America will never be this white again

>america will never be this white again

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Never say never.

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It will. Germany went full nigger in what, 2-3 generations? It can and will be reversed.
Your days are numbered, kike. You can count on that.

Why do gays hate old America when this kind of thing was normal back then?

Attached: Bruder.jpg (480x600, 51K)

or normal and non bloated about the waist line.
infested, subverted, horrible...
pretty bummed.
I watched it all whirlpool down the drain.

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Seriously, how do I get abs like that? I eat under maintenance and do tons of cardio but I still don’t look like that

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looks racist, are you antisemite ?

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Its the leaf genes should just kys

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Harold? Is that you?

>nigger worship


nice womanscience meme

Behold, the gayest picture in the entire universe.

Is that what heaven looks like? no homo btw

Look at those chins, jawlines and shap of skull... So fucking white.
Fuck we have to go back

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It's a white country.
You have to go back.

Yeah... Abs...

Exto of everything brown.

We need to bring back scalping for all non whites, bankers and news reporters.

Eat hight fat, low carb

Look at the chubby one in red shorts

They look like normal Americans to me.

gay af.
do you fap to those?

>delicious fruit all around you
>can't touch it

Sees healthy young men in physical education class and immediately has gay thoughts. Sounds like you just outed yourself faggot.

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Plenty of the U.S is still this white. You are arguing from a defeatist perspective, and you aren't thinking about things that could potentially prevent a decline in the white population.

This isn't even just about race, it's very clear that those boys ate right and exercised correctly. It's very clear that they were all being pushed into a society that was 100% concerned with physical fitness and wellness. I believe it was a national directive at the time to pursue physical excellence. There weren't any cucked diets and the food wasn't nearly as fucked up as it is now. They were trying to become the best version of themselves as they could, not really having much to do with race but more to do with cultural habits and proper diet. We can all still look like that today, nothing but ourselves is stopping us. Take the iron pill user, get Jow Forums and save the white race by impregnating as many white women as you can with your aryan genetics. The U.S can be this away with proper attitude and a focused collective directive to preserve the white race through reproductive habits.

Whites aren't being replaced because they are getting killed or destroyed, they are getting replaced because they aren't reproducing enough whites. There isn't any reason why you can't create 100s of white kids user. Just don't give her your name and fuck her raw.