Will it happen? What will be th consequences?
>By 2050, one in every four humans will be African. At the end of the century, nearly 40 percent of the world's population will be African.
Will it happen? What will be th consequences?
>By 2050, one in every four humans will be African. At the end of the century, nearly 40 percent of the world's population will be African.
I wouldn't be so sure about that...
>just fuck a lot
>hurr durr we are now entitled to the earth
Take flight Ebola-chan
i love you ebola-chan
A new dark age until you Asians (well, chinks mostly) colonize and depopulate everything else
If they think anyone except retarded westerners are going to feed the African maw to the point it collapses the planet, they're deluded. The US and EU may bring the world to that point but any sane civilization will simply cleanse the filth with nukes if it doesn't quickly starve after the gibs stop.
They are. In nature mass and energy wins. They will have far more physical mass and far more energy. If our men are too pussy to be openly racist and say, 'no you are not intelligent enough for our societies' then we will absolutely drown in Africans. They already have a foothold and our gates are open.
The left will always use the compassion of women against you to vote against your interests.
Thats bullshit, those models assume infinite susteinability when in reality birthrates decrease and deaths increase as susteinability gets lower.
Sure, you can increase sustainability artificially with foreign aid, which is something we are seeing now, but even that has a cap.
Ebola chan has no power. Whites will save them from every disease they visit upon themselves you imbeciles. You're all fucked.
When Africa hits Peak population growth, they'll have millions die-off in wars, disease and from famine. It is absolutely impossible for this projection to happen based on the conditions that exist in Africa. Plus we've got Bill Gates trying to get every nigger woman in Africa on birth control. That's got to help some.
they'll start dying in droves once we run out of money and food to give them. but at that point we better be guarding the border because these niggers will be flooding into all of our countries.
post scarcity, robotics, genetic engineering, and AI are going to wipe us out well before that.
Niggers die 1000-1 against white militias. Modern militaries would probably get 10000-1 or more. Africans are probably the worst at warfare of any group of humans you could choose.
Mass and energy doesn't win you dumb faggot, efficiency does.
The mongols conquered empires with 100 times their population.
The combined might of all Sub-saharan countries can't even conquer a small country like portugal, because they are just too disorganized and waste 200% of their energy on infighting.
Once the rest of the world stops feeding africa, they would implode, and if the world is hard enough to quarantine africa, soon they would return to the 300 million population range.
China is our only hope as a powerful uncucked adversary against the shitskin hordes
stop feeding africa! and close all borders with them! force them to learn how to survive on their own!
fucking lefties and their "we can't let these guys starve" bullshit. they will never life on their own if we don't stop pumping billions into this hellhole.
When you lie down to let maggots and coyotes eat you, of course you are going to die. The xenophilic fad in western culture is waning. Mass deportations are ahead.
If only I could be as optimistic as you. Eastern Europe is still fighting, and Austria is starting to show a bit of promise, but UK, Germany and France (ie. the ones who actually can do something about it) are hopeless imo.
All because we feed them.
we're not really going to allow this to happen are we?
Ebola-chan ganbate kudesai!!!
Don't be so blackpilled.
Once the majority of whites are woke to the issues we win. Even in minority white countries like the US. White people will use the resources they have to fix it. Just look at gentrification and gated communities. People will implement that on city abd county levels.
Worst case scenario is we lose demographics and the mandate of our people but then we are truly unshakled to be our best. Then we run IRA-style campaigns and rally our supporters to aid us financially and with morale. This requires the most suffering and sacrifice but is the best ending to this shitty game.
And once the West can't feed the devouring mouth of Africa you think India and China will pick up the slack?
I'm sure it won't come down to this (OP post estimations), but the cultural and societal damage done in the meantime might be close to irreparable.
>the cultural and societal damage done in the meantime might be close to irreparable
You won't be too bad off in that regard, if you just make sure all those Chinese, Indian etc workers don't just stay there forever
I'm an European. You're right that Japan is full of Chinese. I dunno why it surprised me so much initially.
Because both are isolationist and anti-open borders, probably?
I guess. Japan definitely has the image of a hard-to-get-into country.