Well Jow Forums?

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wtf i hate working out now

yeah, it's "ok"

not great

>"it's ok but nobody will ever fuck you"


No, it's not (((ok))), it makes you a fucking pitiful worthless """man""".

This one cunt's post doesn't negate the fact that excess adipose tissue is disgusting and there is no reason to have it in modern societies.

Eat 5 small, well balanced meals a day. Lift heavy in compound exercises, squat ass to grass, don't skip on the cardio and sleep well.

Don't be a fat fucking piece of shit Jow Forums.

Instead of that she should have talked about how you CAN be better, this is not a healthy way of thinking.

She's pretty fine made my dick hard

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this is bullshit

Thanks to modern sports medicine, we now know how to build muscle and burn fat in a safe and healthy manner.

Men should have the dedication and self control to eat healthy and exercise. Don't lower your standards to that of women.

No woman will ever settle for a man that is just "ok".