Why are ((they)) desensitizing children to weird shit like this? I'm fine with tru-trannies (people with dysphoria transitioning) and gayness but I think this is fucking weird. Why introduce children to fetish burlesque?
Why are ((they)) desensitizing children to weird shit like this...
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Because it's progressive, you fucking BIGOT
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I thought the trannies already turned on the drag queens and ~normal~ fags?
Reiko is back...
Because eventually those children will grow up into voters, you dip
Yaaaas, queen slay
Fuck off
No, all the gays and trannies I know love drag queens
Voters for what?
That doesn't give me a boner, but the actual thought makes me have a warm feeling and excitement.
to push more kids over into the degeneracy of having dicks pushed into their bodies as young as possible.
All gay men want to rape kids, almost 40% of all child rape cases are homosexuals, for 1% of the population that means all gays are preying on children as I type this
For what they're indoctrinating them for. Are you genuinely retarded that you don't understand why they're doing this?
How much will the world improve if we get rid of television?
>I’m fine with normalizing mental illness and celebrating disease vectors
Just kys you kike faggot.
I haven't watched much TV at all in years and I am still flamboyantly homosexual.
the gay agenda aint really they said
Drag queens are harmless. Just a fag in a dress.
I remember when all the gay shit started and people were afraid of the slippery sloop that it would cause.
Their asnwer was that they only wanted equal rights, that it's not like they were going into schools to teach kids to be gay.
Dont give them that much credit
They just see a trend that they can profit off of
The jew plays all sides of the coin
They were attacked as children, they do the same or worse to normalize it, so they aren't rejected and deemed the loser. So others invest in them.
>whites will be a minority in the future
>blacks/hispanics/muslims detest this shit
I hope I'll be around to see how that goes down
Smartest post in the thread. Fuckin’ kikes.
Drag queens are fine. They're just men who like to cross-dress. They're not mutilating themselves to look like a woman.
discord gg/RT8U54
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