Attached: Screenshot 2018-06-10 at 9.32.23 AM.png (747x422, 110K)
Even normies are talking about a MOAB this week
Brandon Walker
Charles Richardson
These e-celeb faggots are always wrong
Connor Butler
Q predicted this
Tick Tock...
Dylan Cook
You can't stop the revelations that are coming. you better put your other stories on hold, they will seem lackluster in comparison.
No one will remember anything you write this month. not after this breaks. This scoop is so big it's gonna be like a brand for those who got in on the ground floor. This is Woodward and Bernstein times ten.
Anthony Powell
Hilary is going to prison for sure, this time. DemocRATS will finally be exposed for the real racists they are.
Xavier Garcia
Ryan Rogers
Give a hint so I can daydream about your larp.
Camden Brown
It has everything; intrigue, statecraft, transcripts, videos - the works. Enough to keep you in pork for awhile.
Kayden Sullivan
Bill Mitchell always says shit like this. I'm surprised anyone still cares about that guy, he was mildly useful during the election but that's it.
Adam Diaz
Who loves ya', baby?
Jayden Peterson
Lincoln Williams
Isn't it Woodward and Berenstain?
Robert Cox
I hope to hell we actually get what we've been promised.
Camden Gomez
Don't do this shit to me..
Lincoln Rivera
Hillary AND Obama need to be locked up tho
Jaxon Russell
Do these kinds of fucks even know what pol is? dude looks like my dad
Juan Ward
>real racists
>implying racism is bad
It's only wrong when lesser humans do it to White's.
Jose Carter
Whatcha got faggot?
Nathaniel Hughes
James Rodriguez
this dude has said shit like this 100 times, bill mitchell is s boomer retard
Henry Sanders
bill mitchell puts out a tweet like this every month
Nathaniel Rogers
What' with all the 8ch cross-posters recently?