Let assume the following

Let assume the following

>people decide to listen to Bill Maher
>despite best efforts, and common sense, the public manages to crash the economy
>The US is in ruins. Ruled completely by bureaucracies, foreign interests, and violence
>after a few decades, the nation collapses amd balkanizes into several smaller states
>a militaristic dictator rises up and takes control of all former US territory. Even land in neighboring countries
>tfw saving democracy
>mfw Bill Maher is actually /ourguy/

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Bill Maher is a pedophile

>A radical & nationalist political party rising after a huge economic depression & nation that embraces degeneracy
Doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard of...

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Remember hitler came about because of a recession.

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Fuck off. You guys wanted Obama to fuck up the economy so that he would be voted out, and he ended up fixing it and won a second term. You guys are hypocrites.

>lose your democracy

The vote happens every 4 years, faggot.

KYS faggot

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>I didn't get the outcome I wanted - time to destroy everything

>Thinking your vote matters at all

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>a perverted kike is /ourguy/

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