The Woman Problem

Do all women cheat, Jow Forums?

What has been your personal experience with women and their faithfulness/lack there of?

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Despite what TV will tell you, the answer is no. Most women are too lazy to cheat.

Nope, but a lot of dudes cheat.

my wife is very loyal
its probably 60% cheaters and 40% noncheaters

Dishonest people do bad things. Experiences may vary.

keep an eye on her
my friends wife was also 'loyal' but she cheated on him regardless

Not all women cheat but all women contain the capacity for cheating, but the same can be said of all men. Not all men cheat, but all men contain the capacity for cheating. Given the right circumstances, the right attraction, the right arousal, and someone will be almost guaranteed to cheat.

>What has been your personal experience with women

none unironically
i've never ever held a conversation with women but my mom and older sisters for more than 60 seconds

depends on the study you look at and the methodology. whats been found though is that if you straight up ask a woman if she has cheated she will say no, even on an anonymous study. but if you make the questions more specific, such as have you had sex with a man other then your partner without his knowledge, then they answer yes. because apparantly its not cheating in a womans mind if she has an excuse like "he has been ignoring me lately" or something. while men are more honest about cheating, women even lie to themselves to say they didnt cheat.

most studies that dont account for womans innate dishonesty show women cheat about 20% less then men. studies with more accurate methodology that ask more specific questions show they cheat about 10% more then men. so its at least 50/50 more or less, though thats assuming women arent straight up lying even on the more accurate studies.

What you can know is they're all attention addicts
If you dont give them 16 hours of your day most will probably cheat

They cheat if you let other men supply what they need. Not like they can defend themselves. Similar story for women in regards to men.

Friend was with this girl for 9years, they were almost joined at the hip, cutest couple ever. He went on a road trip for less than a week with his family and the bitch cheats on him. Women are void of loyalty or critical thinking

doubtful about literally every man almost guaranteed to cheat. its not like you just push some buttons on a man and he cant help it because hes an animal. many men have a stubborn sense of honour that women dont really have generally at all. and when men do cheat studies show they feel guilty generally.

women all believe in trading up basically. she will cheat if she thinks she can land a better man even temporarily. and she wont feel guilty and in many cases wont even believe she is cheating due to mental gymnastics. it takes serious deconditioning and careful explanaing to get through to a woman that trading up is actually kind of a shitty attitude, and many women just arent capable of understanding. she feels a better man comes along why wouldnt she trade up, she doesnt understand why not, like at all.

this is all generally speaking, individual results may vary so dont give me your specific personal experiences and tell me my general prognosis is completely wrong.

Yes user, I fuck all the unfaithful.

yes if the opportunity presents itself and makes it easy for her and with minimal risk. always.

She tried to kill herself after he broke up with her, they were engaged and everything, mind blowing levels of retardation

basically flip a coin, its at least 50/50 whether any person cheats at some point

the worst cheater I ever saw was at an event where a hotel room orgy was brewing. This gorgeous brunette was naked and gettin felt up in the corner why she talked about how annoying her boyfriend is. She then went to the bathroom with the guy who owned the room and when she came out had cum in her hair. You have no idea how fucking bad it is. There is a shitty, but informative little book called the keylogger that does a good job of exposing just how terrible even the most innocent and humble appearing young women are

They're all whores and cunts

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although all the information and studies ive looked at and based my info on. studies i read years ago and am not going to dig up this morning. were all done on western cultures. britain was found to be the slutties nation though, america not as bad, but still bad enough. i dont know about asia for example.

Yes they all cheat, the age range probably makes up for it but especially in college and late highschool. And they will absolutely deny even concrete evidence they are. Even a good girl just needs one slutty friend to bring her down. Woman in a group is bad

The educated city girls are 40% cheaters while the village and small City babes are 10% cheats.

its sad how she wants to be in the centre of attention in that situation
its disgusting

I've made some mistakes in my life and would like to impart the following advice to young men out there: do not date strippers and do not date women who have lots of guy friends.

I tried to have a conversation with a Tinder date once, and it went surprisingly well despite the banality of the topics that came up. We just talked about each other's interests and futures. After those subjects were exhausted, I basically ran out of things to say, and tried to make a couple of cheesy jokes here and there where the opportunity presented itself.

This. Everyone learns this eventually if they’re smart enough.

OP you need to know that all women are whores and to accept it for what it is. It’s their nature. If you want loyalty, get a dog.

or just find a catholic wife from some village and you're good
the best way to see if the girl will be a good wife is to see what her parents are like

dated a stripper for a few weeks once, she was fucking amazing in bed (expected) but fucking crazy. Broke it off. She was a 10. Still think about that shit.

How naive

but women don't have to exert any effort to cheat. Hard to describe this, but they will open themselves up more to a more attractive/rich male on socially on a subconsious level (all the while telling herself it is just friendly). However, at the same time whether consiouis/unconsious she is improving the possibility and conditions that could result in him making a move on her. Thats minimal risk, and she can decide yes or no when if/when she does. She also will put herselves in situations with him where there is alcohol involved or that would allow her to do typical female mental gynmanstics to absolve herself from responsibilitiy or justify a lie to the bf/fiance/husband later. People really have no fucking idea just how bad it is. They are a totally different species. They will convince you that you are the entire world to them, but I guarantee if you get a peek at her phone or facebook messanger, you will be shocked beyond all belief at how many hands she has her pots in

i agree with you
but i think that this is a problem only in the west
chinks are probably much more faithful
liberalism was a mistake

also no shit in this day and age nobody is faithful they just want a quick fuck, just look at tinder for example

best way to judge a girl is to look at her mother
if she comes from a broken family its doomed to fail

once realistic vr sex or realistic robot brothels become a reality the rate of men cheating will fucking drop hard. so ladies, dont fear the sex bot. technology will pretty much eliominate men cheating since most men just do it for the novel experience of fucking something different looking, a woman with bigger tits or a different race or something or a different personality whican be simulated. i dont think technology will fix women cheating since they tend to cheat for different reasons, more emotional and stuff.

one difference also is that when men cheat, they generally have to work at it, plan it out ahead of time. while women just give in during a "moment of weakness" when a chad hits on her. often she will get drunk on purpose so she can cheat guilt free and use mental gymnastics to call it a moment of weakness and then she will consider it not cheating, because women are dishonest even with themselves.

these are general results only and not specifiv to individuals. there are plenty of good men that probably wont cheat and some good women probably at least in theory

these things can't be studied effectively. There is too much response bias for surveys. People, particularly women will lie through their teeth about everything and often believe it.

100% agree

Plenty of degenerate men cheat, justifying it with "man gotta man" or whatever.

Monogamy needs to be enforced for society to function

its sad to think that islam is the only way to fix this problem
its either that or christianity, but last time i checked liberals hate christianity more than anything

indeed, we will likely never get accurate numbers on this

Overweight, virgin Omega male here. Alpha, Beta really doesn't matter to me because, either way, I don't have a dog in this fight. So quick question. The Betas outnumber the Alphas, right? Then why don't the Betas kill them all off?

I am unironically starting to agree with this. Millenial burger here, and nearly everyone of my friends has been fucking divorced within 2 years of being married. Social media has allowed women to practice hypergamy to the nth degree, as anytime she has a spat with her current signigicant other she has a MILLION messages (hooks) from male facebook friends in her queue. Doesn't matter how fast they reel her in, she will act out eventually and destroy everything. I'm starting to understand why adultery is such a serious crime throuhgout history and some places in the world. If everyone begins behaving this way, society, the family, principle, and the female mystique will collapse on itself.

>chinks are probably much more faithful

Agreed, unironically seems to be genetic at this point because even westernized asian women are relatively less promiscuous to their white counterparts.

>The Woman Problem
Nothing that man can't fix.

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watch islam come to the west, they are changing, the degeneracy is spreading. meanwhile much of islams methodology, such as the common practice of stoning women to death who cheat, is just disgusting frankly. islam as the solution is worse then the problem actually.

hookup culture is the problem, most relationships are brief and people dont get to know each other first. you cant be friends with her first to find out if shes compatible, no, you have to jump straight into dating. and people end up fucking a lot of people this way, going from hookup to hookup with no relationship lasting more then a few months generally.

the frequent hookup relationships result in oxytocin pair bonding mechanisms being eroded. once youve fucked too many people your ability to hormonally bond long term with any one person is basically burnt out. i think this is worse when youre with someone just long enough to oxytocin bond, likely an hour spent with a hooker you certainly have no feelings for probably not so bad. but i have no idea, more studies are needed and for obvious reasons its a hard study to do.

It really depends on what she has to lose. Women are tempted just like men are. If she's a Christian, likely not. If she has children, likely not. If she depends on him financially, likely not. If she adores him, likely not.

I compeltely agree with this last paragraph, and its likely related to what we see with probabilities of divorce increasing with number of past sexual partners. Receptors are compltely saturated