Wtf went wrong?

this is how women looked, sounded and spoke like just 60 years ago, when asked whether they'd prefer feminism or femininity
where did we go so wrong?

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Second one a qt

Nice. Now you'd get some shit like "Ya equality is good you know and like I like that we can be equal and stuff not just men."

If not some feminist hambeast saying they're not really equal and muh patriarchy

I'm afraid to watch it. It's gonna make me cry.

Exactly what I'd expect for the time period. They've been conditioned to want to compete with men for money and admit that they could never respect desperate or subservient men. They admit to wanting a dominant husband that commands their respect. Of course, as we can see today, after all of this social engineering, you can't have both 'equality' and men fitting their ideal. Women must assume the natural role for women or society, both men and women, will continue to suffer.

Nah. It's much the same as today. It's obvious that the brainwashing had already been well underway.

back when birmingham was white

Eating less. It's just about it.

gramps can you go change your diapers youre starting to reek of piss

Here's a video from the 70s now

I don't care if "society" suffers. I want independence so I don't have to be forced to take abuse and so I can have more options.

I'm Millennial. I've seen incompetent authority figures yet somehow I should believe authority I'd good for me. Right. In my experience things fail unless I'm an assertive take charge woman. People are incompetent and screw things up. Being passive and expecting things to work doesn't work for me.

you clearly didn’t watch it

someone needs to edit this and splice in modern day feminists - trigglypuff comes to mind

This is what Peter Hitchens grew up with. No wonder he's so blackpilled today

nobody? :(

Another video, 'The Pussy Cat Club's, 1970, where we see a 70s antifeminist club member and how they taught women to behave

I can't into video edition mate


What a fag, yeah just leave and let Mohammad take over

> Wants to be the last white person alive.

Why you do dis? All you had to do was suck and fuck like nature intended.

I don't owe nature a thing and society did tell me I was a sex object in the overly sexual pornograhied culture. I rejected that.

Wtf the BBC used to be based?

I did. Only one of them had a respectful attitude toward tradition.

dude, they all look inbred

They're all British

You'll be forced to walk around in a burka within 20 years.

The slippery slope is real. Even feminists back then were feminine because they were raised in traditional homes. Then they wanted to abolish that, so they themselves are still somewhat feminine, but the work they're really doing is only going to appear after 1 or 2 generations. That's what happens when you attack societal norms, it's not that the next day everyone is changed. It's that in 30-50 years the society is fucked up beyond recognition.

The BBC used to be the staple of Anglo telly, for decades. I mean it still is, but it's demographic is completely different.

I wonder which one of (((them))) did it. I'm sure they started infiltrating around the 80's

I doubt it. I've been hearing the world is doomed predictions since childhood. I'm used to media sensationalism so much people can say these things to me and it won't phase me.

>but the work they're really doing is only going to appear after 1 or 2 generations. That's what happens when you attack societal norms, it's not that the next day everyone is changed. It's that in 30-50 years the society is fucked up beyond recognition.
Yeah, as bad as we know things are now, it's going to get so much worse in the future if things aren't radically changed for the better, soon.

>I don't care if "society" suffers.

Die, bitch

Its not about the world being doomed. Its about pendulum shifts and the world returning to religion. Christianity is no longer strong enough to handle that role and so Islam will take its place.

The second woman is so fine hnnnnnng

The men today are feminine and the women masculine what a great time to be alive

She's right, a woman's natural role is to support a man. There's very few women who are good leaders naturally.

Imagine what kind of satanic fuckery will be mainstream in 20 years

B-b-but that's sexist

The second one....please God. Make them so again in this life time. This is my only wish.

did she just say men have to dominate women?

i think they fucked up the timeline, big time. we need to gas the entire diaspora men. all of it.

>I don't care if "society" suffers
typical roastie.

See the other vids I posted, even in the 70s they thought the same

social media and ghetto black culture speak has bastardized the English language


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>I don't care if "society" suffers.
>I want independence so I don't have to be forced to take abuse and so I can have more options.
Whatever society you may be in, if ever it falls or rises, you are part of the "ride".

Like it or not, that is how things are. Even men who are "lone wolves" know it all too well.

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QT, but why is she dressed with those clothes?

i mean you could just go out into the woods and live there away from society but i get the feeling you can't or won't do that instead relying on said society for safety etc.
look i see what you're saying i do, i wouldn't want to live under a brute who beats me every day and shackles me to the stove but to throw away a working society on the off chance that you might meet the wrong guy? seems kind of like throwing out the baby with the bathwater or however you say it

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The Unabomber tried, but society caught up to him even in the woods

How did everything go so wrong.

Hhmmm I wonder (((how)))??

Was it the same in France? I was under the impression you guys went downhill before the 60s

Well regarding eloquence, it's the same : on old TV programs people spoke great french, not just talking about the host but the common people being interviewed or whatever.
Morally ? It went downhill from 1789.

You're an american citizen. Meet a good ole gal, have babies in a rural area, no one will bother you ever again.

why are you lot going on and on about the second girl? third girl (op pic) is far superior

When did women become slags?

You want rural and suburban lesbians?

This. Second one looks like a hippie

That was quite the era, indeed. I had a lot of personal sorrow and grief, but despite that I observed it carefully, it's colors, textures, its sounds. It was a completely different era in so many other ways as well. The women were just one aspect of it...

Listen to what she says. That makes her much more attractive to men.

>would you like your man to dominate you?

>I'm an assertive take charge woman
You're going to be miserable when your older.

My God British women have always been ugly.

It's really not much different today other than perhaps occasional media outrage. Women want to compete with men and most prefer a dominant male. Maybe some less so than before but it's pretty similar. This will be filled with incels that think they'd do better in that era tho.

Now for a little bit of modernity

How absolutely beautiful. Their voices were so different! How did their voices sound like that? Goodness!
we sound horrible now by comparison. Loud and squarky and shrill and not feminine at all

>mfw when the 2nd qt is like 70 by now

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It's just higher pitched because of the recording equipment at the time.

Yet the seeds of the coming destruction were already there

She's watching her birth right be sold for a few shekels in the name of diversity. Bless her soul as she will not have to live through the hell scape that is being built.

She died already together with anything that was left from that time. We are barely 5 decades apart and it feels like an eternity. Hug me plz I just want conservative christian europe and america back

>conservative christian europe
Better go back to the 1780s then

>I don't care if "society" suffers. I want independence
>I don't care if the world falls to pieces, I want what I want
if western society (ie, the only society that gives women rights, and actively pushes for women's rights in other countries) dies, then you go back to square one

Hardly. The tones throughout their entire sentences are different, and their voices are softer, more airy. They sound absolutely beautiful. I knew old film stars used to speak like this, but I didn't realize ordinary people did too.

We have fallen so far away from what it means to be truly feminine. I have never seen such graceful women in real life, ever.

yeah i've been pretty blackpilled about this lately. It dawned on me that there's no going back to this. The demographics and the culture has changed too much. I hope Eastern Europe can learn from us.

Attached: london late 50s.webm (480x360, 2.87M)

What you don't understand is that Oxbridge used to be exclusive and reserved for the upper class (for the most part).
The women being interviewed in this video are clearly upper class.

>The women being interviewed in this video are clearly upper class.
is Birmingham University a upper class university?

Upper classes are the most degenerate today

the Nouveau riche are

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>I want to obey and be owned by the man I love

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We had it all in the west. What fucking happened?

We grew so used to it that we took it all for granted


Weak men

You Jews you lose.

crazy psyops against her. she held her ground well. women these days would change their tune instantly, no independent thought

>I want to obey and be owned by the man i love
Do such women really exist?
If yes, I must have been delusional my whole life.

>”What went wrong”

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The same happened in Israel tho

after ww2 many men came returned with psychological damage and shit social skills. many turned to drugs if they weren't already on them. they treated wives poorly. and sins of the father passed down each generation. also men are not big spenders so economic growth needed women contribution. feminism was used to break the cycle and re-energize the economy. everything jews do is a shit show so nobody should be surprised it turned out bad. look at Palestine... or Soviet Russia the communist experiment that killed so many over there and fucked up Russia for good. we are next in line to get fucked. remember it is all one big experiment nobody has an end game. trial and error by people with a narrow socioeconomic view of the world

>I've seen incompetent authority figures yet somehow I should believe authority
That is exactly what he is saying. Women competing with men led to shitty men, which led to women not wanting to respect shitty limpy fat fucks watching soccer. It's a vicious circle

they stole our timeline, and our white asses. that is not going to fly.

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They don't anymore, because no such man can handle modern women, and they were taught that respecting your man is a sign of weakness

Man, anglos have always sounded like cucks.

Seeing America and europe back in the day always kills my soul. We are below mediocrity these days and the vile blacks and mexicans don't help.

You are not woman. You are kike pretending to be woman. My inner autism could tell if you are woman or no by how you type. Good bait tho

Why you talk like Redskin?

>they will never exist this way ever again

Why even fucking live?

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Maybe in Asia

Take the blackpill

>take the black pill
You mean take the iron pill, become a stoic and fuck as many white women as possible, single handedly saving the white race with chad genetics?