>lets trick the romans
>by rejecting our own messiah
>who performs miracles and healings in public for all to see
>who tells us our temple will be destroyed and in 3 days he will rise it up (as a new religion called christianity but we're too stupid to realize this)
>so we force the romans to kill him
>then we revolt against the romans in 70~ AD but get BTFO and retreat to Masada and kill ourselves
>this makes the romans so mad they take our their frustration our our temple, absolutely destroying it and leaving no stone unturned in 77AD, just like that one guy said
>then we'll be scheming assholes for 2000 years
>and never rebuild the temple to this day
>while we're at it why dont we just worship satan and prove revelations 2:9 true just for kicks, like a prank haha
How to refute this? The further I go, the weirder it gets, because it seems that Christ was right about everything... I experimented doing what he asked of me, and my life is changing crazy fast... For the better, in all levels. Not only that, but the jew thing, he was spot on too. What the fuck is going on? This is all real.