Jow Forums has turned shit in recent years

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It was always shit, you only just realised

so has your country, what's your point?

Checked and now I am confused.


Pic related. Reddit is horrible and no one's ever going to leak anything tasty there.

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Fuck off Mountain Jew

Explain to me how the left side gets more done pls

We were completely infested after the election. It sucks but we'll benefit in the longterm.

This isn't true, it's just something newfags parrot because of the /b/ was never good may may. Pre Jow Forumsharbor was glorious, and this place is now slightly political funny


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no shit

>no one's ever going to leak anything tasty there.
you're part of the problem

so true
preach brother

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The right looks more fun.

I'm the reason a deleted post from a deleted account has over 800 up votes? How is that not evident of how horrible reddit is. Twitter too, people also have like wars there where genuinely good comments are hidden because some fag has more followers.

Reminder that you have to sort by controversial on reddit to find a comment that goes even slightly against the grain. And if a comment is unpopular enough, it'll get hidden. It's basically designed to be an echo-chamber.

Put a giant piece of shit in the center of the reddit pic for more accuracy.

So is Twitter! So is Facebook! YouTube is almost the same until you realise you're talking to the content creators, not the content creators audience.

Jow Forums is the only true measure of post quality. A this means a good post, an insult means a bad post, an ignored post is just generic and ignorable. Jow Forums works.

>Pointing out one post by this id.
>First post in the thread

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>Jow Forums is the only true measure of post quality

Proof that the left really can't meme.

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This. Don't get me wrong, the Jow Forumsocaust was hilarious and it was really fun to go full /b/-tier shitposting on here for a day, but the place really hasn't been the same since. A lot of folks threatening to leave for cripplechan finally did it and a lot of shitposters from other boards stayed around. Not just the overall quality of threads, but the type of threads changed pretty dramatically over the course of a couple days. It's nothing like how /b/ has slowly evolved from one type of shitposting to the next over the course of multiple years. The one saving grace is that we actually do have better moderation now and we aren't spammed with 20 nigger dick threads constantly.



Sad emoji response

You know.

I'd prefer the luck of quints over some faggot consistently being preferred due to more followers.

EXACTLY THIS OP! Since Reddit is infinetely better than this cesspool why don't you go back?

>Implying that Jow Forums was ever good

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And that's a good thing.

Change the left picture so that they are on elevated pedestals according to public popularity

>White cowbois fighting for a cutepie trans cancan prostitute

Like pottery

Organization doesn't benefit you when everyone agrees on false assumptions.

Jow Forums works through new ideas and eventually arrives at truth while reddit is the echo chamber of group think dog shit.

I think you got the wrong plebbit pic

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i always thought of Jow Forums as the roman senate where people get stabbed sometimes

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I dont see the problem being portrayed in the pictures. Literally that is why I like Jow Forums and why I consider plebbit a gay AF.

Ahhhh I too remember the Holocaust. It truly was a shoah

>The one saving grace is that we actually do have better moderation now and we aren't spammed with 20 nigger dick threads constantly.
There are times when I see 3-4 BBC threads up. Sometimes they stay up quite long, and they mostly just move the shit threads to Jow Forums. The moderation is a joke, there is absolutely no quality control, they had been given suggestion multiple times like add a filter or minimum character count or even bot like [r9k] so there are no duplicate threads, but apparently it's too much of a bother to copy something. The mods hate the site, and they hate Jow Forums even more and now we got an uncaring admin who only want to make money off the site.


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We've always been reactionary in politics. Combine all these newfags who never assimilated (dirty refugees who will never leave) and the candidate of choice winning and being a cuck and we have a bunch of idiots who not only suck but have the intellectual capacity of a monkey and can't debate shit.

It was ok for a while, before it got on the spooks radar.

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Both pics are accurate.
The Round Table discussion usually ends up ganging up on the 1 "fucking white male" and the senatorial discourse of political philosophy ends in a massive drunken brawl by the end of the night, usually as a result of some misunderstanding or counter-signal blown out of proportion.

either way it's TopKek ramen with a sprinkle of RedPill packet for flavor.

Redddit fags are too busy commit suicide.

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Shut the fuck up shill

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Lol if anyone on nu/shit/ had ever read 1984 there wouldn't be so fucking much doublespeak.

Literally everyone here quotes Orwell, what the fuck are you talking about?

reddit's gay, just like the UN

It has always been pissing in to an ocean of piss, you retarded medical box.

No they don't. They repeat what they've heard other rightist morons say and misappropriate everything. Orwell would happily exterminate every rightist on Jow Forums.

Came to post this


>being this new

Leddit is for loser you fuckin jew shill.

Jow Forums has turned to shit, but reddit has always been and still is shit. You can't have a discussion on there because of the shareblue bots downvoting anything that isn't far left hate speech.


Why is always an aussie or kiwi that's first to sage. No time of day is out of your reach

OP's title is correct

OP's picture is fucking gay

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The height of political discussion on plebbit is hitting the downvote button over and over again with anyone who disagrees with you.

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Jow Forums was always shit, problem is it got shittier

1 post by this ID, seems legit.

Hey new friend... Did you stop over to see what all the fuss was about?
>Enjoy your stay.

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>Implying barfights aren't the single most spectacular, the most ''of the people'', and therefore, the most pure manner to discuss politics

Plebbit is for soislurping faggots who cannot handle a real man's drink. Or a real MAN's opinion at all.

well in Jow Forums your throwing content into chaos, if it is strong it survives, if weak it is torn apart and ridiculed.
reddit only allows selective content to be added to a homogeneous creche thanks to goose stepping facist mods. any other content no matter how strong or weak is culled for not being approved by helicopter parent like communities. thats why their raids fall short, for most of their ideas this is their first battleground, were as Jow Forums has been a fighting pit since ideas conception.

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Holy fuck, kikes are arrogant, haha, trumpcucks fucking deserve this. Fucking idiots, hahaha.

This is why you go full NatSoc.


OP is a fag.

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>that picture
feel free to give me some statistics on government efficiency over the years.
Surely its skyrocketed since those old fashioned times, now that were so civilized ;)
Sure love that 50K employee democracy where we only voted for 1 of them ;)))))))
so free

this thread is gay

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Jesus it's like the "/b/ has turned to shit" meme for newfags all over again.

Jow Forums was always like this. Now go back to plebbit.

You need to go back.

The word "doublespeak" appears 0 times in 1984.

>download (((7)))

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hahahahhahahahaha. I guess you've never been to r/pol? They will just silence you with democracy, even when you speak the truth. The mods will arbitrarily ban you, and then ask you to explain why you were banned. You're pathetic. Just kill yourself.

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We're everywhere, cunt.

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Where's the prison of wrongthink on Reddit's picture?

Jow Forums's entry level red pill dispenser t_d, trades talking about the reality of kikes for heavy moderation to keep out all shills and deranged leftists

Look what just happened to full pol when kikey was removed and went to global moderation...

It's an important extension of the book's central points. Hypocrisy as religion. Stupidity as honor. Nobody is going to go around calling everyone a doubleplusgood ducktalker.

Old pasta, new keks

>reddit: seperated into their echo chambers
>Jow Forums: lots of shit but at least we talk to people with different opinions

Jow Forums and good is like oil and water, quit concern-trolling, and pretending reddit has any capacity to be good is a statement that prompts me to make you suck on my brapper.

Better to be an all out brawl than a giant circle jerk. If people don't get emotional about politics they are doing it wrong. Wars have been fought over the stuff.

kek'd and check'd

>recent years

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i wish the trumpniggers would fucking leave already, they damaged Jow Forums more than JIDF could ever dream of doing

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Actually, I'm convinced JIDF is responsible. They tried for years to take down Jow Forums when it was ACTUALLY redpilled. They failed every single time. Then they realized they could use the collective autism of pathetic white manbabies playing vidya to destroy their own demographic, and Jow Forums's never recovered.

>shills actually try this

>Jow Forums tries to invade lebbit
>shit backfires per usual and now Jow Forums is invaded by lebbit
like pottery

quick rundown

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it's newspeak, you newfag
now go fail somewhere else


Anyone who doesn't know the origin of the unedited image needs to go back

Actually, if you want to be anal, it's doublethink combined with ducktalking. People decided to skip that and just call it doubletalk.

I like it

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