Brown eyed white Europeans

This is a brown eyed white Italian. You can find siminlar woman of Spanish descent. If white nationalists can't see how us white brown eyed of European descent are your allies and nothing like niggers and chinks, then this world is truly lost.

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fuck off kike

you might as well start considering turks white.

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True. Light hazel and black are completely different

What is the bare minimum Jow Forums will consider white?

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That's hazel you bloody mong.

it's just retards
I have brown eyes, and my ancestry is a mix of anglo/celt/viking
at least 30%, maybe more, of native british have brown eyes

Turks are actually about 60% Greek because the Greeks were really good about not being raped under kebab rule. And all Turkish women wanted the superior white genes in their sand pussies.

Defining distinguishing feature for white people is fair skin and colored eyes. That's literally it. Outside of a few mutations of course, like albinos. That's how people know you are from Europe. If you have brown eyes you are mixed. It's simple as that

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>If you have brown eyes you are mixed. It's simple as that

>If you have brown eyes you are mixed
with what are asians mixed?

How can you go from excellent to shit just like that. Also, one of those blondes is literally a nig, to be fair though all blondes I know are coalburners.
Anyways, brown hair and blue eyes are true Master race.

Uhhhh... Asian. Kek

We literally don't care about being defined white, we're simply not niggers and we want them back just as anyone else.

One Drop Rule

Brown eyes and black hair means you have nigger, chink, or shitskin blood of some kind hiding in your genes.

If you behave you might be accepted into white society, but you'd need to be sterilized to prevent you from spreading your polluted genes into the general population.

>white like you gringo

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We're all going to be Eurasian Negroids by the end of the century.

anyone who says brown eyes make you nonwhite is either an obese middle american retard, or a jewish shill.

Oh cool more in-fighting.

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You are a retard. There is different climates in europe. Also blue eyes are mutation from the north. It just didnt spread to southern populations yet cuz its pretty young (a couple tens of thousands years ago). Chances are most of brown eyed germs are as pure as blue eyed ones.

his is a brown eyed white Turk. You can find siminlar woman of Kurdish descent. If white nationalists can't see how us white brown eyed of European descent are your allies and nothing like niggers and chinks, then this world is truly lost.

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I have the same genotype for eye color(brown) as this 5k years old guy living just few hundred km from where I live today, so screech as much as you want, you nordicists untermenschen have already lost the debate.

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Many white people have brown eyes.

or not

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Said nobody in the NSDAP ever.

White is slang for "Of European descent".

OP's right. Jow Forums Is filled with retards and shills. If you're of European descent, you're white.

No, brown eyed Germans are heavily mixed with both Celts and Romans. Blue eyed Germans are heavily mixed with Balts and Slavs.

It's not an accident that almost every German industrialist, scientist, or general of note who rose through his own merit had brown eyes. Without the strength and Roman discipline of the Alpines and the Celtic talent of the Dinarics, Germany would be Africa-tier. Nordic Germans are too Slavicized and completely unable to manage anything. The idea of the blonde bimbo exists even here.

White Europeans are actually diverse,they do not have one color scheme baka

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Top pic should be hitler.

Hitler had blue eyes brainlet

Pic related dinaric German is not European according to idiotic, gas-worthy Ashkenazi "nordicists". Any jew can fuck a Polish maid for a blue eyed baby and many of them did. Eye color signifies nothing about your heritage.

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Some are, some aren't.

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sshhh you are going to offend the dolicephalic untermensch here

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obvious merchant attempt to create an argument out of nothing

GTF fag


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you have been bamboozled

Turks are either sandniggers or byzantine rape babies. You will barely ever find one that looks Turkic

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Nah, just you and your fellas there in Pakora Island

Read Dostoeivky or english novels you fucking disgusting Jow Forumstards.

In anglo and russian countries, the idealised women has white skin, black hairs and eyes. Same in Germany, in France it's 50% / 50%, beautiful perfect waifu are idealised with black hairs and pure white skin and beautiful but eveil women are blonds (in novels I mean).

Nope. You can see many Turks who still have heavy gook features whereas only some Turks can even pass off for Greek, most of them look like Arabs or other brown subhuman mutts.

Tell me about german dinarids. How many of them are there? I know you guys got ur specific subclade of I2 (dinaric haplogroup)

It's not the color of the eyes that matter...
Hazel, Green, Blue....In the end, what matters is the bone structure., the morphology.

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wasn't there supposed to be lazer that could turn brown eyes blue?

I want that in my life

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>burger trying to convince us that the are not mutts
ive been to cali & texas, you 'white' people dont have hazel eyes. its black, like a mutt

You'll always be a mutt. If we find out you got that surgery you're getting sterilized.

>mutt being absolutist on purity

Oh I am laffin

The Turk has completely Turanid facial features you idiot
Look at this Asiatic eyes, he is not full caucasoid

>Brown eyed
Pick one

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posting the surgery jew

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>Greek calling anyone a mutt
kek your whole fucking country is full of turks

what if you have heterochromia and one eye is brown?

would you be sent to to the furnace?

why do dark green eyes only occur in people with dark brown hair? help

Are you licenced to write fictional stories on the internet? Ok get off the keyboard and put your hands on the desk

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the croat looks like a dark european where as with the t*rk you can CLEARLY see the mongoloid influence

>brown eyes
that's not an italian, that's a mutt, but if they act civilized, don't have the infamous MAOA-2R gene, and have IQ's over 100, they can stay.
I just want niggers and jews gone.
>inb4 spics
they have nigger blood

What abouy brown eyed germans? They exist in large numbers

One drop rule means white americans are an absolute myth, america is a blacked nation, and even worse, a heavily jewed shtihole as well.

Even bearing the mark of the beast: a circumsized dick

>American education

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this, there are shitloads of kikes with blue eyes

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You're a DUMB FUCK.. Kys kid

White people do have brown eyes, why do you pay attention to ugly people playing 'divide and conquer'?