Fuentes and Little debate: FINALLY UP

The debate is finally up and we can decide for ourselves who the real retard is.



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Watched it this morning, Nick is a arrogant kid who has no business discussing politics. He might have had a future if he had kept his mouth shut until his wisdom caught up with his intelligence. Unfortunately clips that show you laughing about saying fuck the troops never go away and he basically made himself cancerous the the base of the Republican Party. He can kiss his Alex Jones ambitions goodbye.

I'd give credit where credit is due, but Fuentes does not deserve any credit. He's not a broadcast journalist and he's far too immature to be taken seriously. Him and his lackeys just laughed throughout the whole segment. They didn't provide any real arguments, not did they ask any pressing questions. He'll be lucky if he can survive on Infowars and that says a lot.

10000 Pats = Jews are expelled from USA.
10000 Nicks = someone like Ted Cruz ends up President.

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>Ted Cruz ends up President

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Fuentes is an arrogant prick, and he was more aggressive in the interview than I'd ever seen. But his analysis about Little wasn't fundamentally incorrect.

Debate, not interview.

Can't have a serious debate since Nick is not a serious person.
It's hard to take him seriously when he's always got that stupid shit-eating grin.

It's gonna be funny when Fuentes burns the bridge with those other two bugmen

>you can't have a debate if you're smirking
desperate littletard

Exactly. This is the natural extrapolation of "muh optics"

He doesn't even do anything with them

patrick little and nick fuentes are both christkikes. Patrick little might not be as much because he values greek philosophy a fuckload as apposed to the jewish shit might just be saying it to get christkikes to vote for him. I'd still vote for him on this aspect but Fuentes is a typical christkike retard.

Not really. His only argument was that Little didn't win. True, he didn't win, per se, but his effort wasn't a total loss. It was his first campaign on a budget of 5k and he completely called out the Jews in one of the most liberal, jewish populated states. Somehow, he still managed 50k+ votes. Also, Little walked away from a 150k a year job, whereas Fuentes is barely holding on to a gig at that third-rate rag Infowars.

Little and Fuentes are both Jews. They're creating in-fighting to drum up interest. If you're caught in the drama you'll naturally pick a side but whichever you follow you're following a Jew. Stop falling for Jewish tricks.

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>The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, with nearly 240 million Christians
Fuck off D&C jew nobody worships runes here and your attempts to alienate, divide, and cause infighting among burgers is an obvious kike move.

Sadly this

Biggest problem with nick is that he alienates alot of his base, which is sorta my case.

t. JiDF

Only faggots and sock-puppet shills are siding with Fuentes.

>The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, with nearly 240 million Christians
Why does this matter to me? Its just more proof of how christianity is cancer. Also you are pretty much admitting that Patrick is going to have to cuck to little dumb christkikes like yourself to get a vote. Its fucking hilarious.

holy kek, that insanely cringy buzzwording in the first 10 seconds

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Who is Patrick Little?

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Go sharpen your edge somewhere else jew I never said that.

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Why are you on Jow Forums again? Is reddit down or something. fuck off.

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That guy is a known agent of israel and his attack actually proves Patrick is legit.

eceleb vs eceleb

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>a TRS plant is legit
Fuentes and Little are both controlled opposition MOSSADniggers.

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>Fuck off
Because this is your thread? JiDF no doubt wants to control the narrative here but you and your intent are obvious. Divide, attack, takeover, and make Patrick as unappealing to as many Americans as possible. You and moarcuck are probably working together as a team.

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He's an arrogant, narcissistic, scrawny little 19 year old spic that thinks he's god's gift to mankind.

>I think you're dumb and I think you're unintelligent. You make people like me look bad.
Meanwhile, he's sitting in front of a sheet draped over the walls of his childhood bedroom in mom's house. He hasn't accomplished anything of value. He has no real life experience. Nothing.

Patrick Little, whether you agree with his methods or not, campaigned for just 3 weeks, spent only $5,000, and came in 12th place with 52,000 votes out of 32 other candidates, in California of all places. He's more successful and effective than Bean Shapiro Spic Fuentes could ever dream to be. If Patrick Little had just a fraction of Diane Feinstein's budget, he probably would've been a serious contender. We should be Patrick Little, and those like him, so that they can run better campaigns in the future. Rebuking those that have the courage to actually go out there and speak the truth is entirely counterproductive. These self-censoring optics cucks are absolutely delusional if they think that hiding in their parent's basements and acting like subversive Jews on twitter is a winning strategy. People are desperate for the truth, they just need someone brave enough to tell it.

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>gibs him money, goy!
>he will be president in no time!

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>We should be supportive of Patrick Little**

Everyone needs to see this, how these 3 kids acted on a professional level. Patrick_little did as any natural intelligent man would. One reason I do not like Internet atmosphere. IRL if you were in a crowd and some one acted as those 3 did, it was a great deterrent to get popped in the mouth, slammed to the ground then beaten until unconscious for such behavior. People would watch what they said for fear of getting a attitude adjustment.

Made a comment on this inexperienced kids youtube video.
Hey, kid!!! I guess you know when you disrespect men of honor you dishonor yourself. Whatever we decide to do with jews you will be going with them. Jews have no future and you have sided with them.

The weekly sweat has went into hiding.

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What pathetic twerp Fuentes is. He can't break 500 likes for one of his crappy videos, but criticizes Patrick for getting 50k+ people to go to the polls and vote for him based on the JQ. I'm so sick of these fucking alt-right cucks that never come out and say what they mean. Either a person gets right to the point and starts naming the jews or they can just waltz off to their next gay bar.

Kek, it was hard to watch Little break down from some bantz from a teenage boy. Also the US military is quite literally gay.

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Idk man. I think if someone was just in it to scam people for money it would be easier to do it in a less risky and better funded niche community.

You aren't obligated to give him anything if you don't want to. All you have to do is stop countersignalling against him and acting like whiny fucking bitches.

All three of these losers put together couldn't amount to even half of the man that Patrick Little is.

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Fuentes: so you quit your job, to reach Culture of Critique
Little: ...

Jesus christ, you know; if Little had a higher IQ he would have read that book and kept his job and ran as a non-retard then worked to get the proper positions put in place. He's a retard. That is all Nick is trying to say.

>Because this is your thread?
you really are new here fuck off back to lebbit you dumb kike
>make Patrick as unappealing to as many Americans as possible
Actually I'm not. I said I'd vote for him if I could only because I'm pretty damn sure hes just christian to get christkike votes.

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nah. not after they over-played the begging with ecelebs like Spencer and Southern. their scam now will be

>jews only won because they haz moar money!
>give little your money to win!


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Watching a teenager trigger a grown fucking man into oblivion was absolutely hilarious.

Little is clearly mentally unstable and dumb as fuck

>Read a few chapters of a book
>impulsively quit job driven entirely by emotion
>Scream JOOZE at people
>Threaten to beat up a teen

Lol, little is a fucking joke, the REEEE was reallly funny though.

Who the fuck likes this Juentes kid anyway, for some reason I feel like there is a shilling attack against PL by saying he was ineffective, that is the kike talking point that I keep seeing roll out.

Yeah I laughed so hard at that point....

>Christians wearing Jew caps

This pisses me off so much and I'm a fedora tipping atheist.

You seem like you're a butt hurt faggot or a subversive kike desu. Besides he'd be deplatformed from all viable money exchanging websites like Spencer and anglin are, not very smart thinking tbqh.

>haha you aren't falling for our TRS Zionist stooge con-artist plant
>you must be a jew!
seems legit

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>frothing at the mouth mad about MUH OPTICZ "how dare you name the jews, that is so offensive, you're only hurting yourself'


this kid has a lot of book smarts but thats literally it

>Quits 120k/yr job to read 2 chapters of CoC
>Forced to do uber for money, and spouts off about muh jews to passengers
>Gets 12th place
>Gets BTFO by a 19 yr/old
Little is retard and pathetic

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>proceeds to laugh

Why the hell is a spic larping to have white people's interest again?

Little shouldn't be doing Skyke calls with 19 year old GOP kids. I'm on his side, but that's what he gets for stooping down to the level of faggy, onions'd-out wannabe Ben Shapiros. Anyways, running for Senate is a waste of time. He should be encouraging PHYSICAL DEFIANCE.

>240 million christians
yeah, but they are the shitty kind that worship israel. And most of them are culturally christian, not practicing christian. To them it's like a superstition to say they believe in christ. But in all likelihood they would hate christ irl being that they are shitty materialistic drones slaving for a new iphone.

What made me REALLY laugh, was when Patrick tried to shit on Nick by talking about his age. When Nick JUST graduated from highschool, and now Little was on a podcast with a literal highschooler talking about what he has accomplished. Nick is on a relatively clean slate, he kid isn't even old enough to drink yet.

19 year old low IQ mutts are the only people Little can win in a debate.

I'll bet that little faggot Fuentes is in this thread hoping desperately for someone to defend him. Id be super afraid if I was any one of those three scumbags. You know they'll be doxxed, if they haven't been already.

Holy shit I'm about 19 minutes in

This is where Little shows that he is truly a fucking retard. Nick is right, he is acting like a little girl. He thinks that "Passion" is going to win the war or some shit. It's DISNEY-WORLD thinking. Ironically, it's actually a Jewish myth.

I don't dislike Little. Seems like a nice guy genuine guy... I think. But damn dude, I do not want him representing our views.


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there's only one X in "Dox."
go back to /leftypol/.

Yeah they finally acknowledged him a few days before the election after months of a gag order against him. I think you're just ass blasted and trying to shut it down my dude.

lol he looks like the brown haired version of this guy in pic

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nick is a _soy_boi

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yeah I know:

Basically everything anyone needs to see/know about how stupid, emotionally weak and easily manipulated Little is


Also, as a former E6 infantryman with 2x deployments to Iraq I notice Little never said what his job was in the Marine corps. Which leads me to believe he was a fucking desk clerk.

Anyone in combat arms never STFU about it.

i.e. MUH MARINE SERVICE ( behind a desk)

Pats only problem is that he is giving these ecelb trash the time of day. That arrogant piece of shit spic would go back to Mexico if he really cared for America that much. Now he will burn in the ovens like he kike pay masters. I seriously want to smash his face in he is so god damn punchable with eyes like a snake never trust a dirty filthy spic half cast people they all need to be sent to the grave.

Little: You're gunna make fun of Ron Paul too, how many people did he wake up?
Juan: Did he win?
Little: ...

Fucking btfo

Little is all the proof you need to RIDE THE TIGER

I admire him but everyone knows he was not going to win. Neither the Democrats or Republicans will ever let him win. And even if he does his agenda will never get passed ever.

The only way Little's agenda would get passed is if we were in the middle of the race war and Congress was composed of white supreamicsts who got voted in during highly contested elections

I don't want to sound like a shill but Evola was right. Little is basically wasting his time. He should have been using that 120k salary to buy himself a family fortress and create a network of families to create a micro nation

Mainstream political solutions are never going to actually win until you have a race war and the fighting is over.

They can't handle Patrick Little and he calls them out on their try.

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nice spacing

Hello Patrick. Don't debate children, that was a mistake. You're right, passion is a gift from God. If everyone had that divine spark we wouldn't be in this mess.

yes give more ammo to the jews. keep yelling at building and making people awkward for 15 minutes in a uber as you drive them to yoga

Passion is fanaticism. Every fucking fascist leader spoke with absolute passion and showed fanaticism. Pessimistic numales need not apply. If whites were more passionate about the existence of their race and truly believe in it, all of this shit would be dealt with overnight.

>i dont wanna fite a mentally unstable person such as urself

is it just me or is gen z actually full of these unbearably useless passive aggressive autistic trolls like nick fuentes

all these spineless nu-male e celebs are just parasites that attack and troll their own fucking political allies and try to make money off dumb faggots who think they're funny

lol shout at buildings will change things! if you want change blow up the building.

Nick has tried to memory hole it but he was a legit #Cruzmissile because Trump was "bad optics"


We should BE like Patrick Little.
He said so himself - He doesn't want to have fans or be an e-celeb. He says that he wants others to run for office espousing the JQ.
This is why we should be informed about history and start hitting the books.

It's probably hard for a low testosterone fag to understand what it means to be a man who will defend his honor. You actually have to have working balls for this feeling to come over you when confronted. You are basically just showing what a spineless coward you are by siding with cowards.

Catholics do this. Not Christians. If you are Christian, Jews are the eternal enemy.

The kiddos call it reddit spacing but I've been on Jow Forums since 07 so I will post however the fuck I want

The truth is Patrick Little will never be able to make any meaningful political changes to America as it currently stands. Evola already tried this shit. The Nazis already tried this shit. Mosley already tried this shit. It will not fucking work I guarantee you.

Little is going to bang his head against a wall and ruin his own life fighting the Jews. You already know it. Even if he won nothing would have changed.

or or you could keep a well paying job and help in other ways. nah just yell about the jews on the street. that will work

Yes he did he was pog in data analysis. He even admitted to never leaving the wire. Nat saying infantry is dumb, but if you score high enough at meps they'll talk you out of infantry without having selection or rip in your contact. E6 in combat arms isn't impressive.

It's passion that makes people blow up buildings, retard. Look at the jihadists for example.

Except I am also a veteran. I am 31. I was in Ranger bat. Left the army honorably after several combat tours. And I know not to get fucking baited by a fucking teenager.

Little is emotionally unstable. Probably PTSD,.

his fans are literal children or retards. they think nobody has every tried to take on jews.

Another good little goy. I can't tell if you are all seriously this fuck stupid and this brainwashed or actually shills. If you do the bidding of the Jew you are one and won't be treated any different. That dirty half cast spic will get a bullet to the back of the head as well. What his argument was is that Americans are little children and that you must appear like a brain dead retarded kike asslicker for them to relate to you and he is not wrong look at Trump. But it doesn't need to be that way.

Yeah the SoutherAF podcast was one of the only shows that mentioned him and I don't think many people listen to it. They were completely silent about him after that. Until Striker brought him up on Strike and Mike. They talked about him for like 15 mins at most. You're reaching real hard there aren't you?

>They're trying to keep Little relevant

Good laughs

Well I joined in 2004. I knew what I wanted. Why would I join during a time of war to NOT kill people?

Intelligence has nothing to do with the all paid expense hunting trip that was Iraq and Afghanistan.

I had a figurative and literal BLAST.

Patrick Little sperged out like a retard, got knifed. Sad!

oh wow 07? you sure are an oldfag. i can tell by the way you use r*ddit spacing and tell everyone youre an oldfag.

well all he did was lose an election right? he literally wants to give your tax money to blacks why do you support this guy?

patrick little has the speaking prowess of a 12 year old girl. literally listenable.

TRS promoted Little.
Little promoted TRS.
You're all dumb Jews.

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Autism intensifies. Are you literally that weak and pathetic a small group of people brings you to your knees?

Jesus, the JOOZeee must be all powerful.

>Patrick Little gains media attention
>some Antifa type calls him a little girl
>Little knocks him out
>cameras are rolling
>Little goes to jail
>Shitlib media gloats over the violent Nazi in prison
What's the next step in your brilliant plan?

He's on our side and has passion. People like NF are a dime a dozen, polished and young, with a plastic smile. He just oozes future politician. I don't care about people like that, those are the types of people who are back door deal makers and compromisers. They don't have the peoples interests at heart. Contrast that with the fanatic, they can't help but be genuine in their message, they are of pure soul. I'll take the true believer any day over Ted "The Cruise Missile" 2.0.

>passion isnt gonna win anyone over
>hitler won by being smug on the internet
schlomo detected.

exactly, i dont know why everyone is so divided on this, seems clear as day to me nick and his crew are a bunch of useless spineless faggots who are just mad at patrick for having more balls than them

how does nick fuentes have a youtube channel if he's against jews?

is that what this is all about, this faggot doesnt want his youtube deleted?

or is he not actually anti jew, or is he a jewgle sanctioned controlled opposition cuckservative?

t. POG

It's literally a smart way to rally blacks against jews.

Southern dingo is straight shooter as far as I can tell.