what makes Jow Forums think they can tell other people how to live my life? hint: they can't.
this question goes for commies too.
watch Jow Forums absolutely fail in providing any kind of satisfactory explanation.
PS dicks are beautiful
what makes Jow Forums think they can tell other people how to live my life? hint: they can't.
this question goes for commies too.
watch Jow Forums absolutely fail in providing any kind of satisfactory explanation.
PS dicks are beautiful
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God is real.
>The ax lies ready at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Beware, faggot.
Jow Forumsis a gay board, gotta deal with it.
you almost had nice digits, but in the end your comment is totally nothing.
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>how to live my life
This statement is too vague. If I told you not to get hit by a bus, would I be telling you "how to live your life"? What about don't steal and murder? Am I being too authoritarian? Would I be cramping your style?
how do you equate "not getting hit by a bus" and "dont steal and murder" with peoples private sexuality?
so you’re saying making anyone say muh preferred pronouns is being oppressed.hmmmm. I agree faggot.
yeah actually i wouldn't "make" someone say muh preferred pronouns. i wouldn't want to "make" anyone do anything. why doesn't Jow Forums believe in any sort of libertarianism? why is it so full of darkness and will to control other peoples lives?
They can't tell you how to live your life, but when you know wrong, and they know wrong, and you've done wrong, they can in fact tell you that you've done wrong.
that's not what Jow Forums wants though. Jow Forums wants to gas homos.Jow Forums would see homosexuality literally made illegal if they had the choice. so i mean, what you say is fair for sure, but lets not pretend that Jow Forums is something different than what it really is.
>what makes Jow Forums think they can tell other people how to live my life? hint: they can't.
>this question goes for commies too
Cause they can't risk knowing there is someone in the world who doesn't think like they do or has food.
>PS dicks are beautiful
Only on females.
you like dark places, dark brown hairy poopy places to put your pee pee. a message board controls your life? Seems stable.
I'm telling you not to do those things. I see your gay flag, so I assume your argument is not "telling me what to do", but actually, "why do you have a say in my personal sex life?" and is as follows:
> My sex life is private. I have a right to do things in my private life. Heterosexual couples are not harassed about what they do in the bedroom, therefore why should I be harassed with my sexual partner.
Am I close to your argument?
>teehee don't tell me how to live
>dicks are beautiful
>dies of colon cancer
Faggots are a mistake.
yeah sure. that's pretty close to my argument for homosexuality. but Jow Forums is mostly not just talking about "harassing", but killing people for being gay / making it illegal, stuff like that.
i mean a little harassing is no big deal. if someone can't handle some ribbing then that's their issue. but i guess when you get into genuine hatred for another person, that's what the issue is. or maybe not even the "hate" per say, cuz you're allowed to "hate" whatever you want, but when you want to ACT on that hate in some way, like by making the government hunt me down and murder me for my sexuality.
not even just talking about me though. there are a million things Jow Forums wants to outlaw or murder peopel for that really don't harm anyone or have any effect on others.
Why should i respect your beliefs if you don't respect mine? Isn't it a hypocritical statement to say others can't tell you you to live your life while systematically alientaing anyone who doesn't believe what you do?
if we're mistakes and will die of colon cancer anyhow then what difference does it make? why you gotta try to throw us in ovens if we are doomed anyhow. we aren't hurting you, that's for certain.
i haven't done any of that that you are suggesting. some other bad gay man must have done that to you.
lots of gays are suffering from mental illnesses and anger issues and have poor control of their emotions. i don't support that or try to make excuses for them. BUT why would you openly and willingly lower yourself to that level? why would you engage in the same level of psychosis that the worst aspects of the homosexual community are? doesn't seem like something that makes sense to me. i would prefer to try to rise above and make the world a better place, personally. Jow Forums and the people you are referring to only seem to want to make the world a worse place.
i'm here talking to you all anyway, i don't think i personally am alienating you one bit.
Die more quickly and quitely.
lol so mean. i was once so full of hatred and pain too. dark time in my life bro. sorry to sound condescending.
10 hate facts about Homosexuals
1. Average homosexual male has between 20 and 106 sexual partners in a year.
2. 42% of homosexuals have admitted to having over 500 sexual partners in a life time.
3. People exclusively homosexual compose about 2% of the population.
4. 78% of gays are infected with STDs
5. 41% of gays have admitted to having sex in a public restroom.
6. Homosexuals are 100% more likely to be murdered than your average heterosexual, and are most likely to be murdered by another homosexual.
7. 33% of gays have admitted to having sex with minors.
8. Homosexuals commit 33% of child molestations. That means 1 in 15 gays is also a pedo
9. Median age of death of homosexuals is 42.
10. Homosexuals account for 50% of AIDS cases and it costs $300,000 a year to care for each patient. This drives up health insurance and is a massive burden on countries with free healthcare.
Bonus: If you shut down a few blocks of the city and strut around almost naked then it isn't exactly private.
Homosexuality is not a personal lifestyle choice, that only affects peoples private lives.
They thought 20% in my elementary school and it had me doing calculations on the chance I'm a fucking faggot.
Snapped out of it and saw through the jewery tho.
almost none of that is real though. i mean come on, you'd have to be insane. to think that the "average homosexual" has between 20 and 106 sexual partners a year, or 500 partners in a lifetime lmfao. honestly dude the "average" homosexual is probably still closeted or close to it.
78% are NOT infected with STDs. Obviously there is a higher incidence of HIV and AIDs for medical reasons.
you would also have to be nuts to think the median age of death for a homosexual is 42 LOL.
your numbers about gays and pedophilia are also incorrect.
but obviously unhealthy behaviors exist in some people and unhealthy behaviors are unhealthy.
even if the numbers you cite were real (which they are not) they aren't implicitly linked to homosexuality anyway, so whats the point?
i would also point out that living in a society that demonizes you for something as personal and powerful and uncontrollable as your sexuality can lead to alienation, mental problems, and much of the behavior you are discussing. that's a social ill though, not something implicitly related to homosexuality.
so you know, like i said, i just don't get the hate on it. but if you want to hate on it, fine, that's your choice, but even if you choose to hate on it why try to murder gays or make their lifestyle outlawed?
the 2% number is probably about right according to numbers i've seen, but just about everything else posted isn't real user. you shouldn't just believe made up statistics you see on the internet, esp when they say obviously silly things like "median age of death of a homosexual is 42" lol. kinda silly.
Do you concede that others can tell you how to live your life about any certain issues?
>esp when they say obviously silly things like "median age of death of a homosexual is 42" lol. kinda silly.
wow you went back and got data from the early 90s, at the height of the AIDs epidemic, and you don't see why that data is incorrect for you to be using today, decades later? and it's likely cherrypicked data anyhow.
i dont know what you mean? you mean like "murder is wrong" or something like that? sure. that doesn't have anything to do with stuff like homosexuality, marijuana use (or any kind of drug use), abortion or anything that doesn't directly harm any other living beings.
honestly i mean if you really believe "gay people die at age 42 on average" the no matter how many studies you can cite, you are dumb. that is just pure stupidity. for real.