Let’s get real facts from both sides of the argument. Can we figure it out. I’m pretty sure we can all agree the camps were real and some Jews died there
Was the holocaust real?
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It wasn't anywhere near six million and they deserved to be interned and removed.
>goy, lets discuss over-hyperbolized shit that happened 70 years ago lest it will fade from popular memory thus negating us the chance to keep riding it
>we need this, goy
No, but it should have been.
Where’s your source from
Who cares?
>The camps were real
>Most of the people killed in the camps were slavs, not jews
>The camps existed to supress ideological enemies, such as communists, liberals and monarchists
>The death toll cannot be counted accurately, but it doesnt matter, because nowhere near 6 million jews nor people died in the holocaust, since the ammount of people killed per second would be really high and also there werent even 6 million jews in all of nazi occupied Europe.
the word holocaust does not mean genocide or extermination, it means completely burnt offering so anyone that died by firebomb or nuke were the victims of the WW2 holocaust.
Also, in 1991 the USSR collapsed and the captured labor camp records showed that over 400,000 people of all types died in the labor camps, and at Auschwitz 38,031 jews were have recorded to have died by various causes, including executions but were never thrown alive into ovens and not one was gassed to death either.