Can any Europeans explain why the US should be allies? Seriously I can't think of one single benefit...

Can any Europeans explain why the US should be allies? Seriously I can't think of one single benefit....We should consolidate all our bases and use the money to build up our own defenses and partner with China and Russia to form a new world order. Euro peens enjoy free health care and six months of vacation a year because they don't have to defend themselves all the while talking shit about us all day.....

Attached: europe.gif (500x200, 38K)

Because Russia and China are corrupt shitholes that compete for the same things we do. Not a European just taking the opportunity to shit on non-hyperpowers.


If we had our own defenses, we'd have our own foreign policies and your elite don't want that.

And your argument about how Europeans can have vacations and healthcare because they don't have to invest in their defense is retarded, their is no inverse correlation between defense budget and welfare state over here.

We are allies with both of them in trade. But almost all of the European countries are satellite states for the US.

When we will stop protecting you. You'll be just pushed around. By China or Russia. You've no force. Where will the money come from to invest in your militaries when that time inevitably comes?

The biggest welfare states are:
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- UK
- The Netherlands
- Sweden
- Ireland
- Germany
- Norway
- Denmark
- France
- Belgium

All of which are protected, directly, from the US.

The united states should be nuked. We are 56% and a puppet state of israel. In all reality we're probably less than 56%. I know lots of mexicans who are white on their birth certificate. We also created most of what is leading to the death of the white race and western civilization.

>t. the eternal European tourist

A true American-born white would never say such a thing.
It is the "maybe it is just better if we all go extinct goy" argument.
You realize how great this nation is? Le 56% was just made by the Europeans, I can prove this. In reality we're 64% white non-Hispanic. We never caused any of these issues. People like you should be put to death, you betray your nation just because they do something bad, you're no better than the Jews in that regard.

You should just take over Canada and rule North America and form a super squad Pacific alliance with japan, South Korea, Australia and NZ... maybe the Philippines too

The united states isnt a nation and it isnt united. Not culturally, racially or politically. The bonds that hold us together as citizens are some of the most superficial of any nation in the world.

What is there to be loyal to? Money is the only thing. There's no reason not to jump ship once this empire collapses

That doesn't mean we should evaporate off the face of the Earth.

Where should, us the Americans (not the memed Americans like blacks and Mexicans but the Whites), go?

>When we will stop protecting you. You'll be just pushed around.
And maybe that's just what we need. Neutered leaders create neutered populations and there is not a better way to neuter a leader than to allow him to pretend that half the world wouldn't just grab everything we have if they had the opportunity. The only European countries you're protecting that did not turn into total faggots have the Russians breathing down their neck.

I'm serious, one of the main reason I wanted Trump to be elected was to see NATO BTFO.

You do realise France already has an army capable of taking on Russia and we don't have american forces on our soil ?

This question is irrelevant to me but I think if anything we should fight extra hard to prevent Europe from becoming like us in whatever way we can. If I could I would divert 100% of the migrant hordes here just to spare them. It would also accelerate things and hopefully make for a good cautionary example

>You do realise France already has an army capable of taking on Russia
Not really. Russia has much more men in reserves, you can run around with a war for a while, but eventually the Russian bear will wear you down and devour you.

>don't have american forces on our soil ?
You're our ally, so attacking you means us attacking your attacker, and that we have military bases all around you. In Germany, the UK, Italy, etc. So we're all around you.

Youre military is decent but it’s not nearly large enough to compete with Russia mate.

I agree fullheartedly. That is what got America to elect Trump was foreign nations taking us for granted, especially East Asia and Canada.

Do you honestly think Germany can't create an Army that can defend itself?...from Russia?? Russian economy is minuscule compared to Western Europe.

They don't have defences (same as Japan) because you don't want them too. You are still occupying Germany...since WW2. It's you guys who are all over the world putting bases everywhere say you are doing it for everybody else's sake... but it doesn't really seem that way.

Trump was supposed to pack it up and head home.. focus on merka... good. That's what the electorate wants... now do it... LOL.. you won't ...and you never will unless you are heading home after total destruction of the US Fleet. because you are maintaining an international order that works to your benefit.

You are perfectly free to sail your boats home and pack your tents and go look after yourselves in the 'homeland' lol

They're also killing you in the balance of trade.

>Not really. Russia has much more men in reserves, you can run around with a war for a while, but eventually the Russian bear will wear you down and devour you.
That's preposterous. France alone might have some troubles in a long term conventional war but we have nuclear dissuasion and, more importantly, even without the OTAN we have the EU and 5 times the population of Russia, more industrialized, considerably richer, etc...

Russia is already overrated by the US because of your cold war education remmants but in truth, Russia is mostly toothless now. They claims to have 15000 tanks with most of them rotting of rust in some abandonned garage, they can't maintain their nuclear firepower, their soldiers were all turned into small taskforces fit to fight Chechen but not real countries.

Russia could never take on the EU. Never.

And if the US remove the bases, maybe Germans will finally agree to contribute to defense. If all EU members gave the same % of GDP as France to build an army, we would be completly safe, even against you.

Why kill ourselves in order to save Europe? What a silly suggestion. Our sacrifice will mean nothing. Look at South Africa, they're being completely genocided, alas Europe refuses to awake. A good beating is what will wake them up, it is the only thing that will wake them up.

They will spit on our grave, we're an ethnicity, you're suggesting letting us die out to save others? that is what the SJWs suggest doing for all whites for their precious blacks and middle easterners. We're here on this Earth to stay. Are you even an American?

>They don't have defences (same as Japan) because you don't want them too.
What all these ignorant Americans posting ITT are missing out on how Europe's biggest powerhouse still doesn't have an army is that our military is legally capped.
After WW2 we got legislations for expanding our military, which is why the US owes us their "protection".


>Europe's biggest powerhouse
Oh shut up. You're nothing without the EU.

>we literally gain more money from Europe than we lose
>thinks this is bad

Break it up you guys

>Do you honestly think Germany can't create an Army that can defend itself?

yes. you can't just muster an army and expect it to perform out of the box, history has proven this many, many times. does germany have a theoretical war machine, yes. does germany have a modern military culture, with generations of leadership, experieced troops, live tested equipment, no. it has a spreadsheet army

this is true for all of mainland europe except maybe france, but then again, france

america guarantees mainland europes defences all whilst socialists from said nations gloat and mock them for spending so much on their military. it's infantile

If America does nothing the peasants complain that we are not using our vast military spending to help. If the inverse is done than we are acting as the world police and we should feel ashamed of our actions. There is no winning move in politics, the only thing that garners fear and thus respect is the use of sheer power and force.

The EU was tailored to benefit Germany, a certain version of France and East Europeans on long term issues. That's it.

If Germany wants to get an army, it won't be a german army, it will be a EU army with a french basis.

>- UK
we're the only nation that meets the gpd spent on military requirements that the US themselves set and we maintain both nuclear subs and defenses. you defend mainland europe, not us

We wuz defenders of europa n sheeeit

Attached: IMG_20180609_211359.png (699x916, 831K)

>Do you honestly think Germany can't create an Army that can defend itself?...from Russia?? Russian economy is minuscule compared to Western Europe.

The last time that was tried you know what happened. We need to realize Russia is untouchable and the only way to wear them down is what we did in the Cold War. Which is to wear them down economically, play the economic war. If you invade Russia it will fail. Germany will have to go through Belarus (which will help Russia) and Ukraine (which will have a coup and help Russia). It won't happen, it cannot happen, even with modern technology.

Russia is too unstable, as usual, to go on the offensive, but it will wear you down, and devour you if you go on the offensive. You must play the economic game as you said.

They don't have defences (same as Japan) because you don't want them too. You are still occupying Germany...since WW2. It's you guys who are all over the world putting bases everywhere say you are doing it for everybody else's sake... but it doesn't really seem that way.
Explain to me, how exactly to we benefit by putting military bases in Germany. They loose money and are off-location. Only Germany benefits because they do not need to pay for defense and they collect rent. Also it stimulates the economy in those regions.

>Trump was supposed to pack it up and head home.. focus on merka... good. That's what the electorate wants... now do it... LOL.. you won't ...and you never will unless you are heading home after total destruction of the US Fleet. because you are maintaining an international order that works to your benefit.
How do we benefit? We do not screw over any country on trade, we do not collect taxes overseas, we do nothing. It is to our detriment. Furthermore I hate it. It is disgusting, especially when we rack up this debt, to carry the rest of our world on our solders is exhausting.

Blind patriotism at it's best folks.
If not that, OP is a J E W, or works for them

eventually EU is gonna break into blocs and Trump will help splitting by negotiating direct with Italy and V4
if the UK gov had half a brain they would get a US deal stat and use as leverage with brussels

Attached: RIP.multilateralism.jpg (638x479, 70K)

>but we have nuclear dissuasion
That's why it will never happen

>without the OTAN we have the EU
Heh. Do you really expect Germany or Spain or Italy to break their backs for you?

>more industrialized
Didn't help the Germans

>considerably richer
Doesn't matter when you're marching into the taiga with stretched out supply lines.

>Russia is already overrated by the US because of your cold war education remmants but in truth, Russia is mostly toothless now.
Never underestimate Russia
Napoleon did
Hitler did
The only way to beat Russia is economically or political instability within it.

>They claims to have 15000 tanks with most of them rotting of rust in some abandonned garage,
Can easily be redone and renovated

>they can't maintain their nuclear firepower
One nuke in Paris is all that it takes

>their soldiers were all turned into small taskforces fit to fight Chechen but not real countries.
Can easily be reorganized

>Russia could never take on the EU. Never.
It never will, EU will never lift a finger to help a member militarily, especially you, you're Merkle's greatest danger within, do not forget.

>And if the US remove the bases, maybe Germans will finally agree to contribute to defense. If all EU members gave the same % of GDP as France to build an army, we would be completly safe, even against you.
It will, but they don't, and refuse to, doing so will break many nations, including the smaller ones. France is the only salvageable north-western European nation besides Britain.

I agree that the US carries a big burden, and I agree that the average American probably gets nothing but grief over it all (literally and figuratively). But the elite class that hovers around the government will never give up the system as it is.

They are globalist, but burrowed deeply into the US, so the country is like the host... as they said of the USSR...'A jewish brain in a slavic body'

Yeah, the homeland is covered for you. But such places as Gibraltar, Cyprus, Bermuda, the Caribbean, your pacific possessions, will be a little harder.

You got it, remember, that globalist brainworm is also in Canada, Australia, NZ, and Europe. We're just to be used and discarded. Their real plan is with you.