Going to the beach, Jow Forums. Give me something good to read. Please no incoherent white nationalist babble, I’m not 12.
>inb4 bible and mein kampf
ITT: Essential Reading
I recommend any of Shelby Foote's stuff about the Civil War. This is a good place to start (and probably the most appropriate for beach reading).
read it faggots
Idk OP, got any topics you want to explore? If you want to read philosophy and haven't read much or any before, start off with some of Plato's earliest works or The Republic if you really want to read something more related to Jow Forums
Name the last three books you’ve read. We can take it from there.
Philosophy is ideal. Are the ancient Greek guys just memes or does their work still hold up?
1984, Just mercy, Win Friends and Influence People. Not a big fan of fiction, I like philosophy, law, politics, history, etc
Why not some Asimov?