Why do feminists have no problem wearing pussy hats, going topless at protests...

Why do feminists have no problem wearing pussy hats, going topless at protests, and attend slut walks but want to ruin Miss America?

Attached: miss-america-making-waves-competition-scraps-its-famed-swimsuit-event-a0d39fc5db5044c8.jpg (512x341, 44K)

because the women in Miss America are more attractive than them

Because it triggers faggots like you. And because women (and eccentric men looking for wife material) are irl the only people who care about pageants.

Nearly every feminist I met was either the beta orbiter equivalent in a female (never center of attention in girl group, or fat, looked "off", low esteem, etc), or was scorned by enough chads to where they developed an instinct to change their behavior (but of course, not change it in a productive way that reacts to the actual stimulus)

Feminism was invented by ugly women for ugly women to compete against beautiful ladies. They don't even bother hiding it anymore.

Attached: ugly feminist versus beautiful lady 1.jpg (1719x1024, 851K)

a-are our 2D waifus next?

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When are you faggots going to realize half the reason for all this shit:
>PC miss America
>women and POC in Star wars
>Oceans 8
Is the relentless search for corporate profits.
Men aren't watching this shit anymore, and if we are - we're not paying for it (we're not that stupid).
And we SURE AS FUCK don't buy the merch associated with it.

Miss America's ratings have been tanking for years, they're trying to appeal to a new audience now, the only audience stupid enough to actually give them money - women.

Then someone needs to beat some sense in them so that they will go back hiding...

They have always hated how anime depicts women, remember the hate for 'anime watching trump voters'?
This is despite the fact that anime gives female characters a lot more agency and nuanced portrayal than in western media (think of Madoka, Eva etc), where females are either eye-candy or the independent-need-no-man style where they are basically a man with boobs.

Sexual jealousy.