What the fuck went wrong?

this is how women looked, sounded and spoke like just 60 years ago, when asked whether they'd prefer feminism or femininity

where did we go so wrong?

Attached: af4ULm[1].png (1412x1080, 806K)

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forgot the vid

A harsh truth to accept is that consumerism and giving people too much freedom did this.

This is what freedom looks like. This is what happens when you give the masses who have IQs less than 110 Liberty - it doesn't end well. Living standard's have increased massively since the 1900s - it really fucking tells you something when there are welfare recipients who are overweight.

Leftists don't believe greed is natural - really? Just look at yourselves, you live in the most prosperous time in history and yet you still want more and think you 'deserve' shit such as increasing the minimum wage, free universal healthcare, free university regardless of how shit your degree is, guaranteed jobs, more affordable housing, more money going into welfare, and open borders - sorry, you can't have it all you greedy fucks.

So, this is why user. If you live in a western country you don't know true hardship like our ancestors had it, big government is there for you while spreading degeneracy at the same time. I am forever grateful for what our ancestors did (apart from Boomers) - the amount of hardship and sacrifice they endured cannot be put into words and yet you most people are weak these days.

Attached: 1524430986363.jpg (600x719, 71K)

but these girls are boomers


Product of the free market, same with men

Attached: Its+a+box_c5f11b_6495298.jpg (900x836, 77K)


That haircut looks stupid.

You can kind of tell their minds are quieter, less jumpy, and less attention seeking regardless of their position.

Must be nice

They already had one way before the 60s