>when you consume more than you produce, you win

C-COULD (((HE))) BE RIGHT Jow Forums?

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We are importing chinese back scratchers and cheaply made phones
We are exporting cars

Anything a jew says you should assume the opposite is true.

>drumpftards will say he is wrong

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hey goy, just keep borrowing money to pay for things, it's a great deal
Look at those rims

>get more cheap as fuck chinese soccerballs for your money.

>getting less jobs for your money

I get it now.

what he doesnt tell you is that those excess imports are paid for by printing more money, which causes inflation and would cause even more inflation if it werent for the US constantly going into the middle east to make sure every bit of oil is sold in dollars keeping the international demand for dollars and thus its value up decreasing the impact of inflation. now inflation is nothing more thant a transfer of the peoples saving towards the government, a hidden tax.
so in the end the excess imports are funded by robbing their own people as well as slaughters in the middle east

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Having it his way only enriches the financial class, as it slowly bleeds everyone else dry and they become unable to compete in the manufacturing sector. He's defending his father's wealth but not the wealth of the country at large. A fat tick outraged when you rip it from your pale arm.

you are importing shit to use as an advantage to your business, because your economy is more developed you can outsource the cheap shit. yes this is good. what you should worry about is making your shit work internally, so not attacking every fucking nation on trade. but hey whatever gets you through the midterms, but if you crash the fucking economy it's on you. look at the emerging markets who already have big problems with dollar funding. argentina just got a 50 bil ($) loan, brasil, turkey, south africa are in trouble. this will also come back to haunt you. this is the result of globalism, it's not bad in it self, but you do need to manage the risks as a global economy then and not be a little bitch. this will only cause global deflation.

>purchase more goods overseas
>this means you save money

I know he's Jewish, and intentionally trying to mislead people, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to believe this

Do you think that the moment where they realize they have been wrong about everything they believe will ever come for them?
How much most winning does Trump have to do?

Soros already came to His senses today

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You have to be a special kind of stupid not to double-take at "trade deficits are good".

>Belgium not suspicious of a kike defending what's best for the ruling class

yea we are just tricking other countries into giving us stuff for free, in exchange for paper. we also built up the biggest military on earth with that process. gee, i wonder what will happen when everyone realized they got scammed?

He means the Jewish bakers when he doesn't even realize that he's revealing himself the average consumer in America the middle class are going to do better under Trump by far for a long time to come it's the bankers who live off of capitalism has parasites who will do less well

No only way that could happen is if he found himself in an oven with you kike

Partly. What we give up is our nation. The exporting country will invest in the other nation, particularly in real estate. In effect, in the short run, you get some stuff, but in the long run it will cost you your country.

I don't understand how these people think. Honestly.
I just don't get it at all. One opposing argument should be enough.

What JewNigger is really getting at is that the US taxpayer should never give Israel another penny, because Israel is full of people smarter than the entire planet. They'll be fine; especially after diaspora jews go home to Make Israel Even More Terrifficker

such an oversimplification.
it's somewhat true that trade deficits aren't inherently bad.
but you need to keep an eye on them and if it's happening because other countries are taking advantage of you, it makes sense to do something about it.

the leaders know exactly what they are doing and sell their own people out. they are the ones who will also feel the peoples wrath first. shoot the traitor before the enemy

>owing more than you earn is a good thing, goys!

>We are exporting cars


That's completely wrong, i thought kikes were good at economics?

they are better at selling bullshit to stupid goyim

Anyone who worships at the altar of GDP deserves to hang.

nice JUST hairdo he has

They are good at deceiving the goyim.

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>trade dficits are good except when it other countries
no wonder jews real back when you name them


To a degree, yes, he's somewhat right. Chinese businessman, Jack Ma, talked about this. He said that the US engaged in the promotion of free trade and globalisation for its own benefit. The third world would focus on manufacturing while the first world focused on more specialised goods and services. The US greatly profited from this deal. The problem is what the US spent their profit on. The US did not spend it on infrastructure, the US did not invest the money into new productive methods of energy accumulation or automation. Instead, the US spent it on blowing up camels in the middle east, welfare and bailing out wall street.

Had the US spent this money on future tech and future engineering and infrastructure, the US would be miles ahead and suffer none of the problems it has today. Instead of paying people to not work, why not pay them to enter into key trade skills to produce these goods? Why not invest in the MidWest and build it up? By the time parts of the third world catch up to where the US is today, the third world would still be producing the basics of what the US could build.

The problem isn't necessarily the methodology of these free trade deals but what the accumulated resources were spent on. Citizens that lost out on steel, coal and manufacturing should have been trained into new fields of industry which the third world is incapable of investing or building. Instead, the US (((squandered))) this money and is now in massive debt so it is forced to use its massive economic might to undo these deals and attempt to reshift the balance.

Alibaba's Jack Ma on the US Economy

Nobody ‘stealing’ your jobs, you spend too much on wars - Alibaba founder to US

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Yes who wouldn't listen to craigslist chinese knockoff version founder when it comes to global trade.

How is he wrong? The US earned trillions and trillions from getting third worlders to build goods for cheap and sell it to the rest of the globe at 10x the price of cost. This money should have then been spent on investing into automation and infrastructure for workers who lose out and incentivise them to enter into more specialised employment.

Within decades, the US would no longer need to the third world for manufacturing because the US could automate those same products while also having a workforce geared for tech way ahead of anyone else and the sot advanced energy sector in the world. Instead, the US spent the money on welfare, gibs, pointless wars for Israel and bailing out bankers.

The US greatly benefited from third world labour, but failed to spend the profit on anything useful and (((somehow))) getting into major debt.

14 TRILLION on war, 19 TRILLION lost by Wall Street. How many trillions on welfare?

The US made ENORMOUS capital from third world labour and squandered it. Imagine if this money were spent in the US. What would America look like if it spent that 30 trillion on building up the US or putting even a small amount into NASA and space?

America would be a century ahead of the rest of the world.