What time frame are Trumpfags even referring to as "great"?

what time frame are Trumpfags even referring to as "great"?

Attached: gay redneck shit.jpg (570x435, 51K)

Attached: pardon-me.jpg (1180x842, 60K)

What isn't great? Define your terms.

The 80s, I suppose.

Pre-nigger president.

1945-1964. I was a teenager back then,and it really was great.

It's a Reagan quote.
There's no specific meaning for it, it's literally just something that Trump thought sounded good, and his base is so vapid that they don't even notice the recycled slogans.

Early 1800s
>niggers were slaves
>cunts couldn't vote
>frontier culture
>industrial revolution hadn't happened yet
>no big government


2016 onwards

Before you remember, I'm sure.

Before the 1960's, before the Federal Reserve

Because Reagan was fighting the SJW cancer of his day.

Gilded Age

before the 1860s*

that time when your mom was sucking my dick with her pinky up my ass, massaging my prostate....as i spewed 13 weeks worth of built up, deadly, chunky, hydraulic driven jizz fountains into her tonsils

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November 8th, 2016

Attached: Leftist crying.jpg (696x488, 49K)

Oy vey OP! How dare you insult based Trump MAGA! You disgusting gentile! I'll have you know I"m one of G_d's chosen people and Trump is part of the tribe now as well, deal with it goyim, he's making American great by making Israel great again too!

Attached: 1528254521443.png (1361x766, 1.31M)

You would have been an indentured servant

>literally just run away
The glowinthedark Pinkerton niggers didn't have cctv, online databases, and mobile phones to constantly moniter your location.

Before the Democratic party started colluding with Russia. So late 50's possibly early 60's.

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When one man could easily support his family with one job.

Before the Democratic party started colluding with Russia.
That would be the '20's, user

fucking normie

>what time frame are Trumpfags even referring to as "great"?
The historically, economically and literally illiterate lurching brain-dead "think" it's the circa 1950's -- the period immediate to WW2, where isolationist 'mutts filled the void left by the kike fomented war/s that left the world effete.

Reason being, they've been inculcated by their inbred, moonshine soused papies - before or after they had the "faggot" that wasn't [yet] in them, beat out of them (ironically, bringing their latent faggotry to the fore) - brainwashed their autistic noggins with nostalgic fairy tales of how "great" it was working in the coal pits and foundries, enriching the kike$ that have rendered them barely animate, jobless, purposeless, oxygen thieving deadites today, and how they long for this 'halcyon' period to be a reality "again".

Attached: the_golden_greed_bridge.jpg (1920x2160, 363K)