pro-white, far-right, alt-right movement needs an artistic side, without it movement cannot be successful. it's incomplete.
Pro-white, far-right, alt-right movement needs an artistic side, without it movement cannot be successful...
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It has one in the form of that god awful shit-tier fashwave
it's not original art, it's bunch of edited pictures.
more futurism!
We need to encourage people to get into arts along with other things. STEM is a meme
>memes aren't art
That's a form of post modernism.
I tried this, but realised no one gives a fuck about music and that I don't have any other sort of artistic skill. Also, there's too many talking heads out there to start that either.
I do both.
memetics are our art
cartoon are plebian and not enough
people do give fuck, they are just not aware to it. share with us your music
I dunno, I kind of quit when I realised basically so what? No one cares. Also, no one is going to notice how or why it's neoclassical because this basically means "uses strings" to plebs.
Anyway, that was my thing, I thought I could help defeat post modernism by making a lot of neoclassical music.
I really do think overall alt-right does need to put more effort into having an artistic/entertainment movement to help move things into the mainstream.
I guess there's a fairly good amount of web comics that are far right leaning which I quite like (pic related). Filling the void of Red Panels quite nicely. There's also at least some pretty decent synthpop with the nationalist bent, Xurious is really one of the best synthpop artists out there right now.
...And shitty parodies of pop songs don't count. Holy shit so many skinhead faggots retardedly like that stuff... no idea why...
don't limit yourself by falling for meme like opposing post-modernism, post-modernism is a very broad term.
my point is that we need to make us care.
also people do care to some degree, Varg for example, has attracted lots of attention from his music
The problem is that the art world is dominated by commie faggots whose entire mission is to spread their sick ideology. It's literally impossible to enter the mainstream unless you're either a commie, or spread your ass for commies.
This is exactly why memes scare the commies. They have no control over it. Not yet, at least. It's no coincidence that the EU wants to basically ban memes, and is of course doing it under the guise of protecting "artists". That is, their sanctioned propagandists who are all kept on a short leash.
I read up a little on Scott Adams. Dude got death threats for speaking positively about Trump, simply saying he's a good persuader. They hobbled his career and he lost 40% of his income. And that's the thing: They use soft oppression to make it impossible to be full time right wing, while granting massive subsidies that allow even base "activist" scum to dedicate themselves to their ideology 24/7.
It's this attitude more than anything that has driven me further and further to the right, and I no longer believe in the political compromise like I used to. The West is corrupt beyond belief. At least even in the Third World you can count on money getting you places, but the cunts in the West want your very thoughts.
Our art is our career.
Our passion is our family.
Our love is our God.
We don’t need painters to win a cultural battle
>pro-white, far-right, alt-right movement needs an artistic side
go back to liberal retard land nufag. The entire movement is built on art in meme form. if you haven't figured that out, you shouldn't be here.
You do realize all right wing art (Roman statues, renaissance art, old European paintings) are all shit right?
You are plebian
We already got the autistic side, why would we need something less powerful?
You are actually right, however how many of us can draw? We could learn, but it will likely be soulless modern art.
yes you do. What do you think culture is dude?
Stop thinking statistics and sperging out about jews is going to do anything. You have to speak to people's souls in order to manipulate them. Go run around like Patrick Little yelling at strangers about the JQ and see what good that does. why do you think it was so important to jews to dominate all culture in the first place? Hollywood, all forms of music, the media, universities.... its controlled for a reason.
In order to defeat the jew you must become the jew.
Well that's not bad idea I guess, but the thing is that art is spoiled nowadays by leftist scums.
>pic related
only if you create soulless modern art. have higher standards for yourself bud
We shall invert the degenerate route art has taken and root for something resembling the beauty of older art.
Older art is boring and shit