It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
Once charles or harry gets in there if they want a country for their fellow brits, their going to need to take the country back from the corrupt government by force.
There is no other solution, anyone who speaks out against them or their policies is imprisoned, the elections are rigged to favor the corrupt government. The military is the only hope the people have left.
I do hope the queen calls some fancy dinner for the top brass and while there floats that very idea to do their duty to king and country.
I must adress all britbongs here. If you really want change, and are near or in a major city, would you be willing to fight the good fight and basically repeat the Euromaidan? Or rather to put it more simply
would you be willing to risk your life for Great Britain?
why dont simply all normie Football fans and Hooligans sperg out? remember hogesa? what could they ever do against a massive wave of right leaning and rightwing proletarians? if they only wouldnt care for fucking Soccer so much, while their Teams consist of 50% niggers
Logan Jones
>or Harry That nigger lover aint getting shit, William and Charles are our only hope
Jayden Wood
and a Strong Leadership
Dylan Johnson
guess why they took all your weapons, Nigel?
Grayson Robinson
the time for speak has ended. it's time for actions.
The government of the UK has grown so corrupt by the Jews who run their central bank that they have bought off every politician to allow an invasion of their country while locking up its own citizens through raids daily on their homes because of one tweet or a single FB post.
Only the Military can take out this group, or MI6 maybe and save Britannia.
where is this? Why are the cops in that one random spot anyways?
Logan Myers
I love him already
Charles Bailey
I pray that the monarchy saves the Island of my ancestors.
Robert Murphy
>whacking a pig with DEUS VULT flag I'm so jealous of that guy.
Daniel Murphy
sometimes, violence is the answer. stake out the judges work to find out where he lives. then, make that address public knowledge so that justice may be done.
Kill all those who corrupted your people and free them from this reign of terror.
Julian Roberts
Briton = Welsh user, fuck Londonistani new speak definitions
Wyatt Robinson
This is larger then any man can be, tommy's imprisonment is a result of the system. It's what got us so angry. How could they arrest a man reporting on a story? We're angry at the goverment, you saw those men charge the gates. If those men are willing to charge into the gates today, imagine tomorrow? We, as a society, can honestly live without Tommy but it's the injustice that imprisoned him in the first place that makes the blood boil.
basically lad, don't worry about tommy, he mearly the tip of our angry iceburg
>If those men are willing to charge into the gates today, imagine tomorrow? yeah this is my sentiment too its very good what happened today (other than the roman salute)
shyte mate GCHQ .. has been radicalised .. lol Yes get Paki OPs an workers .. this is why Tommy an his jew Masters have started ... FFS But all the brown guys are are on here an other places looking for Nazis .. an they should be looking at the Tory Nazis who are systematically killing the weak an MH with Killer Reviews that at are Lies .. .. they go why put them in camps jiust say the Fit for work an let them go kill themselves ... I need you stop infighting but Rise an Kill all Tories
ANGLOS ARISE!!!! Good job guys! this is about more than your tommeh. This is the collective rage of the anglo! Good job guys i salute you.
Nathaniel Bailey
>Tbh I'm getting emotional for the first time in a while at the prospect of the English rising up for what is right it only takes one country to rise up so the domino effect can occur and we can all take our countries back again, make earth great again and unlock the mysteries of space!
I got my passport last year and it says EU at the top. Everyone I know sticks a piece of paper over it to cover it, no joke
Liam Fisher
Good luck Brits, and let's hope Sadick Khant shit's his pants soon, it's the least that sack of shit deserves.
Nolan Martin
aye maybe
Tyler James
It's been fun watching Jewish media kvetch-out about white males doing exactly the same thing black and Muslim males have been doing to the cops for years, now. >THESE FUCKING GOYIM THINK THEY'RE GOING TO OVERTHROW US, OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN
Lots of directions floating around the web for making all kinds of stuff. Molitovs and smoke bombs, anti riot police techniques and weak spots, zip guns, etc.
Benjamin Morgan
Bread and circuses
Christian Gonzalez
These pictures should have been frontpage news all over the world. Its not too late is it?
If the king calls to free the people from their corrupt government who sold out their country to an invasion locking up every british citizen they can, I will buy a first class ticket asap to help.
Geert did more for us then he did for you, faggot!
Hudson Gutierrez
I don't think bongs have the stomach for sustained 24-hour protest like Maidan. If they literally surrounded parliament and Downing Street with barricades and fires burning for several weeks, yes that would be a massive event. I would also expect the bong government to drop the facade and just start openly killing whites if they did it, too.