If no one fears you, what makes you think they'll respect you? You're trying to make society fall in love with you by being "the nice guys". That approach doesn't work on women, so why would it work on society? Beta losers never learn.
No one is scared of an optics cuck
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This is a shill thread
It does work with women. You don't just walk up to a woman and ask to fuck do you? No, you are subtle about it to an extent, that they still know you want to fuck them, but not that it's all they're there for.
In a similar way you can't just walk up to a fucker and reveal your powerlevel, you have to do it slowly, hide your intentions to a degree while still making the message clear.
Optics "cucks" recognise that you can't walk around shouting "The Jews!" And expect to garner a significant following. Even Hitler had an actual fucking message and purpose beyond just evil jews (if you buy the holocaust).
Never Forget
>It does work with women. You don't just walk up to a woman and ask to fuck do you?
You haven't ever done this, have you? It does work.
Optics cucks are important in the beginning. You can't just jump directly into open war.
everyone here hates richard spencer, only shills push him - you dumb fucking shill
optic cucks are 99% irony trolls, people need to stop getting involved in online toxic trolling and organize localy
oh also the opticucks have no problem yelling "fuck the troops"
>everyone here hates richard spencer
>You haven't ever done this, have you? It does work.
It doesn't in 99% of cases. Women are social creatures, and the reason the 'nice guy' meme exists at all is because men had to conform to womens' preferences at a time when they were heavily informed by Christianity. Socialists once feared giving women the vote because it was thought they would vote according to their priest of pastor. Even though it has changed somewhat, women still follow the standards of acceptable behavior and that rarely lines up with a redpill/MGTOW's conception of male ideals. It only lands you a steady supply of cheap fucks and low quality, desperate whores.