Is there a bigger inferiority complex between two countries than Canada’s inferiority complex to the USA?

Is there a bigger inferiority complex between two countries than Canada’s inferiority complex to the USA?

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France and the UK.

Reminds me of this pic

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The French are pretty pathetic and do everything they can to backstab us, they beg for our help constantly and then do everything they can to fuck us over. They even got pissed on by the EU because they wanted the official language changed to French but the EU said "no" it stays as English even when we leave.

lel they are a sad lot.

Bahahaha look who has the first deflection

We're not the ones posting multiple threads an hour about hating you, snowflake.


Nah man.
I'm just saying, who's really the one with the complex here? The country that posts the same stale memes for years or the one that doesn't care lol.

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Madagascar and El Salvador

Stop bullying Canada they can’t even compete with Texas

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That's actually hilarious.
They have a few million less people too.

Bahahaha at all the canuck cucks deflecting

Pack ‘em up boys. I think we know the *real* answer to my question.

Paupa New Guini > Lichtenstein

Lichtenstein has made a lot of progress, so that one has eased up a bit over the last decade.


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Please calm down you'll hurt yourself
We arent enemies lol

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Those aren’t even real countries you pathetic canuck cuck

You sure got that backwards. Canadians are confident in their manhood. That's why they don't feel the need to flex and strut and bluster like a bunch of faggots. Insecurity is the hallmark of the American psyche.

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Wow. Being the pathetic canuck cuck that you are and submitting to an agressor. Truly a new level of pathetic. Even for canuck cucks who if I recall correctly have a lower GDP than Somalia.

No its pretty pathetic actuallymy boomer parents watch like 6 hours of news a night and its nonstop trump from 6pm until seth meyers

>dat unconscious projection eh

Canuck cuck literally SEETHING

Being this oblivious.
Yeah I'm out friend. What a gay ass thread. Here's some advice.
Talk about trudeau more
Talk about the bestiality thing
Talk about military size
Talk about liberal bias in country

Three fact is if you're going to make a worthwhile leaf thread in 2018 it better be good. The best bants happened years ago.

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Exactly. Burgs on here have some insecurities i think

Yawn. Another canuck cuck Triggered and SEETHING

'Deflecting' ...come on.

We don't come to be insulted in the form of a windy serious discussion.

Besides, if you are serious you should be asking others not us.

I will say seriously, we have an Inferiority complex in some respects and a well deserved superiority complex in others in others. That is the real deal truth. That angers you to no end. You believe YOU are superior...which is your right you prefer yours

We prefer ours...which is our right. What more can be said really.

You or me can talk ying yang and make insults on the internet till the end times... it won't change anything.

But it's entertaining all the same I suppose, so we'll keep at it... Fat Boy!!

The fact*

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Somalia has a GDP?

Why are leafs always portrayed as girls? I'm not a girl! It's not fair!

Lol. Weak thread dude






Trudeau and his handlers stole the election by legalizing weed. Now we have a cultural Marxist in the pocket of China and Israel leading Canada not that this was ever not the case. Canada and America are both in the lobotomy chair of jewish influence. Civcucks will attack each other’s countries as if it even matters. At the end of the day the trade war and poor political relations will only affect the genuine citizens or European diaspora of the countries. It just a hollywood narrated soap opera on the political stage to make it appear that trump or trudeau matter. They don’t though.

Goodnight burger.
May the walmart you shart in have napkins.

Canadians overcook their hamburgers. Every province ive been too all i get is charred overcooked meat because "parasites"

You keep caring enough to post

At least you're dead. That's good news.


The equivalent of "Day of the Rake" is "Day of the spatula"

Christ on a Stick Leaf how bad do you have to be that a Burger has to help you insult a Burger properly god damn.....

seething? You wish. I've known this about the yanks since I was a toddler. You guys are a bunch of pussies. Which is why you feel it necessary to larp as the big macho man all the time. Everyone knows this.

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USA and mexico Or UAE and Swaziland
that was too easy





>Huurrr durrr he keeeps respondig he's sooo triggggeredddddddd



Foolish leaf grilling a burger only makes it STRONGER your pathetic digestive system will CRUMBLE under our superior flavor levels you will be stuck immobile on the toilet for WEEKS constantly shitting in constant AGONY while we steal your maple syrup and hockey UNMOLESTED, your move leaf.

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Israel>>>>>>>>>Canada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>United Shitstain Embarrassment Cucks Of The World America

>Omg they responded to a post board thread
>What idiots
High IQ we have here folks.

Assimilate us already



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Yes my pet I mean ally, trolled.

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Wales and England. Scotland and England.

>he uses words I don't like waaaaaa
Don't give a shit bitch

Trudeau keeps using the buzzword "firm" to make fun of american obesity. I may not agree with all the mans policies, but his irl shitposting is second to none. He let 100,000 devout Muslims in and instantly made it legal to fuck your dog and illegal to hit your kid. That is 7d shitposting.

Steady on, leafs are fragile. As winter creeps slowly n, leafs become brittle, less able to flex and wend and waft . It’s not their fault they’re the least capable anglosphere nation vis adaptability. Anywhere else and a diehard, obstinant ‘fuck you, this is our land’ would be well received. But in Canada, no. They are asked, by the very highest levels of government, to back up on a dick. And then they need to pay taxes on it. Canada is lost

Reminder that Canada owned your American butts in 1812.

Yuus a master troll..... you trolled left when we was trolling right.. how DO you do it. you trolled my eyebrows off

many, many hours logged for this kind of troll proficiency. I bet your mom even looks like a troll didnt jus troll me again did you?

That was the British, amd you moosefuckers have been, predictably, riding dads coattails ever since. Utterly pathetic.

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Yes Scots HATE you guys. It's literally almost a get violent type of hostility.

Also > NORWAY>SWEDEN they are always at each others throat, for reasons no one else can decipher

Also> A certain strain of Ukrainian is Aggressively hostile to Russians (even before the whole Crimea thing)

Fuck you cunts, coming from you that's the funniest thing I've seen since your dad dropped his pants.

Why are you choosing to defend america, aussie roo fucker?

That’s funny, Canada is conspicuously missing from this mem. Not unusual, but thought it odd that you used a fkikebookmtier meme and Canada, as usual, fades into the background. You faggots are so scared to mention your many and varied contributions to global politics because you can’t name one example that doesn’t make you look like the retarded Inuit half brother that literally blew a seal

Piss off bogan... you spout all the 'knowledge' you acquired on Jow Forums like a real pro.

You are just a bit behind us on any trend be it bad or good, so anything you dislike about Canada will arrive in about 8-10 years on your shores in full force.

No you and Matilda go waltz away.

We don't have mexican work ethic

>canada has the inferiority complex

We have a flawless war record. You were literally bested by a flock of aggressive birds.

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Lol fuckimg what?
>flawless victory
>we elected Trudeau and lost medal pocket

We've never been morally justified in any of our wars

go huff gas bogan

unless you want to discuss your inferiority complex with New Zealand

Oh, btw, you get justed daily by trump. The revenue you miss out on by letting him live rent free in your head must be astounding

enough to by a solid gold diggerie doo

I don’t see how that works, our gdp is greater, we have less kiwis and it’s generally wamer here. Your metrics are all up the spout

Yes but the key difference. And it's a big one. Is they have less Australians.

That makes for a far more pleasant environment and a much better standard of living generally.

Are you enjoying your nigger population user?

top kek. yeah, we're so jealous up here. ya got us. :)

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We're full of niggers too dummy. In fact we have less Whites per capita than America.

unfortunately, pity doesn't feed you or your children. Not that you'll have any as a white who is being exploited by his own gov't who is capitulating to the geriatric boomers'retirement plan agenda.
Most of them were dumb. They worked blue collar jobs that offer now a mediocre standard of living. Think the american dream is dead? It's been dead for canadian inheritors (the millenials) since they were children. The entitlement generation is what we're called. It's more malevolent that you can even think. They want us to kill ourselves, (white minority 49% projected by 2019 in Canada), and they are chambering the rounds, cocking the gun, and putting it in our hand and guiding our hand in theirs to our head.
>You cannot get this real. This is grounds for outright revolt and anarchy.

On a scale of 1 to mad, where would you put yourself right now?

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>not faggots
Have you seen our PM?

It honestly demoralizes me completely. It seams like half my city is Indian or Black.

I can't live like this, user. I just want to be around my own people

>Mexico and USA
>Pakistan and India. Even with poo in loo, they're still way better.

We are going to ally with China. Canadians do not want to be a part of the goy culture in the USA.

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