>Next game in the series takes place in Ancient Greece
>Birthplace of white, western culture. Modern developers turn all of them brown.


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the guy just looks tan

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>in ancient society people needed to work more on outside, henceforth they got more tan(particularly the lower classes)
>this is somehow part of ethnic replacement meme

Absolute state of alt-right.

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They’re Tan. The original Mediterranean population migrated from the Middle East, so of course their complexion will be a bit sandy.

The guy looks fine.But the woman is indeed a little too much.

The guy looks fine.But the woman is indeed a little too much brown.

It depends on the region Greece.Different tribes settled different regions and created the hellenic identity and culture.Some of them were more brown than others but nowhere near middleastern as a whole.

the greeks were pooinloos wut

I am more bothered by the fact that it's ancient greece and there is a woman:

1)Outside the home
2)Without a veil

I don’t know how much time you have spent outside, but white people can get pretty fucking tan if they live somewhere with a lot of sun year-round. Somewhere like the fucking Mediterranean.

OP seems to think Ancient Greek citizens were Nordic. Read some books you stupid yankee.

Do you really think that OP even knows what outside is?
He probably lives in some cold ass country has little reason to go outside and has never even been touched by the sun for him to develop a tan.Considering that though at this point he probably couldn't even get one and will just burn himself even if he tried.

Here, take a look: genographic.nationalgeographic.com/human-journey/

You can see a migration route entering the Mediterranean coming from the Middle East.

I never said this was wrong,it just has nothing to do with the skin colour,which is the topic.This is simply prehistoric and is obviously obsolete as far as skin colour is concerned.Not to mention there is little to no mention of that.Otherwise all of Europe would look very different today.You can't base skin colour on he areas that were inhabited tens of thousands of years ago by very much different people than today.

>not knowing what early neolithic farmers are
are you christian? do you think we WUZ the true judeans?

Of course some Mediterraneans today have pale skin and colorful eyes and hair; they got it from breeding with Germanic and Slavic tribes from further north.

Was in crete saw some people with this skin colour.

“From the Fertile Crescent Into Europe
The early humans on this migration brought knowledge of farming and agriculture with them from the Fertile Crescent into Europe. This revolutionized how people lived, creating a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one. It enabled advances in tool-making, pottery, weaponry, and other aspects of human life.” That’s where the original Mediterranean’s come from.

Yeah mate you are right.Alexander the great for example who was described blond was probably a mix with the slavs that lived there back then or even better he was a slav himself omega kek

I know you are joking, but Alexander had dark-Brown hair and olive skin. I’m talking about the Greeks and Italians living today. For example, some Italians have blonde hair because of Germanic invasions and migrations into the Roman Rome thousands of years ago.

*roman empire

We are Mediterranean wtf did you expect? Swedish white? Though women were typically whiter than men due to not being outdoors as much

Females in general have less melanin than male. That’s a fact.

Nigga stop being retarded.

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>Birthplace of white, western culture
That would be Iran and India.

Get your facts straight, OP.

Indo Europeans invaded India, not the other way around.

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Why are you even talking about the Germanic and Slavic influence in the Med in a thread where the point is the skin colour of ancient Greeks and not modern med people.

Wogs aren't white.

That seems pretty accurate for Greece, desu.

The indo-aryans invaded the Indus Valley civilisation created by the natives.

The ruling class of Ancient and Classical Greece were Aryan (Indo-European) invaders. All extant descriptions of Spartan women are blonde haired.

The skin Color of ancient Greeks was olive-tanned.

Are you fucking retarded?! That’s what greeks look like!

shut up retard

They have European features and tanned skin. Like others have said the woman needs to stay out of the sun more

No, the indo-Europeans were the Germanic and Slavic tribes. The Mediterraneans came from the Middle East.

What's the name of the game faggot?

Yes,never said the opposite.

“From the Fertile Crescent Into Europe
The early humans on this migration brought knowledge of farming and agriculture with them from the Fertile Crescent into Europe. This revolutionized how people lived, creating a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one. It enabled advances in tool-making, pottery, weaponry, and other aspects of human life.” That’s where the original Mediterranean’s come from.

Aryan culture formed on the Pontiac Steppe and then in the Corded Ware culture of Northern Europe before invading outward and conquering India, Persia, and the Natufian/EEF cultures of Southern Europe, Anatolia, and the Levant.

ancient greeks were fucking white, sadly they have since been blacked to fuck after centuries of muslim and Turkish rape vacationers

Helots were the Minonian-descendant class of Early European Famers i.e. Natufians. The ruling class of Classical Greece were Mycenaean and Dorian Aryans, as fair and blonde as Helen. You today are a mix of both.

Meds look med

She's tan, you retard

Not according to every fucking historian/philosopher from 1-2-3xxxBC... They were fair skinned, and fair haired... There were entire states of gingers ffs. Romans considered the Persians fair, and the Persians considered Greeks fairer. Read a fucking book. 600-1500 years of Ottoman/Arab bullshit made them darker.

> Mediterranean people don't tan
Let me guess tans are Jewish lies for impure Ottoman genetics. Gimme a break

They were a seperate population from the Indo-Europeans. Don’t know if that still fits your definition of “white”.

You can’t trust artistic depictions of historical characters.

And that's how you spot an uneducated fag.

Only Athenians did that, other poleis did it differently. The Spartans were famous for naked women athletes and wives running the state (and cheating with helots) after all.

What's the game?

looks like a tan, also missing basic negroid features such as jaw prognatism, big lips, large interorbital distance etc.
also, may I remind you, whatever varg approved study of ancent romans and greeks you may have, the sources are always non contemporary, furthermore greeks, and romans later when they conquered them, used to bleach their hair but the natural color of people living in the sunny and hot mediterranean area can be easily assumed as dark hair/eyes

The new assasins creed

You're right, disregard my comment i suck cocks.

Since indo European steppe tribes invaded Indiam would it be safe to assume that Hinduism is actually an indo European religion, and not even really a poo religion?
>tfw uncle Hitler was right

It’s a mix of Indo-Aryan and native Indian culture.

Also, this is nothing to be proud of. The indo aryans invaded the Indus Valley civilisation and brought it down.

What WE,stupid motherfucker???Have you ever been in Greece??Almost everyone is tanned and we all agree race is more than skin color,fuck off with your stupid memes

>implying that game wasn't always anti-white anti-christian shite

Looks fine to me but women are supposed to be paler than the males because women stay indoors.

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Should be called Assasin's Yid

From Spartan Women by Sarah B. Pomeroy, Professor of Classics. All Spartan women described in literature are blonde, as would be expected of an Aryan ruling class.

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Indo-Europeans had a very slight genetic impact on Bronze Age Greece. Ancient Greeks clustered even more closely with Near Eastern farmer populations (Anatolia and the Levant) than modern Greeks due to substantial Slavic migration into the Balkans during the Middle Ages. They would've ranged from a dark tan to pale white depending on class and sex.

Spartans like Macedonians were Dorians

>Also, this is nothing to be proud of
Well, i wouldn't say i am. But it makes sense. Europeans are conquerors.

Yes. This. This fucking guy. Finally, someone who knows his shit. The indo-european and ancient Mediterraneans were seperate populations and had different origins. But of course over time, the ancient Mediterraneans mixed and bred with other groups.

>implying they didn't just dye their hair to stand out from the massive slave underclass

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Verisimilitude in poetry and literature is an extremely recent idea.


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lower classes who cant afford a statue surely cant afford to have women stay at home doing nothing

You mean caucasians, but my point still stands.

This. Even ancient Roman women were known to dye their hair using mud or something.

The Assassins in assassins creed are muslims.
A certain sect that used hashish before the murdering...hence their name.
Ubisoft quietly tricked us into playing as muslims all this time.

Total nonsense. Mycenaean Greece was an Aryan state ruled by an Aryan class that gave them an Aryan languague and culture. Modern Greeks show reasonable amounts of Aryan/Yamnaya genetic admixture in line with other South Europeans. In Ancient and Classical Greece an Aryan class ruled over a Minion-helot class that in time admoxed to form the Modern Greek nation. The same admixture of Aryan/Yamnaya invaders and EEF/Natufian farmers occured throughout Europe, how much Aryan admixed in determining the modern North Euro vs South Euro divide.

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They look fine , probably low class thats why she is so tan becuase of working under the sun but still looks like a very tan south european

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There was no tricking if you actually played the original games newfag

Another thing to note that for the ancient Egyptians, the patriarchal deity (Osiris) was the God of the black soil (Khemet, after which Egypt was named) while the goddess figure, Isis, was a sky goddess and so is associated with the heavens and light. In Egypt, women are on top and men are passive. Lightness is still "privileged" as the active principle over darkness, it's just assigned female form. Don't take ancient statues as attempts at "realism," they're highly conditioned by cultural and symbolic meanings.

>Athenians are the bad guys

Read this study. Everything you're stating is demonstrably wrong.

That is what Meds looked like before sunblock

Cosmetics were banned in Sparta. Read the excerpt.

oh yeah? How many dudes know they are playing as muslims? maybe the hardcore neckbeards. Doesn't matter, the games blow anyways.

Looks fine to me. That's what southerners look like especially if they spend their lives working outdoors, like farming or whatever

I assume that is SnissinS's CreerC. The start of 2 where the protag says something about someone's sister was the end of it for me. And when someone who cut out brains was pushed as someone trying to do the right thing in 1. Played the first part of 3 though. And had one on the vita because no games.

A non series. Ignore it. Like battlefield. Templars were the good guys.

The greek have always been brown. Why do you niggles think that there were pale people that close to the equator? They would have had to be nocturnal.

There were natural blondes and even blue-eyed greeks, but they were all brown.

we wuz spartans n shit

That's what those people look like you autist.

I stopped playing when I realized the template are the good guys

I don't even know where to begin with you user. I guess you're hopeless.

1) 'italians' do not exist. The genetical differences between Lombards and Siculo-Neapolitans are just abysmal (pic related).

2) The auctoctonous Lombards are genetically the same population that lived in Lombardy (Padania) 2500 years ago in pre-Roman, Celtic times. Basically we are 98% Celts and only 2% Germanic (source: History and Geography of the Human Genes by Luca Cavalli-Sforza)

Attached: siculo-neapolitans-equal-jews.png (1500x1200, 316K)

It shows the Aryan admixture beginning with the Mycenaean invasion. What point are you trying to make?

You don't get to deny the descriptions of history because they disagree with your preconceptions. Every description of Spartan women and of ancient Greek women of worthiness desrcibes them as blonde.

Hard-core neckbeqrds like you are the only people that give a fuck about that.
Not to mention that if you wanna be technical and call them Hashshashins you should also know that they are atheists and don't practice a religion.Or did you think that muslin is a race?


Spend a summer outside in Florida, California, or anywhere in the southwest, OP.

They just have brown eyes and brown hair. Who cares? That's still white. Whites have a large variety of hair/eye color an a good amount of whites are brownies.

About half of greeks do look like that dummy. Whether or not they looked like that back then before they got enriched by the Ottomans is debateble though.

You mean Templars?
Yeah dude.I remember playing assassin's creed revelations where the byzantines where the bad guys because the tried to retake their city back from the ottomans,such a kek.Although agood game setting and gameplay wise it was a complete joke with its plot.As almost every assassin's creed game is.

Ancient greeks were all blonde/red haired and had blue/green eyes. Meanwhile these modern christcucks all look like arabs(turks) and larp as "their ancestors" even though they have no genetic connection to them.

>The auctoctonous Lombards are genetically the same population that lived in Lombardy (Padania) 2500 years ago in pre-Roman, Celtic times. Basically we are 98% Celts and only 2% Germanic
But it's a facetious distinction anyway. Both Celts and Germans are racially almost identical. Same with the Latins. They're all Bronze Age Aryan people, heavily Yamnaya and partly Natufian/EEF and WHG.

How much confidence can you have in drawing a distinction of low Lombard admixture when both the Lombards (& Goths) who invaded were gentically so similar to the Celts and Latins?

2500 BC is a time of the Aryan invasions of the Yamnaya throughout Europe. All population movements in Europe from that point are Yamanya-on-Yamanya (bar a few exceptions.)


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Stop embarrassing Jow Forums

Didn't mean to say all but mostly.