Should video games be banned?
Should video games be banned?
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Must have had that chad male spawn, he’s pretty manly.
Fir kids? Yes. If you want to do it as an adult, go right ahead.
Only certain ones
its not the video game fault its the parent if u cant look after ur own daughter or son u should have never became a parent or just put them for adoption
and where were her parents?
gg destroying the family, kikes
And God was dead
If you play video games and you're over 18 you're a loser FACT
>not having piss bottles nearby
what a pleb
I got fucked up when instead of going to the hospital for treatment I started kicking over trash cans and busting up phone booths and advertising signs to look for freshly baked hams, giant turkey legs and first aid kits.
An ambulance picked me up and they asked what was wrong and I just wrote down LOW HP.
I rubbed that first aid kit all over myself, walked back and forth on it until I passed out and it didn't do shit.
Having the government search through your computer for video games sounds like a bad idea.
You are a loser if you don't play videogames
Playing anything other than paradox interactive over 18 makes you a virgin.
Playing Paradox Interactive over 18 makes you a wizard.
Sports with your bros makes you a chad.
Shitty parents let child stay glued to a video game for irresponsibly long?
Whenever i used to play doom id always hold in my pee.
It probably destroyed my kidneys.
Totally worth it.
Also fortnite is for fags.
>if you do anything i dont like you are a loser
Parents should be banned. Raise kids in an Army.
>loli piss
This is the same board that pushes the pizzagate shit
Should nine-year-olds be banned?
At this rate, we are going to start seeing bigger diapers soon
But people who make threads about video games on Jow Forums should. you're saying we should make threads about Jow Forums on /v/?
Should we ban guns because some schizoid got his hands on them and killed some people? Fuck off neocohen.
>some random faggot in a thread says something
>this is the opposite of what I believe this board is about
neck yourself.
probably. at the very least the whole industry should be cleaned up in a massive way.
>Newfag doesn't like lolis
/l/ was a board before Jow Forums
neck yourself pedo fag
>Drawings Are real children
The comment is directed to a real child you dumb fuck.
>video games
thats a strange way of spelling women
(((paradox))) buy the $200 dlc or else goy
you should have lurked moar
9 year olds piss themselves all the time, how fucking stupid are these parents?
the journalist isnt stupid though, just jewish
Jow Forums is full of differing political ideologys and morals. If you waited long enough you could make a image collage of pro-Isreal posts.
I lurked enough to know pizzagate was a prank by /b/ that you ate up
Artistry should be taken more seriously.
>It takes a theif.
>hasn't checked the full price of any other decade supported games
Jow Forums is not a collective
Why not just wear diapers? It's not that difficult. I wear them most of the time.
They could save others from death but not themselves
A game of fortnite can last like 20 minutes
Its understandable shed hold it if she was doing well and didn't want to die
Shit happens, kids piss themselves, get over it
Paid over 200 goybucks for EUIV and the assorted dlc shit ... worked for 3 days. Steam updated and they havent worked since. Neither (((steam)))) nor (((paradox))) acknowledge the issue, and refuse to issue a refund or fix for the issue.
Fuck them both, and fuck vidya
Maybe actually do your job as a parent and get involved with your kids that doesn't have to do with cutting off their dicks, or taking them to political riots, instead of letting play fortnite all the time while you go shitpost on Jow Forums or watch TV.
>‘This is a serious issue which is destroying our little girl’s life and someone needs to step in to ban it before it becomes an epidemic.’
That's dumb. When I was a kid doing something fun (like playing with lego) I'd hold in my piss for as long as possible because I was extremely focused. Not really an issue.
>Temporary puberty blockers = FULL SEX CHANGE
Fuck off commie
>>Temporary puberty blockers = FULL SEX CHANGE
How is that not also a terrible thing to do? Fuck off to /lgbt/ you faggot.
>Not liking traps
This thread is full of newfags
Nah, videogames let me live in fantasy worlds where impossible things can happen. For example, in my The Sims save I have a nice house, modern car, stable job and I'm debt free.
I barely play games anymore so no I don't know how jewish others are
The question itself is enough evidence to euthanize you. How has personal responsibility become such a foreign concept that people constantly blame the objects and not the individual.
No. People abuse food to the extremes too. Should we ban food?
You don't get to put it off. Blockers would stunt growth.
Shit I just realized there are communist here. I should have used a different example.
>Nah, videogames let me live in fantasy worlds where impossible things can happen
Make them happen to the best of your ability in real life. With that said entertainment's well and good but when people game all day or just game instead of going for variation as people should. including psysical activity.
>thing is displeasing
>we should ban it
Fucking statist scum
Yes. Until that's feasible, force food options to be nutritious. And have it delivered.
>No choice
Try everything, pick what you like.
Women should get together to cook. Share knowledge.
“You guys having sex? Wrong answer! Having sex means not playing Battlefield. You guys don’t have a shit-bucket?”
Damn good idea to. Letting people esp kids be attacked by it is going to have them miss out of quality. And become dependant on shit after investing themselves in it.
Gaymes that should be banned
>All gay animu gaymes (excluding dark souls they're not gay and anime enough)
>All mobas
>All games that include women soldiers or warriors
>All games that include alot of fags (If theres like one fag and you can call him a faggot and maybe kill him its okay)
>All games that include too many niggers (unless if the game is located in America which is majority nigger land anyway but the niggers all have to be trash and you should be able to kill all of them)
>All games that portray racyssm as bad
Games that shouldnt be banned
>kingdom come deliverance
>cataclysm dda
>battle brothers
I forgot euiv should also be banned
Ihka aito vammanen....
Jow Forums is an anime website
Retarded liberal who believes everything we say. Go back 2 reddit.
>9 year olds piss themselves all the time
What retard town did you live in?
I agree that kids should be sheltered from video games, I just don't think it's the job of the state, it's up to the parents. If shitty parents fuck up their kids with too much vidja/tv/movies/food then it should be the local community that shames them into being better, not some distant government force threatening them with police violence (which is the implied threat of all bans) if they download some colored lights and sounds
>Parents do a shit job at raising a kid
>blames it on video games and not them
Wow, OP’s faggotry never ceases to amaze me.
Parents need to be arrested for ignoring their child and letting her spend so much time in front of a game.
>Australia proving once again it’s a censorship hellhole
Like pottery
that's how these fucking kids get so good...
no attention to females should be banned
we need to make them all "invisibles" for a year. the ones that don't go insane from lack of 500likes every day can live
KEK What a queer
No product should ever be banned because that teaches reliance on the state rather than personal responsibility.
Instead, they shouldn't promote video games for children.
Having said that, bad parenting is something of a touchy subject.
On the one hand, you have to give parents freedom to raise their children as they see fit, but on the other hand by the time things like this in OPs pic happen you have probably already crossed the threshhold of what could be considered abuse.
I think everyone should just be sterilized, and the human race die out.
It is the only way to be sure.
What a soiboi that cant handle anime
>no women soldiers
>no niggers
You just banned Halo 2 and 3, jackass.
Halo is fucking garbage im not some console faggot
>daughter gets into car accident
>better ban cars
It's mainly just bad parenting. If you let your 9 year old child play on a game with voice comm's the child will just be abused in some way, while games actually promote healthy competitiveness within a child if you put them on voice chat they'll just get groomed eventually.
The state should only intervene if the gambling with real money aspect is being specifically targeted at children (Under 16's). In twenty or so years if unregulated the amount of debt that some people will be in due to the precedent set as a child will be insane I fear.
Mr. Obvious here to recommend moderation.
Games are a frivolous act that lead nowhere.
Playing is fine as long as you understand this.
>I'm looking at all you MMO players out there
PS: Only retards play post 9/11 games anyway
Why , I want a world where Algerian are genocide :(
Nope, punish parents for not fucking raising their own children.
I have no doubt there's some good games for kids these days, especially some of the classics from my childhood, like Zoombinis.
>tfw you're almost fully paralyzed from the waist down after getting knocked down a plane's steps at Manchester airport by another passenger
>tfw you can piss in a bottle and nobody can judge you for it
>tfw you don't have to use the shit smeared public bathrooms that everyone else uses and can demand the handicapped ones get cleaned if it's not up to your standards of hygiene
Though living like this is depressing as fuck, it is sort of funny how everyone walks around on eggshells when near you, even when you blatantly state that you're going to piss in a bottle. It's all about asserting your dominance over the un-augmented plebs.
>doesn’t own Halo Custom Edition or Halo 2 for PC.
What is this fucking /v/ now?
What about Jow Forums approved games like Ethnic Cleansing
That's what you get for shitposting your Jow Forums trash everywhere else
PUBG is better