Move to poland white man

>get job in IT
> salary at 9000zlt net
> 3 bedroom houses starts at 320k zlt
> everything is cheap
> goes atleast 3000 zlt + every month
> beatiful women everywhere
> cheap beer, close to a white world where the few nigger and mudslim lookes over his shoulder because they know that their shit will not be tolerated

Come to Poland my white friends, but hurry up, the women here is getting more and more degenerate, more and more tattos

Attached: IMG_1305.jpg (1980x1080, 962K)

Fuck off, we're full.

what a fucking cuck ahahahahahhaha

leave my country and never come back

Is your currency really pronounced slutty? Sounds pretty degenerate to me...

>9000zlt=2471 dollars
the average income in the usa is 5k/month so why would anyone want to move to pooland?

Shut up, i have seen your women

Because we dont have tyrone and achmed on every street corner

Hmu when CDPR is hiring

you do realise that Poland is like 10 times cheaper than U*A, right?
This includes healthcare, food etc.

You can live like a king here for 6000 zł

your women are like all hookers in west europe