Justin from Canada BTFO

Say it with me Meek and Mild.

>Faggot trudeau fake eyebrow fall during trade speech


Attached: unnamed.jpg (384x384, 19K)

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That's a body double. Clearly not him, which is why he need the eye brows.

This. It's obviously not him, and it's worrying that not a single person on twitter seems to be pointing this out. This is what Justin Trudeau looks like. Nose is completely different.

Attached: justin-trudeau.jpg (870x489, 37K)

tell me about trudeau, why does he wear the eyebrows?


Vote a lit major to run your country, lol!


Attached: 1503231001465.jpg (278x429, 25K)

Attached: Cupace20180610045608.png (1080x720, 1.34M)

I think the majority of leaders are trans.

It reminds me of CIA faggot David Ferrie (homosexual with CIA ties that dies right before he was suppose to testify in the JFK assassination case). David Ferrie had no eyebrows and would tape what looked like catepillers above his eyes.

I saw that - I clicked to post and it brought me to the catalog

>not the hero we deserve

Attached: captainfaggot.jpg (350x525, 71K)


>its completely different

Attached: gretxky.jpg (1242x528, 389K)

no such thing as body doubles. thats not a thing. if you ever showed one evidence of one ever. this isnt

This. It doesn't even look like Trudeau

The absolute state of Canada
>B-But Trump has a combover
Yeah, and it’s real. What’s this fag with sugar in his shorts’s excuse?


>i-its a body double

tottally just a body-double dudes
but ill eat up whatever the people in government shit out

Attached: royal-joke.jpg (1600x1265, 484K)

So what's the autism about now? Our silly PM caught shaving his eye brows?

does your shitty pm have eyebrows u stupid nig

Attached: cantbet.jpg (424x269, 54K)

I don't think its a body double. I believe it is a CGI deepfake. Essentially like that CGI interview with Assange after they gnabbed his ass.


I like how Trump tweets this after giving a press conference with Trudeau just hours before where he kisses Justin's ass for two minutes straight.

Trump is that asshole dweeb that acts like your bitch to your face, and then talks shit about you behind your back. He's pathetic.

You fucking retard Julian assange is alive and this is not a body double. Justin trudged a massive loser who was just exposed by trump for being so on a global scale

Well yeah but the eyebrow slip defies logic. Trudea is a cuck. No doubt he sucks dick.

Buuut this is p-fucked up. If you can't see this as being weird idk man you probably just need to do more drugs ro seomthnibg.

Attached: 1528120067847.jpg (700x609, 30K)

I'm actually on a few drugs right now

Hillary had a body double too, you're a low iq midget if you think this is bs.

Attached: hillary-double-side.png (678x381, 126K)

we prefer handicapable little people

Attached: 1504630592322.gif (600x338, 3.82M)


what the fuck does this even mean?
it comes from one thing
it comes from another
i made a post up there so this post must be a body double or post double in your context
god ur retarded

hillary had a twin by the way too idiot

what i'm looking at?

The glue came undone on his eyebrows are 69u blind?

Attached: 9D2FCEC9-B795-462D-B6AB-67C679327407.png (908x542, 669K)

trudeau's legs

Attached: 64B7995B-F70C-4C5D-A89C-D51C12FBBE0F.gif (500x375, 794K)

his gay socks and gay leg cross?

Crooked eyebrows that the glue came undone on

Attached: 1EF90A92-98CB-48A4-AE65-907214C8C6F3.jpg (4120x2847, 1.64M)

Why would you have a body double speaking on stage in front of an international committee

you're allowed to use tweezers to make yourself look less subhuman but... too far.
trump should roast him when he gets up.

Attached: 583 pose.jpg (960x701, 52K)

This guy? Eyebrows?

Attached: 8C8C9613-2E55-4EE7-B7C5-3E0A04A51DB4.jpg (2386x2552, 515K)

Seek help

just a little girl crossing her legs

Jeeezus its like justin's junk is hiding up his asshole.

Cheeky bugger that was gonna be my post.

His reptilian latex bodysuit ejaculated prematurely.


He is an alien!

Attached: those eyebrows.jpg (580x320, 29K)

Trump had to keep his lets open because of his massive balls.