John Mcafee is the best choice for president in 2020
>went from poor to billionaire in a few years
>openly claims his product sucks shit but still manages to hook many people on it
>provides his phone number and address to everyone online and tells trolls to come at him
>got bored of normal life so he built a jungle compound to research medicine in Belize, a South American shithole
>helps the local community there while also hacking and shooting the corrupt government and leaks their information
>openly slept with hookers and did a fuck ton of drugs there too
>when the government sent in the big guns, he faked his own death and after a few months, he ended up back home
>also libertarian
Prove me wrong, Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
John McAfee is a nigger with no business sense. Pull request declined.
I don't know what crimes this man has committed but all are forgiven in my eyes. I support him in all he does.
Except he's 20 times better than Trump.
he's 2020 times better than trump!
how about 2024 ?
He shamed the whites at the Libertarian conference for not being diverse enough.. He married a nigger prostitute and is a degenerate drug addict. Sage.
that better be a full auto mp5
>Pull request denied
these arent' features of a good leader. Unless you think president Comacho from Idiocracy was good.
>Trump 2016
>Mcafee 2020
So, how long until we go full Idiocracy mode?
Political amateur, the positions of a child. Nope.
Mcafee killed a person and he pays prostitutes to poop in his mouth.
Trump had Russian hookers pee pee on him in a hotel.
>He shamed the whites at the Libertarian conference for not being diverse enough
Ya he's not a racist like cheeto man whats wrong with that. Are you going to hate your fellow Americans forever nice country you're going to have.
Telling people it is a shame on them for being male and white is racist you fucking leaf retard. If you love diversity so much why haven't you moved to America yet? Fucking cuck.
Insider trading read:pump and dump (in which I made only 250%)
Leafs are already diverse enough. They have a cucked leader who drowns in tears whenever he hears about faggots getting oppressed
Still better than eating Belizian hooker dookie straight from the parasite infested native butthole. McAffee is a fart ass degenerate nigga
There is no diversity outside of major cities.
Nothing wrong with that. McAfee and Trump represent what Americans should be. Billionaire playboys, gun lovers, free speaking, loud mouths, war loving. Not some soft spoken cucked and neutered man. That's Canada and western europe
>>openly claims his product sucks shit but still manages to hook many people on it
he doesn't own the software anymore
Got my vote
I hope you aren't white
>his product
It's not his, retard. It hasn't been his for a couple decades already.
Nah man. His accusations are that he stayed in the room Obama did and had the hookers peeon the bed and watch anime after giving him a Christmas morning.
Don't forget about michelle fucking Obama with her gorilla dick
lol fucking weirdos. is the goal here to find someone crazier each time? why stop at mcafee? why not elect dan bilzerian instead or dennis rodman
> Muh McAfee
I can appreciate a certain amount of his fuckall attitude But he's going to eat his own dick in 2020
>t. butthurt democrat who wanted old harmless grandma to win
Craziness is required to counter Russia and China
but i thought russia was based? make up your mind Jow Forums!
Jow Forums isn't one person. Different people believe in different things. Try r/politics if you want a cultlike circlejerking that actually has one unified place. If you haven't realized, there's quite a lot of disagreement on this board
That was an user. Still funny, but not, sadly, true.
He has a STEM degree and worked for NASA, he unironically has a high IQ and is red pilled on jewish central banking power.
Wow, really? Show me a thread where theres support for any left leaning political ideas
>there's only left and right
Wow, are you stupid enough to fall for that dichotomy? That's beyond retardation. Anyways, yes there are left leaning threads on this fast moving board. It doesn't always show up, but it does come up every once in a while on this board. Plus, read the replies in the threads and you will see different opinions. They could differ fiscally, socially, etc. It isn't a fucking two way trip, fucktard. Maybe check out reddit instead.
There are many on the catalog at any given time. They just get shat on from a great height because they tend to be so gay they ttouch more balls than Elton Johns chin or mace does Raquet ever did
a shitty antivirus that he's been divested from for decades has made him worth $90 billion? since when???
aw big baby got triggered lol
>a reply calling out retardation is the same as a triggered reply
Nice self projection, mate. Point to where the triggering starts
>South America
Jonathon Sharkey for president. Let's get a vampire into office.
Anyone who takes McAfee seriously should eat their children.
Stay mad, virgin NEET. You'll never become as rich and chad as mcafee
It could be him who planted this very "FIRST" virus to gain attention when combating it. He also stole money from his own employees.
Look at your man.
Take the Zoltan Istvan red pill
No, that was A guy called bob thomas in 71