Where were you when SJWs ruined SCP fun?

Where were you when SJWs ruined SCP fun?

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I know how many of you react negatively to the whole "sjws ruined x" thing but if theres ever been a great example of literal tumblr trolling sjw dickheads ruining something it is the fucking entirety of SCP, the very fact that there is an official twitter is already an issue but that the admins are taking an official political stance by the very nature of their profile picture and constantly pushing these weird hyper safespace community type rules should be raising all of the old "community" and fan base to arms.

This has to stop this is happening to EVERY SINGLE culture from gaming to our godamn fun writing collections, its demonstrably proveable that many articles being written or that have been written since this culture shift occured in the site are worse then the articles being produced before hand. Filled with mary sues without reason, refrencing things like homestuck and writing fanfictiony type material in actual numerized SCPS if you look at all this and can honestly say it has always been like this then feel free to fucking kill yourself because you are either brain dead or lying.

This doesnt have to be the fate of everything we fucking love we can stop it before it begins we just have to care enough to step in and make a stand as much as we can and to back others who do the same, these people arent "left" leaning they dont give a shit about lgbtq or any of the other shit they say they care about all they really are is a DEATH VIRUS that we ignored and wants nothing more then to get your attention INFECT YOU and bring down every single thing anyone has ever put the effort into to try and make great.

The Gentry are knocking at your door and they always will be, it doesnt get any easier they wont ever go away and the knocking will only ever grow LOUDER. DONT GIVE IN DONT OPEN THE DOOR.

This thread will not have
>3 posts by this ID

They should have gone to /b/, they have a much more inclusive and diverse community of men in skirts with their dicks out.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Banana thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Jow Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Banana guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Bananafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS PICTURE." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

Guess again
This is the exact retardery that bothers me the most.

I don't have a problem with LGBT or the fact that it's a LGBT image.

I have a problem with entertainment becoming political. I don't want a rainbow colored flag on my cereal just like I wouldn't want a conservative flag on my cereal. It's fucking stupid and it's happening everywhere; it's not just the SCP foundation.

You're the problem because political views are constantly being crammed into everything we consume or enjoy; when you speak out against it, you're immediately labeled a bigot. It's worse than retarded.

Powerful groups have taken note and not everyone doing this shit does it to be benevolent. Wrapping up your agenda in a hot topic social issue is a guaranteed way to gain exposure today - and what's better, anyone calling you out on your shit is immediately going to be labeled a bigot and the scum of humanity.

Organisations that don't state either their conservativeness or apoliticalness gradually become more and more liberal. The internet has just sped that up. Instead of a death by a thousand cuts it's by a thousand concessions to the left.

This is just another example. The SCP, given it is about disturbing fiction, should OF COURSE be apolitical. Yes, it should have standards and policies regarding harrasment and all that jazz, but that rainbow logo? Having inclusiveness as a goal?

It's a fucking repository for spoopy fiction. Put trigger warnings on some of the content if you want, in fact i highly recommend it, but don't brag about culling parts of your userbase in the same place you brag about being inclusive. You're being inclusive to certain demographics and pandering to them, and thats just going to quite ironically end up losing you other demographics and potential quality works.

>The internet is not a kind place to LGBT people

Said the one of millions of people celebrating Pride on the internet.

>introducing more rules, makes you more free.
Arbeit macht frei?

It was ruined years ago.

So /x/ just let newfags steal all the content and take over the place?

So, does that mean that gays and trannies are SCPs?

SCP has always been shit.

And then SCP withers and dies from lack of creative content and self imposed limitations based on whether or not something is offensive

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How did we let them take it over?

They already have retarded SCPs which use xir and browse tumblr. Its dead Jim.

scp has been dead for nearly a decade

so this is them addressing the hate on the subreddit,
scroll down a little and you'll find some upvoted comments going against the grain, always nice to see

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your stuff keeps getting hijacked by social justice faggots because you elect weak leaders

"Here's my opinion on this. In short: I know the site meant well, but this will not end well.

Firstly, the rainbow colors aestethically clash both with the look of the site header and the "document" feel of site pages.

Secondly, changing the logo to a rainbow does not further the cause of "social justice" (a term I do not like to use but understand the intended, positive meaning of). It panders to social justice without actually providing any material benefit to the movement. If you're looking to end oppression, this is probably not the place to start.

Thirdly, the general trend of gestures like this from major organizations is problematic in itself. I can easily imagine a future day where most every corporation or group celebrates this month with a gesture like this. What this inevitably causes is a "you're with us or against us" mentality. If you support the LGBT community but see no inherent value in gestures like this, people assume you're intolerant (which has happened already in this thread).

Fourthly, the good intentions behind it are overshadowed by the controversy it creates (the entire reason this thread exists). Telling people to fuck off because they may not like what the mods are doing doesn't exactly make friends. And let me remind you that these aren't bigots complaining... They're most often people who side with the LGBT movement in ideology but object to their methods.

Fifthly, this establishes a mildly concerning precedent on how the site will act towards movements and events like this. Should we change the logo for every holiday? Every month? (If this was for a weekend I'd be complaining a lot less, but an entire month seems ridiculous to me.) What if people want to recognize other groups or movements on the site in this manner? At what point do we draw the line? And who makes the decision?"

no idea what scp is, google it, its gay furry fanfic tier shit

gtfo faggot, of course a faggot hobby got overrun by faggots ya faggot

"Sixthly, I would like to directly explain one of the issues caused by the previous two points: I see judgement becoming a larger issue for the site if we take stances like this, and not in the way you might expect. For example, what if supporters of Black Lives Matter object to not being recognized, as not being recognized makes them feel like they're seen as inferior to groups which are recognized? And for a more unusual example... What about societal issues such as the opioid crisis and its victims? Is any one of these oppressed/disadvantaged groups more worthy of attention that others? No! My personal opinion is that everyone deals with varying forms of oppression in their lives. Limiting attention to the oppression of specific minority groups can be seen as exclusive to some people, and I'm sure some of that is visible in this thread.

Seventhly, I do feel that the latent attitude behind this decision is in direct contrast with what I see as the ethos of the site. I don't have a problem with acknowledging the fact that many members of our site have ties to the LGBT community. (I don't see it as serving a practical purpose, but that's a different matter.) But the attitude this OP now takes is less of a community action and more of an authoritarian one. Instead of having a reasonable discussion like I know the members of this site are capable of, it degenerates to the level of name calling and ad hominem attacks from the moderators. This is not the first instance of what I see as overreaching moderators acting against larger site interests in the name of misguided politics."

"Eigthly, I would like to add that just because you feel something is apolitical that does not mean it is in fact apolitical. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (or whatever else you happen to be) isn't political. But the notion of the LGBT community and movement is seen as political. Nowadays identity is used as a weapon by all sides of the political spectrum. The working poor, the white evangelicals, the immigrants... All groups based around identity that are politicized and used by politicians to win votes. The LGBT community is no different. And even that doesn't matter. If people see it as political, it doesn't matter whether you actually believe it to be political or not.

To sum it up, I've always felt that SCP exists somewhere beyond politics and political identity. The site and its stories speak to me on a deeper level, and tell me of a world where people don't judge you by the color of your skin or by your sexual orientation (as, regrettably, both intolerant bigots and social justice warriors still do) but by the stories you can tell. It's something more universal than any label could be, and certainly more original and meaningful than most entertainment provides. It's a wiki started by Jow Forums expats who wanted to riff off a cliche filled format that evolved into something astounding. To be frank, specific applications of social justice (right or wrong) have very little to with that vision.

But I would like to end on a positive note. I want to talk about the tales on the site. One thing that I've noticed while reading the tales is how many of them deal with LGBT relationships and issues. I've always liked that about them. Not once (well, maybe exactly once) have I found a tale that uses this theme in a way that felt forced, or shoehorned, or insincere. They speak from the hearts and minds of their authors, and that's a lot more than what I can say about mainstream writing about similar themes."

Holy fucking shit. It wasn't like this when I was posting on that place. I always got a feeling that everyone was redpilled secretly, guess I was wrong.

I would love entertainment being political if it's conservative

Communities often get infiltrated and subverted, this one was no different.

Yes, but I loved that place. I was very active on the forums. When I quit I never knew that the community would turn into a virtue signaling shitfest.

In reality homosexuality is an SCP itself and they're just roleplaying it's outbreak

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Join Islam

they infiltrate and ruin EVERYTHING.

Nice pasta?

If they own the site and the intellectual property than they can do whatever the fuck they like to it. Abandon it. Start your own or don't. Quit complaining. You have no rights. It's a private enterprise and they don't have to listen to you. Your only option is a boycott. Saged.

you don't understand. to be apolitical is to have organizations reflect reality. reality is in complete opposition to the left. when they see a situation that doesn't have their toxic ideology forced on everyone, they think someone has deliberately created a racist sexist organization.

To them, their cancerous worldview is reality since they've never left the ivory tower or the urban castles. Anything different is a direct affront to what they know and they can't stand it.

I've gotten back into it, and I've been reading it pretty extensively. I haven't seen a single political message on there. Don't get me wrong, this Tweet is cringeworthy, and I don't see why they even need an official Twitter account. It's a fucking collaborative writing wiki.

Though, the one thing that did strike me is that when race is mentioned, half of the D-class personnel are white. Which seems unrealistic, given that they're taken from death row, which is implied to be a global policy. You'd end up with tons and tons of black and Asian D-class people, but very few whites, because many white country don't have the death penalty anymore.

But one of the SCP's I stumbled across was a "historical" one that classified nigger slaves trying to escape bondage as an anomalous phenomenon. It had a bit of a PC line in there, but ultimately the entire article struck me as highly offensive.

Either way, today it's a better place than it was a few years ago. The high strength cringe that was the original creators centering the entire thing around their Mary Sue persona's was fucking ridiculous and completely unreadable. As was the edginess that permeated the whole thing.

Also, you're free to contribute yourself. And why shouldn't we? If the SJW's can infiltrate things, surely we can do the same?

>Still carrying about SCP
What is this? 2015?

License to sage?

thank you for explaining that, i was starting to worry

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Most people on the reddit post are actually against the logo change.

Been this way for years, unfortunately. Seen stories unironically using “xir” pronouns and nearly every story features some fag

Would be fucking hilarious, someone write it up as an SCP-001 proposal

Maybe the “Gayest Man Alive” SCP already qualifies though

The only thing I remember about pronouns was that they recommended not using gendered personal pronouns to make humanoid and animal SCP’s sound clinical and dehumanizing. Absolutely loved the hard sci-fi and really creative SCP’s like 093 and the alien planet-killer stuck on Jupiter too. What the fuck’s going on with that site?

Hopefully this redpills a whole lot of them.