Pork and Muslims

I once let my Muslim co worker eat a pork sausage even when he asked if they were pork I said "no they weren't"

How badly will Allah punish him?

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allah will punish you instead

You are disgusting op hope u burn in hell kaffir

They're stupid book says it's ok to eat pork if you didn't know what you were eating or if you're going to starve to death if you don't

I'd listen to these two authorities on the matter, OP.

Londonistan has spoken.

These 3*

I didn't realise Allah was smart enough to figure out it was me all along

There is no punishment for him if he didn't know it was pork.

Allah isn't real but they are not punished for mistakenly eating or being forced to eat.

That's why you need to put them in a situation where they themselves choose to eat the pork.


LOL well played, I always keep some Bacon Bits in my pocket, if I ever see a muslim eating I toss them in their food.

I think he realised after his second sausage but I'm not certain

I work with a bunch of Muslims who eat pork all the time. They eat pizza with sausage, they are pork ribs at the company BBQ and they still go to their mosque every Friday. This whole "Muslims don't eat pork" is complete bs. They also drink alcohol and watch porn. So in that regard they are not much different than professed Christians.

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Now he has to go on Jihad and kill a lot of infidels to get his 6 gazillion virgins, Op.
You did it now!

I’ve known a bunch of avowed atheists/agnostics of Muslim and Jewish background who still won’t eat pork. I suppose it’s like if you asked a white bread westerner to eat dog; there’s no logical reason why not but the taboo is too ingrained.

Shit sorry mate. This one is on us this time

I'm a meat supplier. I sell all halal and kosher meat only after it's been dipped in pig fat

>How badly will Allah punish him?
If he didn't know then it wasn't a sin in his religion.
He has to know that it was pork. Next time give him a choice like if you piss me off "I'll stab you with a pork laced knoife". This way he has a choice, and he would know what the consequences would be to pissing you off, so if you stabbed him with a pork laced knife it was his own fault, because he knew the consequences he would bleed out while making muhammad sad.

He won't. He's not real.

All seeing God that created everything couldn't figure out...

>tfw you realize muhammad was a pedo and a goatfucker
>tfw you realize allah is a shithead

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Allah is a pig

Mahometans don't eat pork... just like the jews
(There must be a reason)

- Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602–661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish
- Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali
- Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish)
- This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists

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