CM Punk - My Fans Support Me Not A Racist

>Not going to the White House.

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just another attention whore with sage

He seems upset Trump had a longer wrestling career than he did.


Watch out for that Trump curse, faggot.

Poor widdle Punketty the ding dong diddly dumbfuck

If sequential numerals, Punk becomes paralyzed during his next UFC match.

you almost got it satan

He's a pussy, even if he wins this fight tonight, because his opponent is possibly an even bigger pussy.

You say it like it is a surprise. INB4 this nigger loving faggot gets anus cancer

"Brooks is an atheist.[331] He identifies as a liberal politically and has stated his support for LGBT rights and same-sex marriage.[332] Brooks has also previously criticized the Republican National Convention.[333]"

hmmm, here I thought he wouldn't visit the white house because he wasn't invited

he's a wrestler. his entire job is a lie.

This. And isn't Punk currently a heel?

No, no.... he's a mma fighter now.

1 fight, 0 wins.

How does getting your ass thoroughly kicked by the lowest level mma fighter the UFC could produce entitle one to a trip anywhere besides the unemployment line?

Literally who?

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In the interest of making CM Punk a quadriplegic our judges will accept the trailing 9

This. Guaranteed loss tonight.

Fuck, here's the better one of him being a fag.

Might just be playing the heel, wrestling fans tend to be the same kind of people who probably voted for Trump. What's Cena's opinion on politics?

I'd tell him to stay out of politics and stick to what he's good at but..

CM Poser

Is that what straight edge, pc pussies do these days?
Meeting trump would be fucking awesome


This guy got annihilated by a rookie fighter. Why the hell is he still gonna fight again?

in an hour or two he will either be submitted or will be unconscious

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Who gives a fuck?

pic related.

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Literally who?


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Hes 169.5 lbs Trump would kick his ass.

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Did anyone invite this guy to the white house in the first place? Or did he do anything warranting an invitation? Is this the first in a long line of 'I won't go the white house' virtue signals from people who can't go anyways?

Racism isn't a bad thing. It wont be more than 5 years before that word/label has no weight.

Will Jesus make it so

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And he'll get KO'd or submitted, again

nice fantasy

Former WWF Mega Superstar

who does he think wrestling fans are? does he think they're feminist and BLM protestors?


Why the fuck do they keep saying Drumpf is racist?
He loves blacks
he hates drug dealers
Dems must think niggers are all drug dealers.

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he's fighting some guy named michael jackson who literally doesn't even train

CM Cuck is a fool. He was on top of the world and thought he could 4D chess Vince McMahon and now he's a nobody!

Don't know whom this person is nor care.

>a racist is a racist
Those are the profound statements that can only come from someone who gets paid to have brain damage for my entertainment

CM Punk is a drama queen atheist faggot who thought he could follow Brock Lesnar (who was an NCAA champ wrestler) even though he had 0 skills.

But he's fighting a "Black Power" nig.

I hate race-traitors more than Kangz, so I guess I'll be cheering for black power.

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I believe kek will make it so

how many hours guys
i never watched UFC before

It's even funnier because the guy he's fighting has "black power" tattooed on his chest, but he was gonna lose before this. The guy he is fighting has way better hands than him and has gone through the amateur circuit before becoming pro. CM punk is gonna get fucked up worse than last time.

invoking the Trump curse on the night of his big fight. Big as in if he loses again he's done. Brave man.

>enough of a draw to get another UFC fight

he fights in like 2 hours

Some failed ufc fighter that lost his only fight in like a minute.

1 and a half hours

It's not the word that carries weight, it's the consequences that come with it. People will always be scared of losing their jobs, their friends, their families, and becoming social pariahs.

he got 500,000 for his 1 fight. Nice cash in for 2 minutes of getting battered before tapping.

I have still yet to see any evidence of Trump being a racist.

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This guy is a fucking jew. He lost his first fight but brought home like 10 times the amount his opponent did. He will probably do the same again. He can negotiate a payout ill give him that.

It was a million when it was all said and done.


He's a nobody compared to where he was before. Dude was ontop of the world in the WWE and fucked it.

Yeah, he's a photographer, but he has way better hafs than punk. Punk doesn't even really spar at Roufasport. His sparring partners are told to go easy on him.


Be CM Punk
>not relevant anymore
>his only fans are wrestling fans
>Wrestling fans are overwhelmingly Trump supporters
>Calls trump a racist and refuses to visit
>Thinks wrestling fans will side with him


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their fans still mark out over him like a girl on her first crush, I think his absence has just made them jones for him even more.

Reminder: Trump is a WWE Hall of Famer.

And being a politician isnt?.....

HHH is a fucking god

Cm punk will get knocked out within 20 seconds in the 1st round.

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CM Cuck

>"All Haitians have AIDs"
>"Mexico isnt sending its brightest, theyre sending rapists"
>"Mexicans are animals"
>"Nazis are very fine people"
>*Tried to ban all Muslims from entering the country
>*Tried to ban trannies from entering the military
>"Brown countries are shitholes"
>"I dont want brown people here, I want people from Norway"
>t. Trump
Yeah, no evidence to suggest hes a racist or a bigot...

why would he have any reason to visit the White House?
why would trump care?

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honestly I thought he was OK, a character, but calling Trump waysis is just retarded, like really dumb anqueefa tier shit.

all of those are true

But... why would he be invited to the White House in the first place?

That's funny because Punk isn't going to get another fight after he gets fucking pulverized by some literal nobody tonight.

>a racist
>with black friends and cabinet members
>whaaa he hurt me feels.

where'd you get that evidence? Yvette Felarca?

Gibs me da Royal straight.

Also I know for a fact some of these aren't what he said they're what CNN said that he said but in reality he said something different, like Mexicans are animals, no he said ms13 are animals.

Prowrestler who tried to go professional mma fighter without 6 months of training and then got the shit kicked out of him.

like he needed to make his make or break fight harder, he just set it to legendry difficulty.

Ill go ahead and save him a couple pixels on the trump curse image

KeK will not have it.


Yeah, but, this guy has been a douchebag since he arrived on the scene.
OP, your thread sucks

What fans lmao
also UFC debut when

This can’t be fucking real. Why would he get invited to the White House in the first place? For crying and blubbering like a baby after losing?

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He really shouldn’t be running his mouth. He won’t be going to the WH because he’s not going to win tonight. He’s a garbage MMA fighter who couldn’t even get out of the 1st round last fight. And he probably won’t tonight either. He’s a joke

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our fucking guy

Ronda rousey could probably beat this guy

why would he be invited? his fights are garbage and he is garbage. They let him fight because his wwe fanbase will pay for pay per view.

>a fag who could even make it in the wwe
he does know ufc isn't scripted right?


Punk would have to win something before he'd get invited to the White House.

Reminder that CM Punk's wife is a coalburner, she fucked a nigger wrestler called Jay Lethal

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Good then
Wwe sucks balls