I'm getting afraid Christianity is right and real

>lets trick the romans
>by rejecting our own messiah
>who performs miracles and healings in public for all to see
>who tells us our temple will be destroyed and in 3 days he will rise it up (as a new religion called christianity but we're too stupid to realize this)
>so we force the romans to kill him
>then we revolt against the romans in 70~ AD but get BTFO and retreat to Masada and kill ourselves
>this makes the romans so mad they take our their frustration our our temple, absolutely destroying it and leaving no stone unturned in 77AD, just like that one guy said
>then we'll be scheming assholes for 2000 years
>and never rebuild the temple to this day
>while we're at it why dont we just worship satan and prove revelations 2:9 true just for kicks, like a prank haha

How to refute this? The further I go, the weirder it gets, because it seems that Christ was right about everything... I experimented doing what he asked of me, and my life is changing crazy fast... For the better, in all levels. Not only that, but the jew thing, he was spot on too. What the fuck is going on? This is all real.

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God is on the side of the Jewish people, not those who worship false charlatans like Jesus and Allah who besermich his name with honeyed words of lies and heresy.

all religion are outdated
if you need religion in your life t o improve yourself you literally a fucking subhuman

Sure he is
Jesus came down to tell us we don’t have to worry about being to dedicated to worshiping God

How do you do fellow 4channerz

The Jews went on to lie to the Romans about Christians, and the pagan Romans began the worst persecutions against Christians in history. After the Romans converted, there was a neopagan Roman emperor, Julian the Apostate, who turned on the Christians, and became the first Zionist. He started taxing the Roman people heavily in order to rebuild the Jewish Temple, but a disaster destroyed the construction site, and he later died. Pagans and neopagans are servants of the Jews, either collaborators or useful idiots, and always have been.

begone proddy scum

k kiddo. I could kill you with one finger and an adult kangaroo tied behind my back

Jews are just rebranded Pharisees. They are, in the words of the Messiah, the "synagogue of Satan."

it was a roman psyop that backfired

The destruction and rebuilding of the temple was them killing his body and him resurrecting after 3 days. The temple is the body that houses the spirit. And by the way, Satan and his synagogue have already rebuilt the temple, matter cannot be destroyed it can only be converted, a spirit that is not reconciled to God cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the bottomless pit is about to be opened...

Nero was a Jewish convert.
He false flagged the fire in Rome to blame it on the Christians and had them sent into the colosseum with the lions.

jesus was a fucking jew

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

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Aren't you the one who glorifies a man who killed himself?

Here's a picture of Jews. Notice how they wear these things at their traditional get-togethers? Those are Turkic-Mongol caftans. I would fucking know because I'm a pony-fucking barbarian Mongol. You know which Turkic/European people converted to Judaism en masse in the 700's? The Khazars. Wonder where they went when the kingdom fell? Europe.

The Jews of today are basically fake converts following polluted versions of Talmudism. They have barely any real Jewish blood in them and Israelis are basically German mutts pretending to be the original Jews. Never forget that Emperor Hadrian genocided the Jews and renamed their land to Syria-Palestine two thousand years ago! And it's a damn shame he didn't get every single one of them! There has only been a Jewish presence for the last seventy years! It's awful!

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nero did nothing wrong

>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah

>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah

>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.

>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


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Forgot the actual picture I meant to post.

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Don't you want to follow in his steps?
Getting a gun is easy.

>>Implying I give a fuck...

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Who the fuck are you talking about?

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t. white liberal atheist sub-human

He's calling all who can hear his voice before this tribulation shit ramps up.

Stand strong and keep the faith, even when they take you out back to snuff you out. It's all been pre-ordained. The kingdom is coming

Never heard about this, thank you for sharing

yeah just like every other great disaster right? Fuck off for real you are the fucking brainlet if anything its the kali yuga

hey cool its this stupid motherfucker again

>there was a neopagan Roman emperor
holy FUCK you can't be this fucking stupid.

I understand entirely, am in the same boat. Everything begins to click on a level you didn't think possible , and things are clearer by the day, and life has purpose.. it was the single puzzle piece I'd been missing, due to ((environmental factors))
It's a shame the religion itself is so deeply subverted at present..would enjoy church otherwise

too bad you haven't met your jew god yet

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Of ccourse I know you filthy mutt goy, I'm litterly 100% pure khazar and my wife being 98%.

An israeli faggot

aka synagogue of the merchant

>uhr ironic shitpost hurhur

Do you even know what Samaritans were you illiterate shitbag.
They were Iranian barbarians inhabiting Crimea.
Romans and even Germanics hated the shit out of them.
Your Fuhrer of course. The same on who went on a psychotic breakdown, put one in his own temple. All after sending thousands of the white race to die in a winter wonderland. A complete failure, couldn't even wipe out these kikes, he ended up giving them more power, and aided them in their plots by throwing millions of Europeans against one another.

>jews rejected a jew cultist
>that means he must be right, lkets all worship this jew
How about, no?

>but a disaster destroyed the construction site
Not just a disaster.

>Signs of trouble immediately appeared: after the first day, the workers awoke to find the soil they had removed had shifted back into place. Undaunted, they resumed work when “of a sudden a violent gale blew, and storms, tempests and whirlwinds scattered everything far and wide,” according to the account of the ecclesiastical historian Theodoret.

>Then calamity struck: an earthquake rocked the site, followed by fireballs that burst out of the unfinished foundations for the temple, burning some men, and sending the rest in flight. Some rushed into the church that had been built by Constantine’s mother, St. Helena, only to have its doors shut in front of them by “an unseen and invisible power,” according to one account.

>Some accounts of the disaster read like a retelling of the plagues visited upon Egypt: the fountains by the old temple stopped working, a famine broke out, and two imperial officials who had desecrated some sacred vessels met with grisly deaths. One was eaten alive with worms. The other “burst asunder in the midst.”

>All this culminated with the appearance of the cross—either in the sky or sprinkled like stars on the garments of the workers, according to early Church accounts.

>Needless to say, the temple was never rebuilt. This much is certain.

We've never been on the brink of transhumanism in our history before. The last time humanity risked losing its genetic profile, god drowned the earth and killed off the nephilim.

The prophecy said that it will be like the days of Noah again when he returns for the final judgement. We are already toying heavily with genetic manipulation, it's only a matter of time


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Jesus was the most anti-Jew that ever lived.. and no, by birth he was a Galilean, of the TRIBE OF JUDAH.. an Israelite, in no way connected to those who call themselves Jews today.
Hitler praised passionately, on several occasions.
Read a fucking book, brother

This is exactly correct

>Jesus was the most anti-Jew that ever lived
wrong, he was a rabbi he is a jew.
>Luke 1:33 – and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.
Jesus will reign over the house of Jacob. Now, what exactly is the house of Jacob?

>While thus engaged, there appeared one in the form of a man who wrestled with him. In this mysterious contest Jacob prevailed, and as a memorial of it his name was changed to Israel (wrestler with God); and the place where this occured he called Peniel, “for”, said he, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved”.
It’s like Jews made a bet with someone – you got 6000 years to rule the Planet and kill the White Race – are they playing Risk? Anyway, the “house of Jacob” therefore refers to Israelites, that is to say Jews, who are direct descendants of the sons of Jacob. There are 12 sub-houses of this house : Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin. We continue :

>The major theme of the Hebrew Bible’s narrative is the loyalty of Judah, and especially its kings, to Yahweh, which it states is the God of Israel. Accordingly, all the kings of Israel and almost all the kings of Judah were “bad”, which in terms of Biblical narrative means that they failed to enforce worship of Yahweh alone. Of the “good” kings, Hezekiah (727–698 BCE) is noted for his efforts at stamping out idolatry (in this case, the worship of Baal and Asherah, among other traditional Near Eastern divinities), but his successors, Manasseh of Judah (698–642 BCE) and Amon (642–640 BCE), revived idolatry, drawing down on the kingdom the anger of Yahweh. King Josiah (640–609 BCE) returned to the worship of Yahweh alone, but his efforts were too late and Israel’s unfaithfulness caused God to permit the kingdom’s destruction by the Babylonians in c. 587/586 BCE.

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They won't rebuild the temple because they are afraid of what might happen. The Jew fears Christ.

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If I was the cause of death and ruin for my own nation and people, all for a goal which wasn't even fulfilled.
I most likely would.

Germans are the niggers of the white race, Jews are the true master race.

we rule the world and you live and die like the cattle you are for the benefit of God's chosrn.

I thought the Jews went to Arabia for 500 years and ended up creating Islam.
I remember learning somewhere that Mohammed came from a Jewish family.

low quality bait. apply yourself

The Jews managed to get the word 'israelite' translated as 'jews' in nearly all modern bibles. Those with the IQ of pond scum like yourself are the only ones that haven't yet seen through their ruse

Kikes are Edomites, you faggot. Mixed race, as shown by EVERY FUCKING GENETIC TEST OF THE LAST TWENTY YEARS. The Israelites, meanwhile, were specifically forbidden to race-mix. They were white.

Herod was an edomite. This is undisputed. He was busily replacing all the WHITE rulers of the nation of Judea with MIXED Edomites. These are the "Jews who are not actually Jews" Jesus specifically warns about.

Why the fuck do you believe Christ-murdering, satanic kikes when they tell you they are God's People of the bible, user? Why would you take their word for that? They hate God and God hates them.

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Holy fucking shit

Jesus was a pawn of Satan and was rightly punished.

I'm sorry but that israelite shit is bullshit and you are being lied to by dumb fucking kikes.

Hitler, however, did not subscribe to the belief that the Israelites of the Bible were actually Aryans; in a speech he gave in Munich in 1922 titled “Why We Are Anti-Semites”, he referred to and disparaged Abraham as racially Jewish.

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Fucking amen, thank God people are starting to see this shit

t. talmudist kike

Best part? Its actually confirmed by Roman pagan historian Ammianus Marcellinus in Res Gestae

>[T]errifying balls of flame kept bursting forth near the foundations of the temple, and made the place inaccessible to the workmen, some of whom were burned to death; and since in this way the element persistently repelled them, the enterprise halted.

Christianity is the truth

Never has any man in the history of the world been responsible for the death of as many Jews as Jesus has

The Jew fears the Jesus

>then we'll be scheming assholes for 2000 years
This is also laughable. They were scheming asshole nation wrecking rats since antiquity. Their own holy scriptures attest to this. Their mythic hero who their nation was named for lied and cheated to steal everything from his own brother.
>Jesus was the most anti-Jew that ever lived
That's why he practiced their traditions and read and quoted their prophets and lived and taught in their land and temples, because he wasn't one of them?
>in no way connected to those who call themselves Jews today
Oh, you're actually retarded, okay.

Keep lying fucking kikes really really want whites to convert to christianity. i wonder why that is.

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I have no need to hide who or what I am, I'm proud of my Jewish roots and heritage.

das glaube ich kaum , immerhin haben wir die technische Moderne erst ermöglicht - im Gegensatz zu den verfluchten juden die lediglich konsumieren wie die nigger und die araber - juden wurden in den 40er Jahren hart verfolgt und schließlich vernichtet - wenn ihr wieder zum Problem werdet rotten wir euch aus .

Mit freundlichen Grüßen , Dr.Mengele

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Dispute this: You can't

sure you have to hide - and you have to behave - otherwise you will travel to Dachau

hahaha you honestly believe this shit?

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>I'm proud to be a literal satanist


This is fucking crazy, I never heard of this until now

>can't dispute it

Ok then that's what I thought, thanks for playing

Everything that has ever happened in the existence of the world can be chalked up to Jebus you fucking idiot.

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I wish Jow Forums started memeing this shit around

Kikes were literally blasted by fireballs

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Why do all the kike shills use the swastika flag lately? Isn't this a bit on the nose?

You need to do some studying, provided you're not a purposeful dishonest actor. I'd suggest Josephus and Herodotus as good places to start.
Talmudic Jews are a mixture of the Pharisees grafting themselves onto the tribe of Judah's and installing themselves as the permanently middleman between them and god, claiming they got the *real* laws, not Moses. They're miscegenated and inbred, and were roundly despised by all who dealt with them (including Josephus, a TRUE Israelite.

In Herodotus, more than once the Spartans mention being direct kin of the Israelite priests.

Could go on for hours.. but I'm afraid you've fallen for a cheap trick, my simple friend


go to hell

Where is this from?

Sounds fake

DSEUS VULT MY KEKSITANI DUDES! You are a fucking retard genetics prove jesus was a jew the people that have been living there have lived there forever. Its a fucking christian identity retards that worship a god damn JEW. You are being lied too or it could be that you are so fucking DEEP into christianity that you could never admit to yourself that it is wrong. You are what is wrong with Jow Forums you come from literal stormfront where they believe this anti-intellectual shit. It wasn't like this on /new/ when faggots called us stormfags it would be wrong but now nope.

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you call the G*d of the Jewish people Satan but yet worship a demon on a stick like the good little idol worshiper you are, g*d will punish you like he does to all those who stray from his divine light.

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>How to refute this?
You can't refute something without making a case for it first retard. What makes you think any of that bullshit is even remotely credible?

Look up Julian attempt of reconstruction on wikipedia, it's real

>They were white.
Yeah, except that isn't true.
>Why the fuck do you believe Christ-murdering,
Why should I care about conflicts between jews?
>Why would you take their word for that?
Because I don't care. Jew claims about jew scriptures don't matter because it's all bunk.
Well, yes but just saying something doesn't make it true

Kikes went too far when they allowed Zabattai Zevi satanism to dominate judaism

only trouble is the gospel was written after the temple was destroyed, so somebody was past posting the prophecy.

You're so wrong it's disgusting.
Not 3 days ago I watched another lecture on cohenim genetics.. a Jew was having to admit they had so little connection to the ancient cohen line that the Ethiopians even had 3 to 4 times the genetic relation.
The vast majority of those we call Jews today are khazars.. thus the genetic links, cultural links, the surnames like 'kagan' (which meant 'king'), and we have their history all the way up until they entered Europe through Poland and Spain

>Well, yes but just saying something doesn't make it true
I'm saying that it is with the christkikes here. Christians will just say JESUS DID THIS for EVERYTHING.
>Ethiopians even had 3 to 4 times the genetic relation.

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You glow

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

To anyone that has been for a while, I trust you understand this. Otherwise you have wasted your time.

You loved Jesus until he threw the money changers out of the temple. Then you dragged him around the promised land begging kings and prefects to murder him in your name, threatening revolt if they didn't. You even let a child killer go free and still convinced yourself you were God's chosen people. You're an accursed people. The time is coming.

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Muh sides

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Loving Jews and Christianity are literally incompatible.

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hey leaf, did it occur to you that all his followers and disciples were jewish?

>muh synagogue of Satan meme
Revelation 3 provides no way or form to know who these "fake jews" are, as everything in the Gospel it is vague and contradictory
So you randomly have decided that the synagogue of Satan is the modern Jews, as if that would change anything at all
Jesus himself said that the world is of Satan, and he made it quite clear that the only way to oppose "Satan" is by opposing the World. Which is INSANE if your main concerns are the survival of a WORLDY civilization into the far future. A concern that Christianity makes completely pointless
Why are you even here? You have no skin on this game. According to you, the Jewish War God will WIN no matter what and slay your enemies
There is nothing on the line for Christians
They gave up on this Universe
Europe being Islamic or not is completely IRRELEVANT for a christians that believes in the plan of God
The plan which promised that God would come back after 1000 years of oppression and persecution of his followers
A christians wanting to oppose the oppression of his people is going against God's plan
And it is not some sort of twisted interpretation by the Pope or evil catholics:

- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

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Paul wasn't, plus a bunch NOT of the 12 were not either.

" Areus king of the Lacedemonians to Onias the high priest, greeting: It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Israelites are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham."
That the Spartans were direct kin is noted in Josephus , Herodotus, and Maccabees.
The Spartans were usually referred to as blond and fair eyed.
I'd love to hear you explain this away, you ignorant twit. You've been ((indoctrinated)) by ((subvertors))

>God is on the side of the Jewish people
Speaking for God is a sin.


oh yes proof from an old as fuck book! WOW man no genetics done or anything! really convinced me!
yeah genetics studies you dumb faggot there is no white admixture at all NONE ZIP ZERO.

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Julian the Apostate was literally a neopagan.

Israelites. They were Israelites. You two use these words interchangeably proving you have no idea what you're talking about

are you fucking serious? do you not understand what neopagan means? fucking god damn