Liberals hate him. But can you guys actually name some notable things he's done since his election?

Liberals hate him. But can you guys actually name some notable things he's done since his election?

Attached: america_fuck_yeah.jpg (1180x842, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>check one of the first links
>it's a fake news article about the wall

Repairing an existing wall, which was a project that started years before Trump even ran for office != Trump's wall.

Just sage and hide these stupid threads.

stop being a brainlet

Attached: huhuhh.png (645x729, 75K)

I am in a state of genuine envy. I unironically wish he was the president of Italy.

>stop being a brainlet
The Calexico wall project was literally approved in 2009. It just got the funding in 2017. Took literally one minute of searching to verify this.
Be honest or you're no better than the MSM.

he drained the swamp

By adding more jews lol

Nice try though

Tax reform you NEET


I didn't think it was possible, but damn he really gassed out a lot of corruption.

Stopped reading there.

Why so many newfags?

He’s made the economy stronger than it’s been in years, he’s completely undone Obama’s legacy, unmasked the media for the Marxist shills that they are, and has generally taken over leadership of the entire world. In less than two years. We live in extraordinary times, lads. And we owe a debt of gratitude to this great man.

For me the whole point was exposing the criminality hovering around the US government. If that doesn't happen I'm not sure how much of a success he'll have been. That's the meat and potatoes.

I guess the Trade imbalance is big and NK nukes... but that wasn't really an election issue.

If the basic direction isn't corrected, everything else is for naught, because there is going to eventually be a breakdown.

God bless you fags.

Renegotiating NAFTA, putting trade partners on notice. He totally dominated the G7. That's a big one for me.

summerfags in full swing

Ended any thought of the TPP, Ended Paris accord, brought back jobs that Obama said were never coming back, got investments in the US to bring companies back in the US, negotiated billions in trade with china, lowest unemployment for minorities in history, 10,000+ child traffickers and pedophiles arrested, 1000's of trafficked kids saved (MSM NEVER talks about this, I wonder why), ISIS destroyed, cut taxes bringing in 1000's more a year for regular people, or tax crumbs as the demonicrats call them. Ended the New York Refugee Immigration Declaration. If you think any of this shit in moral revelations we are seeing occur on a weekly basis would have happened under Hillary, you are wrong (ie Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Eric Schneiderman, etc)

Attached: trumpcorruptmediagov.jpg (925x960, 100K)

He Tweeted

>he’s completely undone Obama’s legacy

I was very surprised how quickly he got this accomplished. Not only did he get people to stop talking about Obama at all, he's gotten people to talk about what he plans and to do and how he aims to lay the foundation for a greater, freer America. It's amazing how much he's gotten done, and I think we're already taking it for granted.

Won an election nigger