WTF is going on with Julian Assange? He's only been seen once, maybe two times since October 2016...

WTF is going on with Julian Assange? He's only been seen once, maybe two times since October 2016. Let's have a serious discussion about him. Don't reply to shillfags. Anyone who starts off with name calling will be considered JIDF and will receive no (((you)))s.
>Who can verify the last time he was seen?
Was it when Sweden formally dropped charges against him and he made a balcony appearance or has he made one since.
>How can we verify he's there?
We need a plan and a bong that will go down to the embassy.


Other urls found in this thread:

All you have to do is ask Wikileaks for Proof of Life

Attached: PGP encryption and decryption .png (1589x1656, 76K)

We did a year ago and the everyone voted for pgp verification. WikiLeaks ended up releasing a video that was years old.

Attached: AndSTAYDead_zps59bae1e7.jpg (606x811, 77K)

After October 16 2016 Julian Assange has not encrypted anything with his private key, and it was his idea for "Proof of Life" too, as he was aware of the lengths the CIA would go to in order to fool people.
Well, here we are in 2018 and people think Assange would type "tick tock" or tweet "paper airplanes by m.i.a" but never ask for Proof of Life

Attached: Enough is enough.png (678x2060, 166K)

trip and blesseddubs
how about the US Navy tweeting his name in quotes after the account was shutdown

Attached: US-Navy-Tweets-about-Julian-Assange-after-his-account-gets-vanished-1.png (611x319, 295K)

So can everyone agree he was taken in mid to late October 2016? If he was taken what happened to his DMS? Did it fire?

Attached: DAK.jpg (200x228, 17K)

Yah, it was uploaded into the BTC blockchain via failed transactions, each packet can hold data and that's how it was uploaded and copied to everyone that has a BTC wallet on their computer or device

What do mean by failed transactions? If they were failed they wouldn't have been included, correct?

Bro. He's dead.

He'll resurface real soon.


Anybody here have knowledge of Bitcoin?

I think Jow Forums needs to channel the autism and try and figure out what happened.

He dead. People are forgetting about him already.

when you post a transaction everyone gets a copy of it in the mempool for the next block. Part of that transaction can be edited to add a payload that was originally used for noting which server farm mined the block first.
This img describes what happened better than i can

Attached: Encoded BTC transactions.png (1876x781, 132K)

Australian consular officials met him the other day, firsts time ever so something is happening, but of course the scamps here will tell you he's dead and everyone including his own mother is in on it.

It's about time his own fucking country maybe did something

Tell me about it, but out govt only does what yours tells it to, so successive govts have left him swinging in the breeze on you orders so them lifting a finger now may be new marching orders, who knows

your bullshit story sucks

Sauce please?
I need to know about the specific OP codes and what their size is supposed to be. There's a lot of transactions that have extra data in the input scripts but I don't know where the scripts stop and the padded data begins. Some transactions have hundreds of inputs with extra data. It's only 30+ bytes so it's small but over many transactions it could be anything.

I stopped looking into it a year ago so i can't help you any further

Ergh forgot replace Baka with s m h

Here's a transaction involving the WikiLeaks BTC address. Notice the input scripts and the number of bytes. PUSHDATA(65)
Well if you look at a normal BTC transaction like in pic. 2 you'll notice that it says PUSHDATA(33). That's because the first one is padded with an extra 32 bytes.
>32 bytes

Attached: Screenshot_20180609-185618.png (1080x1920, 270K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180609-185728.png (1080x1920, 205K)

I remember they started the ball rolling with this a few weeks back
What's Brandis rep like down there? I know he's got haters

he ded

Brandis is probably most famous for his "its your right to be a bigot" quote re racial discrimination etc, he's a bit of a dead shit, but hes often right from a legal standpoint being a QC and all.

Here is a brief timeline of events:

- Apr 16th: John Jones QC, Assange's U.N. Lawyer dies jumping in front of a train.

- May 11th: Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks' chief counsel, dies of cancer.

- Jul 10th: Seth Rich, DNC staffer who supposedly leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks, is shot in the back and dies. Nothing is stolen from his body.

- Aug 5th: Edward Snowden (source of leaks on surveillance by the NSA) tweets 64 bit code (potential dead man's switch),

- Aug 10th: Wikileaks offers $20k reward for information on murder of Seth Rich.

- Oct 7th: Podestamails leaks first batch.

- Oct 14th: John Podesta tweets "I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassyā€¯.

- Oct 16th/17th: John Kerry visits the UK, personally pressures Equador to stop Assange from publishing documents about Clinton.

- Oct 16th: Wikileaks tweets SHA-256 prerelease keys.

- Oct 18th: Equadorian Embassy cuts off Assange's internet access.

- Oct 18th: Pamela Anderson visits Assange and feeds him a vegan sandwich.

- Oct 18th: Witnesses photograph and report heavily armed police and vans outside Equadorian Embassy, are barred from approaching and have cellphones confiscated. Live feeds are cut off.

- Oct 18th: Fox News reports Assange will be arrested in a matter of hours.

Oct 18th: made publicly visible, file dates/timestamps changed to 1984 (Orwell reference).

- Oct 18th: London Airport evacuated due to "chemical attack", potentially used as cover to fly Assange out of country.

- Oct 20th: Jow Forumswikileaks, Jow Forumsdncleaks, Jow Forumswikileakstaskforce and Jow Forumsnsaleaks add 21 new moderators and remove previous mods, all threads about Assange going missing deleted since.

- Oct 20th/21st: Wikileaks tweets 5 tweets with misspelled words. The incorrect letters spell "HELP HIM". The Wikileaks twitter has never made a spelling error, let alone 5 in two days.

- Oct 21st: Massive DDoS attack on US internet. Wikileaks tweets to imply the attack originates from its supporters, asking them to stop, no evidence supports claim.

- Oct 22nd: Gavin MacFadyen (mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks) dies of lung cancer.

- Oct 23rd: Wikileaks Tweets poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive (he still hasn't appeared on video or at the window since).

- Oct 24th: Wikileaks Tweets video of Assange and Michael Moore recorded in June.

- Oct 26th: Jow Forums users successfully successfully decode their first message in Wikileak's blockchain. Threads are instantly flooded by shills saying that it's not worth looking into. The blockchain is blocked with fees and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.

- Nov 6th: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years.

- Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed with direct entry.

- Nov 8th: Trump wins.

Feel free to add more to this copypasta, sure it's missing quite a lot abd hasnt been updated in a while

- Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending, meeting conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)

- Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.

-Dec 20, 2017: "Wikileak's lawyer stormed in 'professional operation'; Julian Assange's handle tweets hint about Seth Rich

- Dec 24, 2017: Julian Assange's handle banned from twitter, with many witnessing all followers being dropped forehand

Attached: 1482360626344.gif (720x404, 1.41M)

You omitted his may 19th 2017 balcony address, disapproving any of this bunk.

Which was seen by whom? A couple camera reporters? The software, or hyperrealism, has gotten a lot more advanced. Here is just some tech undergrads:

An odd pic I snapped to 8pol. Notice the first few letters in the hashes

Attached: Screenshot_20171225-133808.png (1080x1920, 149K)

It's a shit shill timeline if youre not even including this

Attached: IMG_2457.jpg (1242x1711, 458K)


In my third post I said to add on as deemed necessary. Never intended it to be all inclusive, as this is just a few things I copypastad myself

The blockchain explicitly saying that Julian Assange tweets are fake is all the proof I need. It might change later down the road, but that post in late 2017 is immutable and always on the blockchain forever.

Hundreds of people who took video and film from multiple angles by different sources both anti and pro his cause who have no reason or ability to collude?
Its not on me to go look up the hundreds of different witness accounts to the event, it happened, your excuses are piss weak.

The blockchain immutably says on 11/20/2016 that "we're fine" but posts fake, and everyone with even a quarter of a brain can tell the twitter has been compromised since then.

Assange may or may not be alive, but there's a good change wikileaks is now a honeypot.

Yes that wallet received BTC from the WikiLeaks main address in November 2016 when WikiLeaks transferred all of its BTC. Some say that proves it's Assange, some say it means nothing because Assange could've given up the private keys and it's merely an attempt to mislead. Assange was very knowledgeable with BTC and I find it hard to believe he would communicate thru vanity addresses when encoding messages within transactions is common place.

i swear if MI6 bloody killed him we're gonna storm that bloody embassy

That isnt a wallet public key that says it however, its a transaction hash. Not saying it proves he's alive, but it does seem like a canary that the twitter is compromised since then.

I don't think the tx hash has anything to do with it. That's not figured out until the end of the tx process because it incorporates the addresses and amounts etc.


Wait, you're right. The tx hash in that instance
Would be starting with the 72162e string at the top. The message in that case would be public keys/addresses within that block, my bad

this is something i've been interested and following since oct 2016. unfortunately, most of Jow Forums is now /nupol/ and they possess such a goldfish memory that most of them don't even remember this happening, all the confusion with the blockchain and wikileaks members going missing. they only care about lauren southern and other things that are spoon fed to them. i miss /oldpol/

I remember this. Couldn't sleep right that day. It feels so so long ago tho. I can't into cryptomeme so I felt powerless, couldn't help.

>and why am I the only brazilian in this thread

Attached: ded.png (240x319, 155K)