I changed my mind on Patrick Little; he’s actually pretty cool

I’ve been bashing little the last few days for what I thought was a retarded disaster of an attempt to redpill normies

I still think he didn’t redpill any normies and he was preaching to the choir, but I watched a full interview with him and he’s definitely genuine and redpilled. You have to at least respect that, he’s not fucking around.

I see what Littleshills see in him. If we have a ton of people normalizing Jow Forums talking points, this would benefit culture. Even though Little is a total sperg, his heart is in the right place and his senate run wasn’t that bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Getting 50000 Californians to vote in favor of executing most Jews as traitors aint half bad for practically no money. It's just that one dumbass poll got everyone, including Patrick's, hopes up.

Attached: patrick little 1.png (600x941, 635K)

I didn’t like him that much until I realised how/when he came realised to the JQ
Really respect him for actually trying to do something

The way Nick Fuentes behaved on that interview was quite astounding, he is probably almost 20 yet acts like a punk kid

He's a little bitch who got trolled so hard by Fuentes that he ragequitted the call whilst everyone laughed at him.

Triggered little anti-semitic scumbag

What’s the matter Moishe. Talking about the JQ will be mainstream in our life time

>I watched a full interview with him and he’s definitely genuine and redpilled. You have to at least respect that, he’s not fucking around.
This is true, even if I generally disagree with him going full name (((them))) mode out of the gate.

Also, to Nick and other smug optics people out there, something to consider: When Texas flips blue in 6-10 years your whole shtick will become instantly obsolete and you will very quickly fade into irrelevance. Entirely ball-faced honesty will quickly become the only way forward.

They were all 3v1ing him and being little teenage punks with superiority complexes, I doubt the three of them have even had sex yet or learned how o drive

Nah I still think Nick is right

I live 20 mins from him. Nick has probably been to enough high-political events to understand how all of this shit works. He knows what needs to be done in order to win.

The area we live in is full of rich powerful people. You end up seeing things that most people never see. I know things about the world of classical music that nobody knows about. I know the infrastructure inside and out, and I think it’s probsbly like that for politics with Nick

He just sees what Little is doing as counter productive in comparison to what he knows that needs to be done.

Both of them are right for different reasons. But I generally side with Nick a little more.

Probably didn’t need to be that harsh on Pat though.... but I still see where nick is coming from

He's 100% genuine and likeable. Just a bit spergy.

This guy is a backwards idiot. He has no idea what he is doing and honestly I think he is a federal operative.

Ehhh nick understands this though

Nick wants to seize power and then strip leftists of their constitutional/human rights. He openly says they shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions

He just has an opinion on how to achieve this

You people are forever lost fuck America seriously you people are utterly retarded and fuck Europe too you idiots deserve extinction.

haha I like this guy a lot haha
I wish we had a guy like this over here haha

You are just a fucking Mountain Jew hahaha


lol, that's gay.

>it's afraid

Attached: 1527687324232.jpg (1920x1920, 298K)

read this to understand why people like Patrick Little are successful and should be supported regardless of the outcome of elections. no matter what, it is a success -

Attached: 1528139694189.png (698x383, 84K)

The beaner associated himself with an obese balding faggot and a soiboy 30 year old virgin talking about fuck the marines and fuck the troops. He laughed that little got mad and rage quit after this specific insult.

You can agree with them all you want, fact is if that dumb beaner wants to whine nonstop about optics then he just fucked himself. Imagine that "read aquinas", "you didn't read aquinas" faggot trying to run for dog catcher and those clips sinking him. He didn't think it through and it's gonna haunt him if he ever wants to do anything more than be an irrelevant eceleb.

The /plg/ pastebins are still there and were kept up all the way to election day if anyone wants a good list of previous content to watch.

patrick will literally save america

Attached: patrick chad.jpg (1564x1082, 154K)

nicks channel better be bleeding subs. hope nick gets the kumite treatment

Obviously nick is never running for Congress

He’s on video saying leftists should be denied human rights and they are literally demons

Nick is more interested in campaign management/lobbying and stuff like that

He would be probably be good at a seat on a campaign advisory table once he gets some more experience. I'll give him that at least. Just saying though, we all know the nature of the internet, that disgraceful performance from all sides isn't going away.

I usually like a good 'dumpster fire' but that was hard to listen to.

Didn’t really bother me, I thought it was funny

>He sees him as counter productive.

Wake me up when Nick actually does something useful and wakes up people rather than being a divider.

>Fuck Marines and fuck troops.
>Whines about optics
Yeah that sealed the deal for me Nick will never make it beyond anything than one liners and will never expand beyond that. Little at least tried to do his best to not go full Paul Nehlen and ruin himself going after Jews in the way he did. Instead he turned it on the Jews for supremecy and it did well with the communities.

The man is a nazi fuck.

Nick will never be relevant around that time.

Too bad the left has watchdogs and he has enemies that will fuck him over when the time comes.

Props to him he did get out there and canvassed by talking to regular people.

Nick is operating in the traditional, conservative sphere and fancies himself as a role model within this sphere. The good optics route to take in that situation would have been: hosts say "fuck the troops", Nick doesn't laugh but instead tells the hosts that they shouldn't be saying that, ridicule them for doing it and immediately leave the stream regardless of how dumb Little was acting prior.

He should know better than to join in on that and let his emotions and desire to see Little further defeated get the best of him.

Cringe. You don't know shit you dunning-kruger brainlet.

Good, desu

>says the mongol rape baby

Patrick is the man.

Nick is a clown kid entertainer.
He is a internet entertainer with an audience, nothing more, nothing less.

>in our lifetime

Try the next five years.

Seen this before, guy saying he lives 20mins from Fuentes and that he is legit, possibly just the same guy rephrasing but jeez. Somehow you living 20 mins from adds validity to your argument?

Lmao, a tragic waste of his million dollar leadership school.

Tell me something I don't know about classical music

>vapes while publicly taking on shlomo inc.
thats alpha af

Try until the end of this year.

Where can I donate some gibs to Little?

Le 1%

I haven’t seen a more literally Jow Forums politician before this.

The ride ends.