits we use to immortalise ourselves are ways to keep us sane, because human beings can't happily face the emptiness of their own existence, or that "they" might not even exist as a "free" libertarian identity with free will and agency.
By becoming a traditionalist or christian reactionary you are ignoring modernity, you are not revolting against the modern world but escaping it by retreating into your own private fantasy. In other words... you become bluepilled and return to the matrix..
John Perry
A 3 second sample on a loop has perfect timing too.
Josiah Brooks
I don't think what you described (wider community integration and extended family involvement) is mutually exclusive with the idea of a nuclear family but at the very least I was not ruling out those things for they are also important. At the very least promoting the ideas of mothers who look after their children and maintain the home and both parents being responsible for the education and moral upbringing of their children is imperative.