
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Arrives @Shangri-La Hotel 6/10/18
>Pres Trump leaves G7 6/9/18
>Pres Trump Press Conf @G7 6/9/18
>Pres Trump @G7 Breakfast 6/9/18
>Pres Trump/LilKim Impersonators in Singapore 6/8/18
>Pres Trump w/Macron @G7 6/8/18
>Pres Trump w/cuckdeau @G7 6/8/18
>Pres Trump @G7 Meeting 6/8/18
>Pres Trump @G7 Family photo 6/8/18
>Pres Trump meets the leafs 6/8/18
youtu.be/QOYb_v2PxAc (pre)
>Pres Trump Arrives @G7 Summit 6/8/18
>Pres Trump Arrives in Leafland 6/8/18
>AF1 Landing in Canada 6/8/18
>Pres Trump Departs JBAndrews for G7 Summit 6/8/18
>Pres Trump Statement Upon Departing WH 6/8/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Presser @NATO 6/8/18
>KAC @FaithNFreedom Coalition 6/8/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Kellyanne. New baker required.

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Do not respond to Thailand below.

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MAGA! What's everyone having for breakfast this fine morning?

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Reminder that Canada doesn't even make its own steel~ Canada isn't even a real country~ It is just a colony that outlived its welcome~

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why trudeau's eyebrow fall off?

>profile /ptg/
>99% shitposting
>government in charge of spending tax money wisely

that's a fancy bowl you got there but you seem to have gotten some faggoty gross bullshit in your chicken noodle soup

Anyone else loving watching the Tommy Robinson protests? They get better each passing day and the Brit police aren't used to actually having to be police

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He was sweating. Happens when you actually work and/or get stressed for once.

>He'll give away our nuclear codes!!!
God we mutts are fucking retarded

i had pudding for lunch. might drink some milk. maybe noodles tonight.


Cruz has the charisma, name recognition and his platform has basically morphed into Trump's + more Christianity. In the age of the reality star populist President he'd make a good fit as long as his redemption was genuine (which I mostly believe to be true)

Pompeo has the look but not sure about his vocal style. His platform is very hyper-conservative tea party but maybe the American public will be ready for that by 2024. Pence I see as the equivalent of Bush Sr. to Reagan or Gore to Clinton, basically: do you want 4 more years of the last 8?

All Pence has to do to be a successful President is wholeheartedly continue the America First/MAGA platform and not be a spineless pussy to the left.

Also: 8 years of Trump will have fundamentally switched the direction of the United States no matter what. And populist nationalist movements are rising everywhere. It's hard to read what the western world will be like in 2024 let alone America.

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I haven't been keeping up when them, how're they going?

what time is the meeting?

He is a robot made from Cuba that is fueled by onions. He didn't get any upgrades and now he is falling apart.

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Hello darkness my old friend...

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Media blackout.


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>sources say that sources say

How is that going, are there full-blown riots yet?

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This. Is. Not. Normal.

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I'd be happy if all public sector work could be compared to sweat shops.

So tired of this shit

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Conbini bento for breakfast, abura soba for lunch. Might get something from the conbini now.

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I worked a very long shift yesterday.
Can a good samaritan give me a DETAILED rundown of what happened at G7?

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Nice cubes there, sóyboy.

If Cruz is genuine then yes, I imagine he'd have a good shot but I still don't know if he is. For all I know he's simply playing to the political winds for now.

Pence I see as a more 'traditional' (without the shitposting) style.

Pompeo has me interested but you are right on him being more on the Teaparty end. Granted, after Trump he won't really seem that extreme..

>Britain finally finding their balls again after getting a preptalk from a Dutchman to not stand for this political imprisonment bullshit

Here's to the hooligans to end the constant cuckening of Britain.

you might have better luck with imorangement than you've had with impeachment

20,000 people yesterday, it's amazing. The biggest thing driving them is that the UK government has ordered a complete media blackout so it feels like a massive conspiracy.

Also the police are absolutely incompetent and the protestors keep throwing booze onto them.

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the fat tangerine retard is actually president of America, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, fucking wtf lol, we are living in the greatest most surreal parody timeline imaginable

better hurry, it's getting late there

Sorta yeah. >White men chimping out


squats and oats

Really makes you appreciate how skilled cops in the US are.
Granted, there are reasons for why they have to be that good.

Flax seed, oats, unsweetened cacao powder, cottage cheese, mix of nuts, frozen blueberries, cottage cheese and one banana
Dat omega 3, fiber, broteins and antioxydant intake

In other news, why the Trivago girl for Japan is not japanese but SO DAMM CUTE

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was Cruz wrong to have sex with pic related and those four other women?

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20.000? That's cute.

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tits or gtfo

fuck Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982[3]), known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, and previously as Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris

Will Trudeau ever recover?

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england sorta matters unlike greece, Still, Make Greece Great Again, Make Greece like old school times.

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How many people is that?

Japan uses white people for a TON of advertisements
We just look better.


Didn't Soros short the market after Trump won? Poor nigga prolly got beyond fucked.

All of this to hide the fact that they like to molest children only to Streisand Effect it into the consciousness of hooligans.

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The brits better keep this up. These protests are the first good news I've heard come out of Britain in years.

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It's not a soiboy regimen friendo, it's 100% masculine i tell ya hwat

I really hope the Brits can fix themselves. First thing they need to do is get rid of that awful NHS.

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>As late as 3:30 on Saturday afternoon, all the conferees thought that the facade of Western unity had survived another day, another summit.

>Not even the president’s testy Saturday morning attack-CNN press conference shook the assembly. On his way to the podium, he winked and joked—a performer about to mount a show. >“Trump’s gonna Trump,” an official from another G7 government quipped to the official to whom I spoke.

>Like some nightmare family Thanksgiving from which the most difficult relative departs first, everybody breathed easier when the president at last left. Perhaps after all, it was sort of a success?

>Then, something happened. From Air Force One, the president emitted a vituperative series of tweets aimed at his Canadian counterpart. >What had triggered him? Had he belatedly seen that photograph of Angela Merkel looming over him? As many have said: Trump thinks in images, not ideas. Who could ever know? Trump probably does not know himself.

>Ominously too: Once Trump started tweeting out abuse, the snakepit of hissing, warring aides around the president suddenly competed to amplify and deepen the quarrel.

>Trump is locked into a cycle in his top-level diplomacy: bully-cringe-bully-cringe. He bullies traditional friends and allies; he cringes to adversaries, dictators, and potential funding sources for Trump enterprises. Bullying the G7 was the weekend’s story; cringing to North Korea—and behind it, China—will be the story of the week ahead.


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i don't want britain to get better though, i want the eternal anglo to suffer for our amusement

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Any streams? I wanna watch Anglo chaos.

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>ID: mp7 and UN

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Well, that's subjective. Last time the West forgot about greece is called ''Dark Ages'' for a reason.

Greece is the west.


Trump is 10/10 atm. Surreal seeing a leader have balls for once.

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sources close to the matter of a close friend of someone familiar with the subject of the cousin twice removed of a popular poll taken.

mutt meme really triggers you

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that's mean anglos are good folk

>America wants fair trade policies
>Other countries are trying to claim America wants to destroy friendships and alliances
>This means that to other countries, friendships and alliances = ripping off America in Trade

Yeah well tell your fucking cousins to stop hooning their car around at 2am, fucking wog cunts are loud. Deport to Mykonos when?

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i think the mutt meme is funny
i just hate anglos

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That's what Canada is for though. It is the failed abortion of France and England after all.


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The name Donald is an anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic name Domhnaill which means "ruler" or "world ruler" and is related to the Latin word "Dominate". So Donald Trump would probably be Domitian Trumpus, or something like that.


I worked a white collar job for the federal .gov. It was the cushiest, least stressful, and least expecting of results job I ever had. Those office cows work MAYBE 90 minutes out of their 8 hour shift. Government employment could stand to be a lot shittier, especially for how much it pays.

i just had pb&j but i couldn't complete my nutrient extraction.

Meanwhile, the leaf hides behind a Symbol of American history

Conbini is open 24/7.

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>He is just like Joker

Jesus christ I'm tired of these children

Greece is not west. you are literally a shit tier country thats been corrupt for the past 100 years at least
>bailout when?


Video from yestarday

Remember that we flooded those goons with money to keep them away from gommunism and now that Russia isn't even a threat anymore the gravy train is over. However, they still want that tasty American gravy for free.

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I know but scary things come out when it's dark!

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the fake jew is feigning defeat in order to retreat and reorganize
smash him now

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Make it $15,000 or I'm not going for it.

No first thing we need to do is GET THE FUCK OUT of the EU and make our shit-tier politicians accountable to British citizens and laws again. Then we can fix every other domestic issue.

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Someone shop that scene from V for Vendetta but with Tommy Robinson's face instead of the Guy Fawkes masks.

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>Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislative leaders struck a $200 billion budget deal on Friday that rejected two proposals that would have expanded access to health care and tax breaks to undocumented Californians.
The budget sets aside enough money in reserves to fill the so-called Rainy Day Fund with a sum equivalent to 10 percent of general fund spending, almost $14 billion. It places another $2.2 billion in contingency funds for other unexpected emergencies, and creates two new reserve accounts that might provide flexibility in downturn.
>That gives the state about $16 billion in total reserves, enough to weather a mild recession without severe cuts to government services, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office.
Brown in a news release crowed about the reserves, noting the turnaround in the state’s fortunes since he took office during a severe recession.
>"After detailed discussions, California is on the verge of having another on-time, balanced budget,” he said. “From a $27 billion deficit in 2011, the state now enjoys a healthy surplus and a solid Rainy Day Fund."


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I'd enjoy them a lot more if I was confident that they were going to lead to anything

As it stands I think this is just some spontaneous thing that will fizzle out in one week's time

There are no niggers here so I'm okay.

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Watching True Conservative™ Twitter try to twist the G7 performance as anything other than Trump BTFOing everyone is really hysterical.

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sun tzu suggests he is done reorganizing and is at his strongest
here comes the final battle

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>open russia club
Impeach soros

Supreme commander vs Orange draft dodger

So I just took a look in Brit/pol/
Holy shit, British police really don't know how to handle this crap do they?

Your exit of the EU is in limbo so it is still a WIP, user.
>make our shit-tier politicians accountable to British citizens and laws again.
How exactly do you propose to do that?

No spaniard has that sense of humour