Explain something to me, Jow Forums - why did the NFL become 75% black in the first place? From what I can find, it was actually majority-white in the 1980's, but then there was a fairly sharp shift during the 90's when the league became super-#blacked. Was this an intentional plan by (((someone))), or was it really just due to skill?
Explain something to me, Jow Forums - why did the NFL become 75% black in the first place? From what I can find...
Blacks are generally good at sports. I don't see how it's surprising.
Niggers still have the genes from back when we had to hunt animals with sticks and shit, so they're a bit more athletic than whites. They might evolve out of it.... eventually.
That has always been the case. I don't think genetics changed much between the mid-80's and the mid-90's, though.
Imposing religion is different than protesting harmlessly. If you can't see the difference for yourself (or choose to ignore it) you are party of the problem.
They have evolved into creatures which collect government checks. This is a very easy struggle for survival. Nature is very stingy. She only gives what you need. If niggers can stop evolving, because they have become the perfect parasite...they will stop evolving. They have carved out a niche in our ecosystem, and are thriving.
Part* of the problem.
I guess even the typo is correct.
You know how nigger-defenders are rising up to call Trump racist? Same shit happened in the 80s .. when Reagan was in office. Various organizations took a stand against his mentality by doing things like.. taking more niggers.
Did you watch the Stanley cup finals? I noticed there is a lot of color in hockey all of a sudden. The jews tend to work in the shadows. Most of us will never notice their machinations until it is far too late.
Look at Miami university in the 90s. Blacks and whites are pretty much equal, but a white guy understands how much he can make, a black guy will sign for any amount and buy his mama, his baby mama, and his baby mama’s mama a brand new Escalade on his first paycheck
The point is that nobody wants to see an uppity quadroon multi-millionaire trying to pose like some sort of "activist." Protest? He's a fucking sportscuckball player. That's not his job.
Genetics haven't changed in thousands of years you dumb motherfucker
Just a side note.. but Reagan wasn't racist. He wasn't against any race... he was against Affirmative Action. He didn't like the idea of people having a better chance of being picked based on being a nigger. He didn't like the ideas of quotas and all that shit.
Kikes and shitskins are what is wrong with America. Boomer veterans would not understand this because their sole loyalty is to greater Israel. They would gladly die for some desert rat soil before defending their own.
Tebow has unseated the Pope as God's infallible representative on Earth. Bless him.
So tell me Tomi, when is the appropriate time for him to protest?
Real answer: middle class and up parents pulled kids out of football because it was "dangerous" and the concussion scare.
Black families dont care as much because potential for money is greater and they are poorer so theyll take the chance, and lets be honest theyre retards anyway so they get a chance for their kid to get a college scholarship or NFL career.
Actually, he WASN'T against affirmative-action in practice. He didn't repeal any of the Nixon-era racial hiring preferences in the federal government. Neither has Trump so far, for that matter.
sports are for niggers, look at european football and how nigged and turked they are
>This is what mutt actually believe
t. la-shandarius
I don't watch the NFL, so I don't personally care. I'm explaining why the patriotard Boomers who make up a lot of the league's fan base DO care, though. That should be obvious. They take these "protests" as personal affronts. And why shouldn't they? That's obviously what they are intended to be.
tebow doesnt kneel during the anthem
he also kneels for jesus, not for niggers getting theirselves killed
None of the niggers in the final round were new.. so it's not really an "all of a sudden" thing. I think Bellemare was the newest, and he'd played with the Flyers since like 2013. Also, there were 3 out of 40 players on the benches (Bellemare, Reaves, Smith-Pelly) ... so not really a lot, either.
NFL is one of few legal ways to own blacks now.
Because Boomers felt sorry for Black people and like watching them on TV.
Negroes have an extra bone in their ankles.
>why did the NFL become 75% black
Who else would be stupid enough to get hit in the head for a living?
they started pushing he blacks through college with pampering and bullshit degrees like the stupid african american studies essays you have seen floating around. While college isnt necessary for the pros it definitely is a pipeline to it.
I think hockey and baseball (maybe) are still white in America.
Basketball is probably greater than 95 percent nigger (and I do mean nigger, most of these guys are subhuman IQ ranges). Football must be 70-30. Soccer is America is for fags and probably has Mexicans all over anyway.
Would like to see a sports league like any other professional organization; college degree required and no felonies
I lived through it. He talked about repealing that EO often. The problem was that there was bipartisan support in congress for it and they threatened to make it law if he reascended the EO. It was called "The Philadelphia Order" if I remember correctly.
Because colleges started making so much money with their football team that they had no problem pushing niggers through classes and giving them fake degrees. Before that it was an academic sport and you had to have at least half a brain.
Wrong person. Meant to tag
>Explain something to me, Jow Forums - why did the NFL become 75% black in the first place?
White people don't raise their kids to view Sports as a viable career path. The whole idea of "making a living" playing sports is still a relatively new one. Most of the old NFL players had a second job. And of course the odds of making it to the Pros are about as good as winning the lottery. Yeah somebody will win, and the other 99.9% who lost wasted 20 years of their life.
Professional sports monkies don't need to be educated. Sports have no place in schools, all it does is bring dumb niggers who can barely read to campuses where they spread crime. College sports should be outlawed.
sadly this. blacks all think they're going to the NBA and NFL. we're not talking 8 year olds on the playground. there are niggers who are backups on NAIA Division 2 basketball teams who are convinced they're going to be in the NBA
>Be part of a culture where being educated is a "white people thing"
>Only way out if you aren't smart and don't want to rob/deal drugs is to be good at sports or being an artist
Its that simple. Some nigs don't want to nig
It's mostly a case of the media and TV cameras spotlighting the few black players waaay disproportionately.
That said, it does seem like every team now has a black player, or at least the ones I follow do.
...But none of them are really new players.
...But I don't remember it being this way even 2-3 years ago.
...So I think it's mostly just the camera and TV guys increasing black spotlight.
then they would have been involved in the 80's, shit for brains
never he should go back to africa
>Muh magical superior physicality due to primitive genetics and mythical antebellum slave breeding duurrrrrrr
>t. kike cocksuckers who just got done blowing Jamal
I bet you assclowns believe in magical superior Jewish intellect too kek.
There are few things more disgusting than watching white Boomer "boosters" wearing the jerseys of thuggish black guys 1/4th their age, fantasizing about those young bucks fucking their white daughters...
This is the answer here closest to being correct.
The "Afican-American studies" stuff doesn't really play into it, though.
Inner city blacks got sports scholarships in way increasing numbers in the last few decades.
Universities get to pat themselves on the back about how diverse they are.
The blacks barely care about grades, but they all furiously compete on the field, in order to get an NFL contract.
The quality of college sports actually improves, because you don't really have "student athletes" anymore, you have legions of young black men who rightly sense that they can become a millionnaire if they devote their every waking hour to sportsball.
And then a year or two into it, they enter the NFL draft.
Everybody's happy.
This is why the NFL is way blacker now. Sports scholarships driven by greed of college sportsball industry and by university diversity-minded bureaucrats (who think they're creating more black PhDs).
Lmao do you actually believe that, or are you just typing stupid shit to get (You)s?
Latinos and europeans generally dominate, nogs are not that many
not repealing != not against it
You pick your fights, and he probably thought he could do more good doing other things like sucking off Israel before Alzheimers set in. Ya see he wanted his last memory to be taking that huge jew load in the face instead of fighting about some spics trickling across at the time.
>I think hockey and baseball (maybe) are still white in America.
>Basketball is probably greater than 95 percent nigger (and I do mean nigger, most of these guys are subhuman IQ ranges)
Baseball is about 40/40 split between whites and hispanics, and has been for years and years now. Blacks were like 30% but their numbers dropped due to basketball and football being more marketed to blacks. The other 20% of MLB now is a split between blacks and asians.
>low-IQ basketball players
The first game of this year's finals was decided when a Cleveland player elected to waste time on the clock instead of trying to score when the game was tied. His whole team was around the basket, wanting him to either shoot or pass the ball, so they could score. Instead he literally ran way with the ball in his hand. It was a tie game and the other team won in overtime. The player with the ball literally didn't know that the numbers 110 and 110 (or whatever the score was) were equal. He thought his team's 110 was bigger than the 110 on the other side of the scoreboard. If you presented him with a True/False question of "110 = 110" he would have said "False.".
So true.
Ah, ok. So just the usual media kike's trying to demoralize the white man? I'll still watch hockey. It's the only American sport left that has any semblance of sportsmanship. Every other sport seems to have been subverted with nihilistic consumerism and celebrity worship.
>Watching sports.
If I'm not participating in sports, I see little reason to watch them. Then again I enjoy fantasy novels, so maybe I'm just some form of degenerate.
That is like trying to catch up to something already way ahead and not losing speed. They will always be behind. That is where the jealousy and gibs and crime come in. Pretty much for all non whites in general. At least blacks are supposed to be here.
White people have more raw strength and endurance. Blacks are quick and fast. Only the Ethiopian has more endurance and they aren't like the blacks in the USA that came from West Africa predominately.
There are STILL too many of them. They are thriving. Maybe your chart will mean something if the abortion rate for niggers is 100%. I mean, do you actually DOUBT the very evident truth I posted, or are you just typing stupid shit to get (You)s?
>be black
>civil rights era still going full retard
>more blacks in college
>not smart enough for college
>good beast of burden
>hey we've got sports programs and shieeeet
That's my theory. Sports scholarships are notorious for forced pass rates.
Inbreeding burger. Lots and lots of inbreeding. That was the crack cocaine days.
Watching sports is cuck shit. Play sports instead.
Based TeGOAT