Not New on Netflix, lefty propaganda

White Right: Meeting the Enemy. Just got done watching this pile of horse shit. Have any of you watched it, thoughts? I find it interesting that the two most educated men on the politics of the right and that could articulate their view points the best had the shortest screen time. Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer. There was obviously some editing to make them seem hateful and cut their answers short as well.

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Title admits white is the enemy.

yeah it's definitely painting a picture. She goes to 'meet the enemy' but tries to only interview the dumbest and most easily manipulated. ofc the lefties are rating it up trying to make it seem like a good film.

never not funny when they put the radical centrist nazis on the right wing of anything

The only people in my circle that still pays for Netflix programming is either old or female.

When will they stop using the skinhead stereotype?
It's the complete opposite nationalist ideal.

88 checked, so you saw it? Yeah it was odd they had these 'leader' skinheads and neo-nazis that somehow had a change of heart and went all soft after a conversation about mean comments she received online.

I watch most things online and I've been meaning to cancel my subscription to it since they're really pushing a liberal viewpoint, but it's cheap and easy. Now netflix has tons of bollywood films for some reason and their content is just going down the shitter.

Oy vey goy, just accept your dispossession and replacement by the turd world. Accept jews as your gods now. Look at these ebil nazi's goy. Open your borders, don't be racist.

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>white right
Fuck, that's brilliant. Why haven't we been using this term? I think it sounds better than "white nationalist". The former is broader, but still obvious what the point is.

kek there's a part in it where a skinhead says he considers the muslim film maker a friend but he'll never break bread with a jew.

common enemy at least

>watching Nigflix in current year

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Isn't "white left" an insult in China?

Yep, it is called Baizuo (Bai-tsuo) which can also mean stupid left as well.

Netfix needs to die a slow and incredibly painful death

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interesting didn't know that

>Netflix is pushing anti white propaganda
what a surprise

wtf is that, kill it with fire!

White Nationalist is a term that you can't really twist. If somebody calls themselves a WN then they have to admit on some level that they want an all White nation. And that means that shills who want to avoid being called racist will never call themselves WN.

White Right on the other hand can mean a lot of things so it's a term that can be co-op'd by race traitors in much the same way alt right has been.

Used to like the Clash. Watched a movie about a teen who meets and befriends Joe Strummer (conveniently dead IRL when it was filmed). Goes out of its way to portray EDL types as bad. Out of the blue his love interest calls them tossers or something more PC.
The more you notice.

Good point. But I can't shake the sense that it could be useful in some way--maybe giving people something to call themselves when they first accept the necessity of white ethnic politics. The 'nationalism' part is a specific political goal, or metagoal, that may be above a lot of people's heads. A lot of people make the switch by first realizing how fucked white are if they ignore their demographic stake, and don't play the same game that every other group is playing. It takes a while longer before they realize the inevitability of ethno nationalism.

Even though they cut Jared Taylor very short he managed to in only two sentences explain what a White Nationalist is and what he is all about. I'm guessing the guy got so used having his words taking out of context he figured out a way to speak concise as possible. She should have let him speak more.

That guy really looks like John Lydon.

The Powerpoof girls

>White Nationalist
yet the left still conveniently leaves your points out and just calls it racism or white supremacy.

the masses of the common folk are aware of their dispossession, but lack the means to express themselves eloquently or understand the root causes of it. It’s frankly disgusting every time these communists stick a camera in their faces and mock them, “Look at this white-trash scum” every time.

The only thing that irks me more in these trash docs is the constant attempts to psychoanalyze any opposition to their social engineering experiments. They really do believe if they can find the “triggers” and eliminate them people will naturally embrace their ideology.

I only mean it as something for newly aware white to use for their own self-identification, their own mental processing, NOT to use it as some kind of softer, or more socially acceptable version of "white nationalism" to try to placate the leftists. No no, fuck that.

>paying for netflix
>actually watching the bullshit they have on there

fucking hell just end it all man, it's over

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Jew here, I lol'd end of discussion

This. It's exactly what happened throughout the whole film. She purposely interviewed men with below average IQ's that couldn't fully explain why they believe what they believe and manipulated them. I'm sure a lot of their answers were cut off and she replaced them with trying to pull on their empathy strings about her lived experience e.g. internet comments and their reactions to them.

pronounced by-zwah I believe. Black pigeon speaks did a video on it about 5 months ago. Well, here's the link.

>Watching (((it)))
You are a disgrace, kys right now!

Their investigative journalism is exceptional.

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you have a point, the irony is not lost on me. I guess I was hoping it would be at least somewhat fair in showing the other side, but nope again it's basically the 'white right' through a sjw lens.

well in the film that's one thing that didn't waver or change throughout. All that were interviewed hated jews and saw them as a problem in the grand scheme of things. There's a part where she goes on a ride along where a skinhead delivers anti-jew fliers through a jewish neighborhood. It was one of the only comical parts in the film. The other being when the same guy admitted to throwing bacon around a mosque.


interesting watch, thanks

You're welcome

I was prompted with how many people I've told about "Dear white people". A big fucking zero I am not telling anyone about that trash. Nor would I waste my time watching it.

Soros is going to crash Netflix like he did the Democrats. Based.

well they've become more sneaky, at the surface it looks like you'll get some honest viewpoints from the people being interviewed, but nah it's edited and painted in a way to make white men look like evil racist. I never watched Dear White People cause you could immediately tell what it was going to be about. I thought White Right: Meeting the Enemy might be an interesting watch whilst I rolled cigarettes in the morning, I was wrong. Lesson learned.

from what I've read it's already failing, they're losing contracts for big deals that give them the right to stream popular movies and replacing them with bollywood films and other shit tier films and docs to try and make up for it. They're going to end up like blockbuster soon if they don't turn somethings around.

They recently lost of the ABC/Disney stuff.
All the ABC shows and Disney movies.

Theyve been outsourcing a bunch of low budget crap that's popular in foreign countries lately.




They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

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it's because if white people had their own ethnostate already we'd all be living on mars and other planets by now leaving them to fend for themselves. They can't have that can they. When white people finally get over their white guilt, shit will change in an instant and we'll no longer be held back by others leeching of our hard work and innovation.

Well we're the devil my brother. If white genocide come through civilization will soon crumble.

That swastika tho

>Richard Spencer
>Educated man
Choose one.

Spencey lives in my town. If I ever run across him I'm going to gut him like a fish.

agreed, although I doubt we'll witness our own genocide by traditional means, low birthrates and the white guilt sentiment may bring us to that point sooner than later. Civilization without white people would look very different, ofc the chinese would probably replace us in some way but they'd rule with an iron fist. It amazes me how many people are anti-white, it's like hating your parents for being good parents.

well I meant as compared to the low brow men they were interviewing throughout it. Say what you will about Spencer but he knows how to get the point across, he's no where near as educated as Taylor but he's far above most of the men interviewed in this film.

you know when they are pushing these kind of shows they're losing

Remember that the common white man is a product of Jewish Deception. He thinks that whites are invulnerable, need to pay for racism, will always be the majority and will always be in charge. Break these deceptions in his mind and he is not going to feel good about non whites being mass imported into his community.

Why haven't you gutted him like a fish already? Oh that's right, larpies never actually do shit.

It's the over correction of the sins of our past. In which were doing it to ourselves. There's nothing more than seeing self hating whites. My girlfriend is a mix white/Latin. She loves white men. I joke and say it'll be easy to breed that latino out of ya. As long as our son breeds with white women.

This is what a LARP looks like. I've walked around the building that Spencer has been leasing. I think I even waved to him and his wife, because some car pulled out when I walked by. Couldn't see who was in it though. The funny part is the white self haters that hate any Bad Goyim are only safe because the Corporatists send armed white males to keep them safe. That essential fact is a massive contradiction of their equality fairytale. I even thought about walking into the chocolate shop with a shaved head and buying a sample box from the people below him. I wonder if they would refuse me service or spike the food.

still using netflix. I quit that cancer 4 years ago

thats right around when it went from just having movies on it to having lefty movies primarily

I think so. In general I also found it to never have the movies I wanted to see and it started to really piss me off. Suggested movies and so too were completely mongoloid

I stopped watching a couple of years ago, I stopped paying for it when they announced the Obamaniggers were taking it over

yeah I canceled my sub back then too but then I was offered a really cheap deal for renewing it about a year ago. most of the movies are shit, I spend more time browsing for something worth watching than actually watching stuff. I mostly watch science docs on it.

>I spend more time browsing for something worth watching than actually watching stuff.
I guess it's still the same this way then. I don't miss it at all. I just go imdb then I simply download the movie. I don't really watch this many movies anymore but you got far better interaction design on these xbmc addons which downloads the movies for you too. IE popcorn times too had far superior interaction design compared to that of (((netflix))). I am 100% sure that many that used that instead didn't neccecary use it because it was free, netflix isn't that expensive after all, they used it because it was 6 million times better

netflix fucking blew it on their shit they had basically a monopoly here and they just blew it

Personally I'm glad that the media keeps putting forward the caricature of white trash being the ones who are pro-white. I can say very redpilled things and ask questions in everyday life to regular normies. I don't trigger their pavolian response.

>richard specer

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>bollywood films making Netflix go down the shitter
Oh the irony.


pick one.

I'm about halfway through it now. Of course, the filmmaker chose to talk to the idiotic NSM. These guys can barely string a sentence together

Not you, but why is the term "lived experience" so irritating?

State enforced homosexuality

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The saddest part is that they don't even suprise me

Not surprising really. Right Wing White Nationalist are effectively the Eternal Jew of the left. Of course they're not going to try and find alternative voices from the right wing, that is not part of the plan.
They platform Neo-Nazi's and extremists in the expectation that everyone will associate right wing politics and the term white nationalist with them. And it works.
Make a fair documentary on Jared Taylor, never it would red pill too many individuals.
Spencer is not a good spokesperson for white nationalism, albeit he is a better model than most of the neo nazi's that will paraded in this documentary.

Global Marxist have co-opted colored people.
The view is this, if your goal is destroying western civilisation and white people are the people who created these civilisations then you would naturally co-opt the people who are most likely to be at odds with this group.
This is why you see so much push from the left to empower colored people with their oppression narratives. Colored people in the US and elsewhere already have axes to grind when it comes to them in the form of slavery. Hell people in my own country use slavery or colonialism as the great boogieman get out of jail free card anyways. The young blacks here have adopted black american culture as the defacto culture while ignoring their own cultural heritage.
The irony is, is that the majority of right leaning whites have no problems with colored people who don't complain and just get on with it, and want to contribute to society.
Of course Marxist can't let this happen, because without their oppression narrative they're arguements start to fall apart.