If you're against globalization then sorry sweetie, you're on the wrong side of history. The majority wants it...

If you're against globalization then sorry sweetie, you're on the wrong side of history. The majority wants it, and the majority knows what's best.

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mcstain doesn't deserve to live


If the majority was right, then they wouldnt be the majority

TIL 70 year old values are arming arabs that enslave women and murder christians

His cancer had only ONE JOB

Liberals say sweetie.

Globalism is why HC lost.
No one likes Mccain the brain.

He's just being used to keep Trump in.

and like him it was terrible at it.

If he looked at polls that weren't from the fucking National Review or some other zog wipe, he'd be pretty surprised.

One day I hope to piss on mccains grave

>a shit sandwich
i like how he threw the turd in the middle, hoping people didn't immediately catch it.

if the berniebros weren't so retarded, they would be extremely anti-globalization, some of them probably are. globalization is the worst form of elitism because it makes them rootless like the jews, holding no allegience but to themselves. that is extremely dangerous. this is how evil McCain really is.

Globalist imperialism is the future and everyone against that is bound to be on the "wrong side of history" eventually.

The cancer really has eaten his brain if he thinks we have free trade.

he's the token RINO that bucks the Republicans when it makes him look good. just like he was fond of building a wall and going to church every time he's up for re-election.

he's probably been dead for a few months and they're just doing a weekend at bernie's thing so they can appoint his seat rather than special election it

McCain is a cancer on the republican party. I'm glad he is dying!

Euthanasia him.


If 70% of Americans disagree with the anti-globalist policies of Trump, then why elect him in the first place???


in a perfect world globalization would make a lot of sense. everyone allied with everyone. Imagine the expansion. we would be on mars right now. Unfortunately this is not a perfect world.

>bipartisan majorities
He's saying the deep state is pro-globalization
Yeah, man, we already know that
That's why we support the madman

but even then, it would have to be a globalization of equal, fully autonomous countries. that's not a possibility. You can scale that down to any human organization you can imagine and it just doesn't work. there's always going to be alphas, betas, zetas and omegas.

yes, the EU is a perfect example of what globalization does to a continent!

For those of you stupid enough to believe globalization is a good thing, please watch this movie:


Attached: gsoros emperor europe.jpg (364x374, 30K)

Considering he listed free trade separately, he clearly means New World Order by this. He's hilariously wrong.

keep in mind this movie is almost a decade old now.

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there would be no countries, just humans helping humans.

How is globalization even destroying Europe? Are Europeans so dull they can't compete with American, Russian, or Chinese business men and are thus doing poor economically?

Isn't this stupid piece of shit a foot and two elbows into the grave? Why is he spending his last moments on this earth preaching from the book of globalism?

>listening to a guy with brain cancer
not sure

When will that fucking brain tumor finish the fucking job?

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>The majority wants it,

globalization means lowering your quality of life via mass immigration

When will he just fucking die?

>drumpfies don't know that McCain is immortal and can never die

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next month

Is it too late to send him back to the Hanoi Hotel?

>there would be no countries, just humans helping humans.
some idiot wrote a song about this, then he was shot in the street...it was a good day

The majority absolutely does not know what's best. Look at most people today- and then try to tell me you want to be like them.

You're a faggot too, btw. Sovereignty above all else you fucking homo

That's because he sucked Dracula's cum through the bars of a Vietcong tiger cage when the vampire was working for the Soviet Union.

So he was always a liar. He finally admits he’s a globalist scumbag.

He campaigned as if he was America first - lying to the voters was his whole life.

You ever hear of something call the EU? Do you know the history of it? Europe is essentially run by a bunch of unelected leaders dictating policy for all the countries in it. They have made it illegal to report on what is going on in Europe financially, economically, & socially because they are destroying the countries. Are you familiar with the Lisbon Treaty or the EU commission. I would suggest researching it and reading/listening to Nigel Farage as a starting point.

Seriously, are you about 22 years old or younger? not an insult, just a sincere question to prognosticate certain factors that make you ask such a question.

>"What we should grasp, however, from the lessons of European history is that, first, there is nothing necessarily benevolent about programmes of European integration; second, the desire to achieve grand utopian plans often poses a grave threat to freedom; and third, European unity has been tried before, and the outcome was far from happy."

>Margaret Thatcher
margaret thatcher, the first female brittish prime minister, was on the wrong side of history?

Europe wasn't organized or strong enough for a globalized economy and now it's getting its shit pushed in. That's all this is.

Globalisation IS inevitable. Look at western world they have no religious values and like baby killing and gays. Catholicism is dead in Brazil here always open to religions like spirit now evangelical surpass catholic trade tariffs are the only thing separating every English speaking country. Canada and USA is identical same as England Ireland. Other than small laws similar to your states it's all identical globalism is here


maybe on the wrong side of history but on the right side of humanity.

No, the majority of people hate globalization. Only kikes and their shabbos goyim like it

Why won't he just fucking die, he wants to make the world worse and worse for some fucked reason

A video thank you card to John McCain by 500,000 people:


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Can’t wait for all these neocons to die off. Fuck Reagan.

>Songbird John just can't stop betraying Americans!

what a surprise there

I can't stand my own government...The idea of some external overlord authority? Nope...

Politicians like McCain have lost so badly, that they have doubled down their lies to the grave, in hopes that their traitors in arms will continue the good fight and win.

Him saying, you're not invited to my funeral, was great. It's like the final insult a loser can lop against a winner.

He’s still alive?

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multi-dimensional gets

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McStain needs to die. Trips calls the day.

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The EU was actually a plan of Hitler and started shortly after WW2 with horrible intentions. Many great documentaries out there on this although they are banned in....guess where? Europe.

Keep whining for a continent you don't even live on.

Oldfag here. 20 years ago it was the leftists who were against globalization. Or am i mis-remembering?

I'm just saying in an ideal world globalization would work. People helping people globally. Obviously this is not a perfect world and people are unpredictable. only way globalization would work is if we were replaced by AI. we can program AI to our ideal perfection.

Lol fuck off mccain.

People who focus on utopia are dangerous. Anyone trying to sell any form of utopia is evil and needs to be removed. Perfection is fantasy. People are complex.

No one ever asked us whether we wanted it or not. If you did, we'd tell you NO.